

#1 Reportar | Citar[en] 

there is a major bug that i've spent some time studying to verify, and have concluded that there is an entire set of mob's that have broken respawn timers.

nearly all of the choice loot dropping mobs (death, demolisher, slayer, destroyer, and terminator prefixes) do not respawn after being killed. other then the terminator kipucka in the kitin lair and a few others, these mob's can only be found once after a server reset. once killed they DO NOT respawn until the next server reset.

because of the time between server resets this has been a hard thing to verify, but after a years study on this topic, i've found that it is indeed a major issue that should be addressed.

there is no reason that i can fathom for choice loot materials to be more rare then supreme boss loot, but with these mob's broken respawn timer, they are indeed the rarest mats on atys.

many might not consider this a major issue, given it's only choice loot, but since there is no merchant to buy these mats or those of higher grades from (a serious oversight given ryzom's "sandbox" nature, not to mention the lack of USEFUL things to spend dappers on) i feel this issue needs to be addressed. (i see two possible solutions, fix the broken respawn timers, or crate a merchant that would sell all Q's and types of mats up to at least choice grade).

just thought it should be knows that the rarest mats on atys are not supreme, but choice loot (max of 11 mats pre mob per server reset in most cases) and that this is caused by a bug that may have as yet gone unnoticed.


(i invite anyone that also has discovered this fact to send a ticket to help inform the dev's of the issue {csr's will forward the ticket to the devs})

Última edición por Talkirc (8 años hace) | Razón: typos


Remickla (atys)
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#2 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I believe that this is a feature, though one which should be discussed.

All the "minibosses" in the four continents, death, destroyer, slayer, and demolisher, carrying choice anymal loot, do not respawn except during reboot, with only one exception to my knowledge, namely the Death Kirosta in Loria which is spawning every 2-3 weeks even outside of reboots. The fifth one, the Kipucka Terminator in Kitin Lair (I do not know of any other of the terminator kind except the guards of Kizokoo) does respawn. As an aside, the Aen Guardian varinx carry choice animal loot, too.

It is true that choice animal loot is rare. It would be useful, e.g. for grind armors and weapons (i used stuff from Death Kirosta for that purpose for fairly good HA and melee weapons together with exc dig mats).

Noteworthily, the "primitive" "minibosses" are carrying supreme jewels "of harmony" their bonuses equally split between hp, sap, and ap (therefore harmony).

Generally, I would advocate a more frequent respawn of choice minibosses though admittedly, the Death Kiro, and his dumb gruesome kiro minions are a nuisance when lvl grinding at the hornchers even now. Would he appear every hour, it would be a pain.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#3 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I suspect that all lakes choice mobs may respawn.  The kipucka in EI does as well as the the Kiro that Daomei mentions.  Though I observed both respawning far sooner than 2-3 weeks.

Última edición por Lacuna (8 años hace)


#4 Reportar | Citar[en] 

from what i've gathered in discussions over the course of my data collection on the topic, these mob's should have the same respawn time as a named mob does. they are after all both listed in the same class on the ryzom wiki as "named".

given it's lower grade of choice vs excellent and supreme, its' not logical to assume that this is a "feature" or we'd not be able to dig 100's of choice mats nearly endlessly, but excell and sup mats are more limited.

there's a simple and basic logic to my statement that the timers are broke, and it's that choice loot should not, and never was intended to, be the rarest mats on atys, or they would be in a class above supreme, not a full grade below.

the order of mats is: basic, fine, CHOICE, excellent, supreme
based on your argument you suggest that the order of mats is: basic, fine, excellent, supreme, choice (which is clearly not the case)

if the death kirosta (Q260, named, choice loot) in loria is respawning similar to supremes in PR, then that mob's timer is also broken, because surely choice mob loot doesn't have better stats then a boss of the same mob type: kirokya (Q270, boss, supreme loot) spawning roughly every 3 days.


Remickla (atys)
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#5 Reportar | Citar[en] 

lac, other then the death yubo, i've not been able to find a death mob in lakes at all. perhaps i was looking in the wrong places.


Remickla (atys)
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#6 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I suspect that all lakes choice mobs may respawn.  The kipucka in EI does as well as the the Kiro that Daomei mentions.  Though I observed both respawning far sooner than 2-3 weeks.

Thanks for the info about the kipu in EI, I confess I did not recognize that it respawns, too. But I am fairly confident about my judgment concerning the kiro respawn. I have spent many months, in summary probably more than a year, at Loria ponds, and I can count our mats in Diwu's guild hall :). I think it is more than 2 weeks until that beast is reappearing. We kill it, and its nasty dumb minions, everytime we see it.

Death Yubo and Death Clopper definitely respawn only on reboot.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#7 Reportar | Citar[en] 

You don't find them at the stables :P But I am pretty sure that I have killed the death wombai in Loria, the death najab in EI, death torbak in BB and seen them respawn.  In fact it was the torbak that made me suspect that there was something different about lakes choice mobs, as I was certain I had killed it at least twice since a reboot.

