

#1 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
About some remarqs on

here 6 (several pages)

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace) | Razón: Edit to add language tags.


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Craftjenn, Ranger

#2 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
I dig and craft a lot. I am not the best crafter, but I am quite often contacted by new players or free accounts, because they have difficulties to find armes and armors.

And it's true the marchands have lot of q250 stuffs, not much 80/150 stuffs.

They are not aware they can send email to some player !

A long time ago, I heard they was a free market, where buyers and sellers could meet.
I even remem' someone invite me once in Lakes :p

Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace) | Razón: Edit to add language tags.


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#3 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
A long time ago, I heard they was a free market, where buyers and sellers could meet.
I even remem' someone invite me once in Lakes :p
I fear that the Black Market (whose latest edition is indeed a bit old – September 24, 2017) would not meet, alas, the needs you are pointing at. From what I have seen, the equipments put up for sale there (by auction, by the way) are indeed as powerful as they are expensive.

Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace) | Razón: Edit to add language tags.


#4 [fr] 

Jadis,(sur aniro) il y a eu plusieurs marchés dans certaines capitales. Ils avaient lieu une fois par semaine. Les crafteurs s'y pour proposer leurs services. Certaines guildes vendaient leurs mp d'op.
C'est peut-être le moment que certains se lancent à rouvrir ses marchés. Un homin le voulait mais il ne vient pu . A celui qui reprend du service, je répondrai, je serai là

In the past, (on aniro) there were several markets in some capitals. They were held once a week. Craftsmen go there to offer their services. Some guilds sold their op'mats
Perhaps this is the time for some to start reopening its markets. A homin wanted it, but he couldn't come. To the one who returns to work, I will answer, I will be there

Última edición por Eleanide (5 años hace)


FB: Eleanide Ryzom

#5 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
@Eliande --The same was true on Arispotle, and I believe one or two were held after the Second Swarming on the beach in front of Fairhaven. The booths are still there.

There is also a circle of merchant booths in the Forest in a clearing near Avalae which could be used for something like that, if people did not want to go swimming.

Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace) | Razón: Edit to add language tags.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#6 [fr] 

Oui, c'était le but du marché d'Avalae. Mais le projet ne s'est jamais concrétisé.


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#7 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | [Français] | English
En fait il y a plusieurs aspects :
1. Via un affichage public: tous y ont accès, à toute heure... reste que l'heure de livraison peux poser soucis : si X ne peux croiser Y, comment trouver Z qui va assurer l'échange ?
Qui va traduire ?

HRP, mieux s'organiser sur le forum :
a. pour que tous (jeunes, comptes gratos) puissent contacter des crafteurs éventuels (commande neuve):
Il faudrait que les crafteurs potentiels s'y inscrivent (avec kk levels ou plans pays). Qu'il y ai une petite aide sur comment envoyer un izam, et donner ses mesures.
Des traducteurs pourraient-t’ils se signaler quelque part dans ce forum ?

b. pour s'échanger des armures trop petites, échange de mp... idem, l'heure de livraison et trouver le bon intermédiaire est le frein principal

2. Les marchés : plutôt des lieux de rencontre, où on peux organiser des défilés (pour montrer des objets, tenter de vendre son slip rouge mdr), revente d'occas, échange de mp...
Avantage: moins de soucis de langue (moins de dialogues, personnes autour qui peuvent aider à trad).
Là encore, choisir l'heure et le lieu, à publier. Maintenant, on peux même le faire sur Silan :p

HRP: 2 ou 3 cratfeurs pourraient prendre ca en charge, contacter l'équipe event pour qu'ils l'ajoutent au planning.
Ca pourrait etre sympa de se donner des rdv en zones 45/50, ca aiderait grandement des jeunes de passages :p

Qu'en penses-tu ?

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace) | Razón: Edit to add language tags.


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#8 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
I really like the idea of a a second-hand equipment depot shop.
It releases from the problems of time and languages.
Still remains the problem of the price, perhaps it could be limited depending on the percentage of remnant hitpoint of the gear?
Organizing a market is wonderful but you have to be here during fixed hours and it could be difficult.

Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace) | Razón: Edit to add language tags.


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#9 [en] 

I also wish to craft and contribute armor well suited for use by newcomers to the ryzom game and made available to them at prices that they can well afford.

Perhaps such armor could even be tailored to specifically for individuals?

It would be great to include a tailor shop or market within Silan for easy access by the newcomers.

#10 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

It would be great to include a tailor shop or market within Silan for easy access by the newcomers.

I remem', when I was young (on Silan), that gentle homins came on Silan to give us gifts :p

Therefore, I think it would be a great idea to

1. go on Silan on regular basis (for ex every spring - Winderly or Germinally ?), to ask on homins there what they need (if lazy, let's use this public forum, and post an URL on uni regulary),

2. post the requested stuffs somewhere here (that all young and low levels on continents can read, and ask)

3. then (organize, as it could be a way of presenting our/some Guilds, by the way ?)

4. go there to give "free medium" (or low price but nice) stuffs

Who would help ?

Note: I translated&resumed Trytrytry's post in french.


Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace) | Razón: Edit to add language tags.


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#11 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
I see my jewels being sold *very* quickly on Silan.
especially the small levels where the preference goes to the HP bonus and not to the jewel itself, which will be quickly replaced anyway.

if there's something organised, i'm in.

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (5 años hace) | Razón: ta

#12 [fr] 

[EN] See on wiki

and on the forum &post195211=en#1


[FR]Voir sur le wiki n

et ici


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