
#31 [en] 

Slowly? It hasn't even been 24hrs yet.
Initially I thought it was great the the Marauder concept was finally moving forward. I have made a major effort gathering the items that requested that we gather. Such that I have run out of room to do anything else.

No indication has been given as to any timetable as to when the items that have been gathered will be able to be passed on.

Slowly the excitement I felt is turning into frustration and disappointment.


Eldest, Order of the White Lotus

#32 [en] 

Assuming that it is like every other event that involves collecting and handing in materials over the next few days people will be on at sporadic times and be announced that you can go hand in your materials. You may miss them one day or there might not be as many but just be patient.

The event team isn't huge and they try their best. It's just like every other event that is like that.


Meagy :)
Spirit of Atys
High Officer of Spiritus Artificis
Never argue with an idiot; they will just drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience.

#33 [en] 

Official Events are often done in stages, separated by a week or more. This is to allow those who missed the event to catch up and prepare for the next stage. Once in a while there is an NPC that is used to accept items, good idea to check and see if there is one.

#34 [en] 

Official Events are often done in stages, separated by a week or more. This is to allow those who missed the event to catch up and prepare for the next stage. Once in a while there is an NPC that is used to accept items, good idea to check and see if there is one.

checked and rechecked - no NPC to collect. And with loyalty at -40 can't do much other than wait. so if we have to wait a week to drop items, and theere are other stages it may be months before we can train. In the meantime I think I'll go find a stagnant pool of water to sit in and watch it evaporate.

Hopefully, when the NPC appears he is able to provide a replacement pick. None of the tool merchants will speak to me. In past events were players shut out from training and trading for tools?

Zuletzt geändert von Rollocks (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#35 [en] 

yeah i knda hope they make it fast as well :p
we had to be fame -40 on all civs => KoS in cities and no trading/training
if it takes that long for each stge than we are just.. f*cked
i'm already stuffed with all the mats we had to collect and can't sell my other stuff...
so yeah we are all doomed to wait a week than...

#36 [en] 

but i do understand that the event team do what they can :)

#37 [en] 

for buy/sell make character on free account use as intermediary for access of merchants?

Zuletzt geändert von Vourac(arispotle) (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#38 [en] 

Suppliers can deliver materials at the following times:
23h - Quinteth, Germinally 29, 1. AZ 2604(JY)*
19h - Tria, Folially 15, 1. AZ 2604(JY)**
11h - Quinteth, Folially 17, 1. AZ 2604(JY)***

I will also be making unannounced inspections at which time deliveries can also be made.

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* Montag 21 Mai 2012 01:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)
** Montag 21 Mai 2012 20:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)
*** Montag 21 Mai 2012 22:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Marauderiv(arispotle) (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#39 [en] 

The next deliveries will be accepted at the following times:
19h - Quinteth, Floris 5, 1. AZ 2604JY*
23h - Tria, Floris 9, 1. AZ 2604JY**

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* Dienstag 22 Mai 2012 20:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)
** Mittwoch 23 Mai 2012 01:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#40 [en] 

Wirdy O'Natty, we might need one more date to finish the stock left behind in Kitin bodies.


Sometimes I blow into my fridge, so I get a "Fresh Breath"

#41 [en] 

Wirdy O'Natty, we might need one more date to finish the stock left behind in Kitin bodies.

Quit slackin' and start hackin!


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again

#42 [en] 

The next deliveries will be accepted at:
19h - Prima, Floris 25, 1. AZ 2604JY*

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* Mittwoch 23 Mai 2012 20:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#43 [en] 

The next deliveries will be accepted at:
19h - Tria, Medis 15, 1. AZ 2604JY*
11h - Quinteth, Medis 17, 1. AZ 2604JY**

The following materials will be accepted:
Adriel Bark
Eyota Wood
Dung Resin

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* Donnerstag 24 Mai 2012 20:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)
** Donnerstag 24 Mai 2012 22:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#44 [en] 

Deliveries will be accepted at the following times:
19h - Quinteth, Thermis 5, 1. AZ 2604JY*
11h - Prima, Thermis 7, 1. AZ 2604JY**
23h - Tria, Thermis 9, 1. AZ 2604JY***

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* Freitag 25 Mai 2012 20:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)
** Freitag 25 Mai 2012 22:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)
*** Samstag 26 Mai 2012 01:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#45 [en] 

Deliveries will be accepted at the following times:
23h - Prima, Thermis 19, 1. AZ 2604JY*
23h - Holeth, Thermis 24, 1. AZ 2604JY**
3h - Prima, Thermis 19, 1. AZ 2604JY***

Wirdy O'Natty
Marauder Foreman

* Samstag 26 Mai 2012 13:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)
** Samstag 26 Mai 2012 19:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)
*** Samstag 26 Mai 2012 22:00:00 UTC (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)
Last visit Samstag 27 Juli 02:47:44 UTC

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