Should PvP points be awarded at OP battles?
Atys: Akura, Aleeskandaro, Arfur, Arugula, Astarth, Bambamseven, Barukaa, Binarabi, Chungle, Corwin, Daomei, Divinesoul, Dominikus, Drogos, Eilvara, Eloira, Elvanae, Ember, Exodus, Gidget, Karabas, Kronstadt, Lessah, Lessir, Lilz, Loirinha, Maja, Marceline, Mereum, Mermaidia, Mjollren, Pebble, Remigra, Sandmoi, Sienn, Slorforn, Snarfster, Soulflyn, Spettra, Suboxide, Talkirc, Tuxi, Virg, Xylee
44 (5)
Atys: Bitttymacod, Nokkuya, Ozwomen, Saady, Shayma, Ulsort
Autre 0
S'abstenir 2

#16 [en] 

Drogos (atys)
My comment was -only- directed at the idea that non pvp players should not have access to pvp stuff, but non crafters have access to crafted goods. "…if your not a pvp-er, you should not be able to get pvp items…". I did not know you could trade those items, and that in fact, non pvp players then have this access. So, that's sorted then.

The upset part I think comes from lack of things to do as a non pvp-er at the end game in combination with misunderstanding the point you tried to make. Goldens are guarded so hard that a kill and the mats are near impossible to get. OP mats are a result of pvp, pvp gear is a result of pvp. I just feel like there is already more options for pvp-ers. What about maybe making this Rangers thing I hear about a reality, with teleporters in pr for neutral players, have neutral OPs that eg could produce OP mats that only rangers could purchase for a high price. This was only to explain the upset part, not to start a new discussion. If this should be debated / considered, anyone can make a new thread for this.

That said tho, I understand the end game pvp players also want more options for things to do. I am not against more stuff for the pvp players. I would love to have more for them, like what this topic was originally about.

There are some tradable items, and some which are not.

Overwhelmingly, there are a lot more people who attend OP battles (and which is PvP) than there are people who PvP when they get together in a given location or those very few who tag up.

The purpose of this post was not to discuss the merits of the PvP rewards. They are what they are. I just want people to have more access to it and I stress again how some players and especially F2P will struggle to get any points. Why shouldn't everyone have access to said items?

Lets acknowledge that OPs are what they are, PvP... and lets reward them accordingly.


#17 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
I want to explain why I voted yes (though I refuse PvP for myself with few exceptions and definitely don't enjoy it - wishing and wanting all others every fun with it they may have).

I consider the distinctions between flagged PvP, PvP in PvP free areas, be it regions or arenas, OP fights, and duels, largely artificial. The scheme of faction vs. faction rewards is equally complicated and partially self-contradictory. As to my observations, people enjoying PvP fights do that no matter what brand of PvP they are practising.

Therefore, it would be more logical and encourageing to reward all PvP activities equally, depending only on skills of the opponents. That would ease picking of opponents in PvP fights and training and possibly encourage more PvP activities by those interested in.

Im sorry but Im not really sure what you mean. PvP points are awarded based on the skill level fo the opponent, so that is implemented, although Im not aware of anyone who knows how the base pvp points are calculated, I just know the formula is as follows:

Base PvP points (based on skill level of opponent and your skill level) X Multiplier (based on your fame and your opponents... between 0 and 3) = PvP points

I will agree that it is really hard to obtain information on PvP points or indeed to join in it sometimes. I do session with my guildies and include them in PvP but theres a lot of questions and sometimes very few sources from where to find answers. I think this has been made worse with a lot of PvPers leaving the game.


#18 [en] 

My 2 cents:
As a person who doesn't really care too much for Pvp, i can get roused up for a reason. And that's just it, I like a good OP fight and will join because there is a reward, you keep/obtain an OP. Op's have some nice mats.

General pvp is totally boring in this game because there is no reward whatsoever. All you get as a reward is "Whoooweee! Im the best!" Boom Shakalah! Who cares...

In all the time I have played, the Arena in forest has not been used, except twice: once for kara practice of war tactics, and another time for the gladiator contests Cookies put together. Give it a reason to exist please

I support pvp points for OP fights. Are they not pvp'ing?
In other games do they reward the player? What do they give and how? should we allow looting? And how much should be allowed to loot, Mats, or armor too? Weapons?
I think maybe some sort of reward should be allowed.

Maybe allowing them to kill diggers in nexus, but also allow diggers to dig supremes there too, otherwise Nexus is usless.

#19 [en] 

This game already has a huge problem as far as PvP goes so looting the players that die in PvP will destroy the little PvP that's left.
Its obvious that devs don't care about the enrichment of PvP rewards (armors/weapons/jewels) with PvP pts.
Imagine to be able to get a full PvP set with PvP pts, all would like to have it and this will boost the PvP in Ryzom.

