
#17 [en] 

I totally do not understand you.

You can choose not to install any app. If, in case or mine, you are not forced to be authenticated. In that case you can't personalize options and can't use any features that require API key.

While you are authenticated (means ryzom server told me your name, race, guild..., IG or in browser) You can go to sections with features based on character API key. In case you have none or required module is missing in your key, you are requested for a key. The key must be yours.

Any updates based on character API key work only if required module is present. All cached data overview is in your profile page. In Settings you can choose to remove all data cached from character API key and then remove your key. When you save, no API key data will exist in the database.

In same settings you can set yourself to be excluded from guild members list (Publish policy). Guild activity is not any related to any API key existence. You have two options:

1) Be part of the list (default)
You will be added first time spotted, by your leader/officer. by one-time import from guild API key or by automatic update from guild API key. And then every time its longer than 1 hour since the last time

2) Be excluded
Your activity will be logged the same way, but you will not be added to the guild members list and you will be mentioned only as "Unidentified member".

Guild leader (or other member who got rights from the leader) can provide guild API key in guild profile settings. Then it is possible to import members, all or those selected by checkbox. Changing the state of the checkbox will change homin's Publish policy settings. The reason is the guild leader has last word in who will or who will not be in the list.

Other option is to set guild members list to be updated automatically. When the list of members is older than 1 hour, it will be updated with first list request.

It's my understanding that installing any of those apps requires an API key. From original post

"RyGReg, Ryzom Guild Registry, gets the raw guild list from the Ryzom API " ... This is true for the Fame Tool also.
To get list of guilds requires no key. Fame tracker requires 2 modules from character API, C01 - Public (allows to read character allegiance) and P01 - Fame (allows to read character fame values). Without those there is no way how can I track your progress and related functions will be unavailable.

Maybe you talk about that any app does update of any type? Yes, your fame will be updated if you use RyGReg as authenticated user. Every update is is just one of modules. I will allow you to lock them in next release.

For example, when I looked at it after the update ... I had 5 guildies on line... when I opened the app none of them had been here as far back as I looked (> 6 months)
They must use any of my apps or at least install one and allow dynamic icon feature.

#18 [en] 

This is clearly a language thing....but probably more terminology and the fact that you are using terms with which many of us in the player base are unfamiliar. For example, we used to write user manuals for software companies and the SoP was to assign a primary author who knew nothing about the application. After all knowledgeable users don't need user Manuals. They primary author would work under someone who did.

This is because the terminology that a familiar person might use would be assumed to be understood by the user and often this is not the case. I fear such an assumption has been made here. When you say "authentication" or "dynamic icon feature" few players know what that means. By "Home Page" are we talking about HOME on Ryzom web site, guild home page in app or something else ? The icon is on neither of those nor is it on the app bar ... hence the confusion.

My two original questions ...

1. I asked how often it checks to see if someone has had activity ... which by your answer is about every 60 minutes.

What I don't understand is ... if it checks at say 18:00 and 19:00 , if someone logged on from 18:15 to 18:45, will that show up on activity list ?. Restated for clarity ... when it looks, is it a snapshot of "who is present at 18:00 and then again at 19:00" ... or is it scanning to see "who was here between 18:00 and 19:00 ?"

2. I don't understand what you don't understand about me asking what needs to be enabled for me to see folks :)

These people are on line, we are in team, we are chatting, if as you stated, you are not using and do not need their API keys to see last login info, then why does the RyGreg activity list tell me that the people I am talking to have not been in game for 3 months ?

i) If as you stated you are not taking the info from API, then you must be taking it from outside the API. And if you are taking it from outside the API, then whether or not they have submitted an API key should be of no significance to what I am seeing.

ii) The last posts states.... "You will be added first time spotted, by your leader/officer. by one-time import from guild API key or by automatic update from guild API key. And then every time its longer than 1 hour since the last time"

OK, I have imported the list ... I see them on it. I'm looking at the activity list and, according to RyGReg, I am the only guild member with any activity since May 14. Amartii hasn't been on according to the log since May 05... his alt Fuina not since 03-25 ... both were on most of yesterday. Magez, also not since May 05.... also here most of yesterday... Skiy not since February.. Our GL Azad, not since February 2017. All have been on repeatedly since

So if it's not clear at this point .... what I was trying to do is obtain direction as to what I need to do by way of instruction to Guild members so that the guild mates I see in game every day show up on the activity log.

"They must use any of my apps or ***at least install one and allow dynamic icon feature***. "

Great, if only Iwe knew what that was and where to find it :)

The description states.

DAI .... "allows to display a dynamic icon in application bar or home page" ... I see nothing different on the app bar, guild home page or Ryzom page that I arrive at when i click the HOME button either in game

Please understand that I am not being critical in any way, just trying to get to the point where we understand what has to be done in order to use this app to its fullest extent. We are not understanding each other because the descriptors you used are not translating well

You have read the developer notes, you understand the concept fully ... but those of who do not are in the dark. I spent some hours playing with things and I think I have figured it out.

