The Great Explorers, UPPER BRANCHES part 2

chapter 2

messages home, sent on by the wings of izams

homins of the lake lands:
our journey has taken us through great trials, we have fought our way through unexplored beaches and wilderness for many days now, but still we've not reached anything that resembles the lands the rumors speak of. we seek the rumored lost cities and forgotten lands. we will continue to fight onward into the unknown seeking those lost cities of the lakes.

homins of the jungle lands:
our journey has taken us through the darkest parts of the jungle days of travel beyond the known borders. yet still we've not reached the rumored lost cities and forgotten lands of the jungle. we have had many encounters along the way with creatures both peaceful and dangerous. our will is still strong and we are still determined to press onward into the unknown.

homins of the desert lands:
our grand adventure through the forgotten sands of the forbidden desert wastes has put us through great challenges. at the time of dispatching this letter home we have still not found the rumored lost cities and forgotten lands of the desert. with our honor intact we intend to press on deeper into the wastes confident that we will find what we set out to find.

homins of the forest lands:
our journey through the forgotten mazes beyond the known borders of the forest has taken us through many perils. it saddens us to report that at this time we've yet to discover the rumored lost cities and forgotten lands of the forest. while our efforts thus far have yet to provide us with the fruits of our dreams, we will continue to press ever onward until we do.

homins without nations (upon each of the 4 messages to the homin lands is their secret code):
to our masses at home in the lands of the homin nations:
unknown to the citizens with which we travel we're in regular contact with each party, our trained izams have carried messages back and forth between the four groups since we first set out. as always we have no trust for the homins of the nations. it's difficult to be around these citizens of the nations when they speak of their homelands as we feel as outcasts. however our goal at this time is a common one, so we shall endure the challenge of being with them. most of the time it is of little notice that they follow the ways of what they call civilized society. while they are not likely to admit it, there is no doubt that they are glad to have us with them, as our skills of living off the land are far more honed then theirs are. we have had many encounters which have proven to them that our skills are a needed part of this adventure into the unknown. these lands may offer a home without government rule, cities that we can freely enter as we please. for far too long we've been living as outcasts of the homin governments and the religions, perhaps we'll find the rumored lost cities in the forgotten lands and a place to be free and proud. until that time we'll press on with our undying hope to be free of the oppression of the governments and religions of the known lands.


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