
should camping be allowd, or should some change be made
Atys: Alassea, