
#58 [en] 

Material deliveries will be accepted at the following times:
23h - Dua, Fallenor 14, 1er CA 2604JY*
11h - Quinteth, Fallenor 17, 1er CA 2604JY**

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* mercredi 30 Mai 2012 19:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)
** mercredi 30 Mai 2012 22:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)

#59 [en] 

Materials can be delivered at the following times:
23h - Quarta, Pluvia 4, 1er CA 2604JY*
11h - Prima, Pluvia 7, 1er CA 2604JY**

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* jeudi 31 Mai 2012 19:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)
** jeudi 31 Mai 2012 22:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)

#60 [en] 

Deliveries will be accepted at the following times:
23h - Holeth, Pluvia 24, 1er CA 2604JY*
11h - Tria, Pluvia 27, 1er CA 2604JY**

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* vendredi 1 Juin 2012 19:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)
** vendredi 1 Juin 2012 22:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)

#61 [en] 

Material deliveries will be accepted at the following times:
23h - Tria, Mystia 9, 1er CA 2604JY*
23h - Dua, Mystia 14, 1er CA 2604JY**

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* samedi 2 Juin 2012 13:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)
** samedi 2 Juin 2012 19:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)

#62 [en] 

Deliveries will be accepted at the building site at the following times:
23h - Quinteth, Mystia 29, 1er CA 2604JY*
23h - Quarta, Nivia 4, 1er CA 2604JY**

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* dimanche 3 Juin 2012 13:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)
** dimanche 3 Juin 2012 19:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)

#63 [en] 

Materials will be accepted at the following times:
23h - Holeth, Nivia 24, 1er CA 2604JY*
11h - Tria, Nivia 27, 1er CA 2604JY**

Akilia has left word that she would like to make an inspection of the camp at the second turn in time. It is my goal to have the camp finalized for her visit. We have only the final bit of materials left to gather to accomplish this goal.

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* lundi 4 Juin 2012 19:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)
** lundi 4 Juin 2012 22:00:00 UTC (il y a 1 décénie)

#64 [en] 

Is there a plan to enlighten those of us, who do not operate on the same schedule, or cannot modify it to coodinate on very short notice to be present for Akilia's inspection what the result was?

Did Akilia find the gaps in the walls to be OK, or do we have to rebuild them?

Does Akilia have plans to create a private forum for us?

Dernière édition par Rollocks (il y a 1 décénie).


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#65 [en] 


Was quite late for me so didn't post what I learned last night.
so here we go some note on the meeting:

1. title: ppl who helped in the building of the town get a one time special reward, a title they can invent themself as a marauder name; for instance Dante the Teaser, Pei-Ruz the Rotten, Rollocks the Caveman, Rollocks the Wimp, ... (it's not added as a name but will work as a title)

2. trainers/shops/guild/...: in the next couple of days there will 28 merchants appear in lands of umbra, we need to find them and tell them to come to hidden source, we do not need to trek them they can fend of for themself. If that is done we need to give it another couple of days and then the city should be fully up and working.

3. teleports: once a marauder you can't use kara/kami teleports not even neutral ones but we get a new teleport system.

4. rite: not much about the rite is known yet all we know is we will have to do it with enough nebative civ and faction fame (i'll try with all -40 first if it doesn't work i'll do it with -50), you won't be able to do the rite if you are in an faction or civ alligned guild.

5. i think thats most of it feel free to ask me any questions and i'll try to answer


#66 [en] 

Very good news...
Very bad news
So we get the title... That sounds very good , but how/when will we get it? Is it?
And when is the rite available etc etc?
Please tell me everything you know :p

#67 [en] 

rite will be available after we have found all merchants then we need to give them some days to settle in (i guess wait on a server reboot or something) and then we can do the rite.
After ppl who helped in the construction of the camp do the rite they will be contacted by wirdy who wrote down the names of ppl who helped he will ask what title you want or if you can't decide he will give you one.


#68 [en] 

anyway of identifying the merchants? or you just walk up to strangers?

#69 [en] 

no idea but they aren't there yet, akilla told us it would take them some days for them to travel from the old lands to lands of ubra


#70 [en] 

Bankun Marundak'h.

Melkiar and I are announcing the start of the New Marauder Era! The first location in the New Lands has been completed by a handful of those that have proven their desire to become one of the Marauder nation. These few will be known* throughout the lands for their work in establishing their new base, away from the vile civilizations.

Now, it is up to you to guide the new inhabitants to the first camp of the New Marauder Era. Once your new home is established we place with you the task to increase your ranks with young homins that show any part of hesitation to honor the false gods and allegiance to a nation. Once trained, they will become great weapons in the battle for hominkind.

Through this first trial, leeway has been allowed, but now that the camp has been built, the Marauder code will be in place to access the camp. If any of these rules are violated, the local guards will be happy to remove you. Here are the basic codes:
1 - Wearing a coat of arms of any nation is forbidden
2 - Wearing a coat of any faction is prohibited
3 - Access and Trade in enemy cities is strictly prohibited
4 - The use of means of teleportation introduced by the Karavan or the Kami is strictly prohibited

I remind you the importance of compliance with these basic codes. If one of them is violated, the guards will not hesitate to remove you from the camp. The leeway allowed thus far will end at such time that all the merchants and instructors have settled in to their new homes. I ask you to wait a few days before speaking to the merchants and trainers to allow them time to set up their stores and work out their living arrangements. You will know they are ready to receive you once the changing of the guards has occured.**

Banrund Marundak'h.

Akilia Ash Storm
Chief of Clan of Ashes

*Custom title indicating Marauder name once Marauder rite has been completed
**Upon installation of the permanent camp the current guards will be replaced and the basic codes will be implemented

Dernière édition par Sywindt(Yubo) (il y a 1 décénie).

#71 [en] 

any news when the merchants will arive?

Dernière édition par Suboxide (il y a 1 décénie).


#72 [en] 

since they don't appear in the city if we find them
is it possible to give us a count how many we got we think between 24-26
because of a bug where ppl using macs couldn't activate them we lost count of how many we actually activated

Dernière édition par Suboxide (il y a 1 décénie).


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