My noob opinion :P Have fun.

#20 [de] 

Elvanae (atys)
Im sorry but Im not really sure what you mean. PvP points are awarded based on the skill level fo the opponent, so that is implemented, although Im not aware of anyone who knows how the base pvp points are calculated, ..

What I mean is quite simple:
1. PvP points are awarded solely for tagged PvP fights.
2. PvP points in such fights are awarded only if your nation and faction alignments are both adverse to the other. This may lead to a couple of contradictory results where e.g. marauders may not get points against an anti-Matis Fyros who is adhering Trytonist alignment (3 times same adverse alignment).
3. PvP points are not awarded for any other PvP activity, e.g. fights in FTA areas, duels, OP fights.

The proposal was to award participation in OP fights with PvP points. I support that initiative, but would consider it favourable to award all kinds of PvP (given the skill requirements do apply).


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#21 [en] 

Naema (atys)
In all the time I have played, the Arena in forest has not been used, except twice: once for kara practice of war tactics, and another time for the gladiator contests Cookies put together. Give it a reason to exist please


Maybe allowing them to kill diggers in nexus, but also allow diggers to dig supremes there too, otherwise Nexus is usless.

I use the Matis arena a fair bit when I do the PvP session and the general consensus is players really enjoy it. Even some marauders join in. But, yes it should be used more. I think that the player base in Ryzom is so small that it takes a bit of effort to get people together to do something like PvP training and despite the fact that my guild shows up, only a few others come to join in.

I would welcome back the sups in Nexus, I suppose the issues people had was that it was sup forest mats, but if they could be PR mats I think that would make Nexus more populated.


#22 [en] 

Any chance we can hear from a Dev or anyone with the competence to speak about whether this is possible to implement, will be implemented or will not be implemented.



#23 Multilingue 

Can people please continue to vote on this :)

And I would still like to hear if this is something that can be implemented or not etc.



#24 [en] 

i only hope that the votes will help elv, i've got posts where over 70% agree and it's been that way for over a year, but still NOTHING basically telling me that we (the bulk of the server with a will to voice) can jump off a cliff.


Remickla (atys)
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#25 [en] 

A majority of a small minority of players is still a small minority, and this is not a democracy.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#26 [en] 

My only concern for pvp points in OP wars is the fact that 2 things might happen. 1. the heal pods are not going to get pvp points since they are not "actively" fighting and will get upset and stop coming to OP wars, or 2. We won't have heal pods anymore, since everyone is going to want the pvp points. Not saying not having a heal pod won't make the wars a bit more interesting, just saying we will have to define new tactics and not stick to the status quo...again, not necessarily a bad thing. In conclusion, I think pvp points for OP wars is a good idea, I just think the calculations need to be tweaked, so that healers at least get a percentage of the points the attackers are getting.

#27 [en] 

+1 Raven :)

I am still unable to find very much information on exactly how the base PvP points are calculated, so a bit more info on that would be great if anyone does know. Obviously if the base PvP points will disadvantage the non dmaage do-ers (eg the mages who heal only) then I would think a specific system of PvP points for OP battles only should be considered as it would only make sense to do so.

Dernière édition par Elvanae (il y a 10 ans).


#28 [en] 

healers get some pvp points as the system is now, i know a farmer that has collected points on a healer alt that has only one skill above lvl 1, which is heal, and have seen screen shot's that show pvp points collection simply from healing, so healers get pvp points.

also, thanks bittty for the support, majority of the minority and all that. basically i should just say to hell with this and quit like everyone else i guess. there's a reason why so few ppl bother to vote on polls, it's because the status-quo is that even with major support for an idea, NOTHING IS DONE.

i see the game i love dying because of that type of thought process, and i wonder how much longer i'll have it to play.

as much as i feel ignored after years, i'll be damned if i give up, regardless of the lack of support.


Remickla (atys)
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#29 [en] 

Talkirc, its true that healers get some pvp points, as I ended up with 80 and not zero.  However, Ravenh got 577. We checked our fames.  Since we were pvping with marauders, and my fame was higher than Ravenh's in nearly every civ, you'd think that the difference would be much smaller. 

I think at an OP war, the healers shouldn't come away with less pvp points than the ones doing damage since its a team effort.  *less* is the issue.

I wanted to respectfully make sure that this difference was understood. 


Dernière édition par Lessah (il y a 10 ans).

#30 [en] 

for sure love, i think that op battles should give x points to each player on the winning side regardless of what they did, be it tanking, nuking, or healing. winners of a round should get points. (that's one option)

i think another option is to offer a small reward of points for all players involved in the war, regardless of winning or loosing, granted it shouldn't be extreme amounts, but getting 100 points per round for 24 rounds is a tidy sum of points, after all op's are pvp.

there are a few of the ideas i have, to be honest i like the 2nd option because it's more fair to all involved.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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