1. The "home page" as used in your description is not the Guild's Home Page in the app, nor the Ryzom home page (what we see when we click HOME button but what is actually labeled as the "User Apps List" found here:


2. The DAI is not on the app bar.... at least not mine.

I have now assumed the reason that all activity just stopped for our member players is that when the app was updated DAI defaults to the DISABLED state. Since no one had any idea the app was updated, no one knew to go in and set it ti ENABLED.

Therefore the direction i was looking for as to what I need to do so I can see them is that I need to tell folks that "guild would like to have the activity data so we can see when everyone last logged in for guild event planning purposes ... if you have no objection, please go to the In Game Application Listing and set the button to ENABLE."

If I may suggest for the English description of the DAI I would suggest the following:

"Dynamic application icon

The application is using new Ryzom app zone feature that allows a dynamic icon to be displayed in the list of applications page in the App Zone.


If you visit the "List of In Game Apps" Page linked above or in game, there is a new column entitled "Dynamic icon". Scrolling down to the RyGReg application, you will see a button icon which has the default status of "DISABLE".

If you are a member of a guild you should understand that after installing and using this application, by setting the Dynamic Application Icon to ENABLE, your presence in game will be periodically logged into the guild activity database. This information will be visible to other app users in the form of:

"Guild leader Joe Blow seen on Atys"
"HO Sam Schmoe details have been updated"
"Member John Doe has been removed"

If you do not want your activity to be logged in the database, then leave this icon set to display DISABLE

Edité 4 fois | Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 6 ans).


#19 [en] 


HOME page

By this I mean your character home page, in client accessible with Shift+W.

Anonymous user

Anonymous is every application user whos character name is not known. This user is limited to use default application settings, his guild activity is not tracked and can see any public data.

Authenticated user

Some features requires to know a character name you currently act with. Typically adjustment of your application settings. In that case you are prompted to log in, which will redirect you apps.ryzom.com from where you should start the application. When using IG browser, you may experience a session expiration, in that case you are asked to click HOME button to restart the session.

Ryzom server works as dummy proxy here. It will "start" the app for you and (important) will provide a way the application can use to confirm it is really you (authentication). Then returns some basic data about your character. All is realized using PHP Ryzom API via ryzomapi_lite. Install and run RyApp Example application from App Zone to see what all application knows about you in this case.

If member of a guild, your character activity is logged every time your last activity is older than ~60 minutes. The trigger to run the check is starting one of my applications as authenticated.

Dynamic icons

This is new feature in Ryzom App Zone. In case you allow dynamic icon for any of my apps, the application icon on App bar and on HOME page (Shift+W in game) will be reloaded every time you reload that bar (typically comming on-line) or HOME page (logging into apps.ryzom.com, opening in client). This will be same as running the app authenticated and will trigger activity check.

API key and modules

API key gives access to selected character data. You can get (create) your character API key using Ryzom API. Different applications may require different key modules based on purpose as I highlighted on following image.

See application About (click on application name/icon in top left corner) to view which module is required and why. Book of guilds has no user interface but language change and do not require any API keys. The following image shows modules requirement for Fame tracker.

If authenticated user wants to use a feature based on character API key, he is prompted to insert a valid key which includes required modules.

Data cache

The trigger for updates is same as for activity (see above). In case your API key contains module P01, system monitors changes of your fame. In case there is P02 module presented, system monitors changes of your master skill levels. If any of C04, C05, C06 or A03 modules are present and your inventory cache is expired, system will cache items in your inventory.

You can remove all your personal data in your settings. To clean everything up delete your full name, set Publish policy to Exclude from guild members list, remove your API key and check all in Clear cached data. Then click Save. In guild activity log you will be referred as Unidentified member.

Since the next release you will be able to lock every specific update / activity in Customization settings. Level tracking is realized for Level tracker application which will be released along. Bag App and Letter app will be released later, probably with next major update.

Finally, I have created a simplified diagram how it is, generally, done. Will this give you your answers?

#20 Multilingue 

Multilingue | English | Deutsch | Español | [Français]

RyGReg 0.9

Modifications générales

La gestion des relations de Guilde a été améliorée, ainsi que divers autres soucis mineurs. Les mises à jour de la base de données de guilde a été améliorée et les Statistiques affichent un graphique des guildes sur Atys. Les graphiques d'activité incluent le mois courant dans l'historique des 12 derniers mois.

Profil de guilde

Les scripts relatifs au profil de guilde a été nettoyé. Le profil de Guilde comporte une description provenant des données connues de la guilde, cette fonctionnalité vient à l'origine du Livre des Guildes. Votre profil de guilde comporte un lien vers l'inventaire de la guilde, accessible via Bag App.

Incidents des Avants-Postes

RyReg garde maintenant l'historique des incidents entre les guildes - surtout utile pour surveiller des avant-postes actifs. En utilisant les changements de propriétaire, on peux aussi voir le temps d'occupation de chaque lieu. En utilisant les log d'activité des guildes, j'ai tenté de recréer un historique, il manque peut-être quelques batailles, les lieux sont souvent inconnus, et il n'est pas possible de voir les tentatives infructueuses. Un tableau des incidents connus sur les 12 derniers mois est disponible dans la partie Modifications Récentes ainsi que dans le graphique de temps.

Options jeu de rôle (Role-play)

Une des nouvelles importantes est de permettre aux utilisateurs d'activer plus d'options de jeu de rôle. Avec l'utilisation de la base de données Blablatys, les utilisateurs sont autorisés à sélectionner une langue de jeu de rôle. Cela créera une autre couche de traduction et votre application sera principalement affichée dans la langue d'Atys choisie, avec repli sur votre langue préférée puis sur la langue par défaut (anglais).
Une autre option est la conversion en direct de toutes les dates dans le système des dates Atysiennes, avec les deux nouveaux formats de date et d'heure, selon les conventions Atysiennes. Et lorsque vous vous sentez loin d’Atys, activez votre police de nation. Il existe une police spécifique pour chaque race Atys. Malheureusement, le navigateur en jeu ignorera ce paramètre.

Nettoyage de l'interface utilisateur

L'interface utilisateur de l'application a été nettoyée. Certaines modifications supplémentaires ont été apportées pour une meilleure utilisation dans le navigateur UG et les options de personnalisation ont été séparées pour chaque application. L'une des nouvelles fonctionnalités clés est la prise en charge de la mise à l'échelle. Bien que les navigateurs classiques intègrent cette fonctionnalité, cette option est destinée à être utilisée avec un navigateur intégré au jeu et vous permet d’adapter l’interface de l’application entre 90% et 200%.

La gestion des couleurs a été remplacée par celle de la base de données et le journal des opérations a une nouvelle base de données. Les utilisateurs peuvent parcourir l'historique des journaux et laisser les nouveaux messages s'agréger dans un résumé pour économiser de l'espace à l'écran. Les mises à jour du cache ont été déplacées dans un thread distinct pour améliorer les performances. Changelog et le système de version a une nouvelle base de données.

Utilisation et installation

Vous pouvez lancez l'application IG en utilisant la commande /appzone 1947 à partir de n'importe qu'elle fenètre de chat or installer RyGReg à partir de App zone. Toutes les sugestions sont les bienvenues.

Traduction fournie par Craftjenn et Kythqaaa

#21 Multilingue 

Multilingue | English | Deutsch | Español | [Français]

RyGReg 0.9.1

Publication de maintenance

Cette version est principalement une version de maintenance. Elle bénéficie de nouvelles fonctionnalités du système et apporte également diverses corrections. Le plus important est que l'interface de Livre des Guildes a été retravaillée et devrait à nouveau fonctionner correctement dans le jeu.

Modifications partagées par toutes les applications

Le mécanisme de mise à jour du cache, en particulier le cache d'inventaire dans le cas de hall de guilde (multiples), pourrait prendre un temps considérable. Bien qu'il soit toujours possible de personnaliser la durée de vie du cache pour chaque stockage et de modifier la durée entre les mises à jour automatiques, tous les verrouillages de mise à jour généraux sont désormais également accessibles à partir des paramètres de l'utilisateur. Si vous verrouillez un type de mise à jour, le système vérifie toujours les nouvelles modifications et propose un moyen d'exécuter la mise à jour manuellement. Cela permet d'avoir des mises à jour toujours verrouillées et de les exécuter à votre demande.

Des corrections et des améliorations ont également été apportées au processus de mise à jour lui-même et le système de localisation utilise désormais un cache de traduction temporaire pour réduire le nombre de requêtes dans la base de données. Le système vérifie si votre personnage a un profil sur le serveur de Ryzom Armory et propose un lien vers cet Homin. Toutes les applications, à l'exception de DeepList, contiennent également une documentation de base pour l'utilisateur.

Le jeu d'icônes des applications a été mis à jour pour mieux s'adapter au thème du client Ryzom. Ce changement est suivi d'une mise à jour des détails de la licence dans la section À propos. La base de données des polices du système a été retravaillée et la base de données des palettes de couleurs prend désormais en charge l'opacité des couleurs.

Utilisation et installation

Vous pouvez lancez l'application IG en utilisant la commande /appzone 1947 à partir de n'importe qu'elle fenètre de chat or installer RyGReg à partir de App zone. Toutes les sugestions sont les bienvenues.

Traduction fournie par l'équipe EncyclopAtys
Last visit mercredi 5 Juin 07:52:33 UTC

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