Última edición por Lacuna (8 años hace)


#8 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I suspect that all lakes choice mobs may respawn.  The kipucka in EI does as well as the the Kiro that Daomei mentions.  Though I observed both respawning far sooner than 2-3 weeks.

Thanks for the info about the kipu in EI, I confess I did not recognize that it respawns, too. But I am fairly confident about my judgment concerning the kiro respawn. I have spent many months, in summary probably more than a year, at Loria ponds, and I can count our mats in Diwu's guild hall :). I think it is more than 2 weeks until that beast is reappearing. We kill it, and its nasty dumb minions, everytime we see it.

Death Yubo and Death Clopper definitely respawn only on reboot.

I have to confess I have never timed both of these, so I may be wrong.  But I am sure i have seen both spawn quicker than you have observed.  Ofc the big problem with timing them is being sure that you are the only one killing them.  Perhaps they have a random timer like bosses rather than a set one like named.  BUt I would agree with Talk that the respawn timer on most choice mobs is broken.


#9 Reportar | Citar[en] 

These are only level ~100, but I've seen a Death Izam and Death Cray in Winds of Muse. They seemed to hang around for days with nobody interested in fighting them, and then I fought them with a team(thanks team!) and kept waiting for a few days for them to reappear. They reappeared now that the server reset after the Atysmas events.

It's not carefully collected data, but, it's something.

I was surprised hearing the "death" mobs respawn more slowly than the named ones with higher quality parts. It's been rare that I haven't seen Runroy and Doren in Winds of Muse.

I wouldn't mind if the choice-mat mobs respawn more quickly, like the choice-grade dug mats are easier to find. But I certainly don't know everything that went into the balancing decisions.

#10 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Thanks for the supplements! I was aware of Death Wombai in Loria as well, but admittedly only saw and killed it after reboot (though I do not doubt your statement). same with the other creatures in EI (Death Kipesta in BB to be added). If there is a different respawn scheme in Lakes compared with the rest, it does not seem to extend to Death Clopper and Yubo in Liberty Lakes.

But admittedly, it deserves further observation. Great that there is always something new to learn.

Edit: Carmy, I recall a Death Cray in Fount, not WoM, though that was before the server merge. Are you sure it is in WoM now?

Última edición por Daomei (8 años hace)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#11 Reportar | Citar[en] 

ryzom never lacks in surprises, even for those of us playing for years, just proof that you never "complete" the game.

with any luck this will draw attention to the topic and a dev can take a quick look at the code and see if indeed something is wrong, perhaps a database or something along those lines was lost during the merger, and can be fixed so that they will act more like their named counter parts do in terms of respawning.

choice mats may not be the best in the game, but are good none the less for crafting when trying to keep waste to a minimum yet still obtain the stat's you desire.


(thanks lakes hunters for your added data input, lakes is the region i have the least amount of data for, with forest coming 2nd to last in terms of data collected.)


Remickla (atys)
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#12 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I haven't explored Fount much yet, maybe there's a Death Cray there too? I'm sure I saw one in Winds of Muse, I just checked to see if it's still there and it is.

#13 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I have seen with Death Wombai, that choice 'nameds' can respawn at least every 14-16 days, which seems similar to the PR refill mechanic. Not sure why they chose to give such a large timer for a choice mob, and as Dao suggested about Death Kiro- making some spawn more frequently could prove to be annoying...

#14 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Thanks for the supplements! I was aware of Death Wombai in Loria as well, but admittedly only saw and killed it after reboot (though I do not doubt your statement). same with the other creatures in EI (Death Kipesta in BB to be added). If there is a different respawn scheme in Lakes compared with the rest, it does not seem to extend to Death Clopper and Yubo in Liberty Lakes.

But admittedly, it deserves further observation. Great that there is always something new to learn.

Edit: Carmy, I recall a Death Cray in Fount, not WoM, though that was before the server merge. Are you sure it is in WoM now?

It is perhaps certain lands in Lakes, not the entire region where mobs respawn.  Ofc, being a complete airhead at times, my observations will need double checked.

There is also the point that just becuase choice mobs don't respawn outside of lakes now, has this always been the case?

@Talk: I suspect choice mobs and their loot have never been intregrated into the game in the way they were invisioned.  Then again, just because a mat is not xl or sup does not mean that it it poo: fine kiro tails, manibles, cuttler and jug bones being a case in point.

Última edición por Lacuna (8 años hace)


#15 Reportar | Citar[en] 

i've looked at the stat's on the few choice loot mats i've collected in my hunts for them (which lead me to this post after many hunting treks over the last year) and they are indeed worthy of crafting with, maybe not for the best gears, but for day to day pve gear i think they have good potential.

(maybe that mythical raw mat's merchant guild will return to our part of atys selling the choice mats or even higher grade racial mats, who know's what they've found in their journey beyond the known lands). {rp hint hint to the dev's, we can always find a rp excuse if you want us to for ANY new npc's you want to give us, after all, it's a "living world shaped by the players"}

anyway, the choice mob's offer a few options that can't be found in excellent and supreme mobs of the same type.

(should also be noted that they're listed on the BM detailed mob info sheets as well as the ryzom bosses wiki)



Remickla (atys)
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