[Terminé] Ryzom va devenir un véritable jeu Free to Play !

i do wish that i could find the old offical forum post from pre-merger where they told us that all servers would be moved to a single 16 core AMD-64 (single opt proc) with 64gb of ram, raid, ect ect.  bottom line, the server is indeed cheep, and if you really want to know a few things about the back story, there's a player/dev that owns a server compay, and offered to host the game totally for free because of it's low requirements on todays hardware.  not sure how long you've been here on atys, but it might surprise you how some forum posts related to things in the past can't be found anymore.

while you may not know my name due to my inactivity in the recent past, i'm a long time player, forums reader and poster, as well as someone that's offered ideas and much more.

sure WG wants to make money, but the sad fact is that in all of ryzom's history, there's been little money invested in anything other then the server it's self, if ryzom shut down tomorrow and the full code was released, i have NO doubt that it would be only a few short days before a totally free (or nearly free) server would be up and running, saddly due to the losses of toons, rp history, levels and items, it wouldn't be quiet the same.

bottom line, saying that ryzom is expensive to host is just laughable.  i'll not continue down this path beyond this point, because it's clear that you will not admit that ryzom's over 12 years old now (13 if you count closed testing and open testing, iirc).

if you really want to see for yourself how simple and easy, visit ryzom core, get a copy of the server and client data, invite some people to help you, set up a server on a home pc, with a poor connection and watch the fun, at our highest peak in years we're only at most 500 strong, tell me how you need so many servers for so few people (btw fps's have 1000's of ppl using them, so that's a really poor arguement)  and OVH hosting of the game only needs say 25 sub's to run, there are single players that have paid for as many as 9 accounts (a full team) but with todays rules and limits 4 or 5 is the max, still that's one person paying 15 to 20% of the server cost all by themselves, and i know of at least 4 that have done this, that's 80 to 90% of the server cost right there... a few more covers that, then the rest is pay for our one paid dev and the company to make a little money with.

ok rant over.



Remickla (atys)
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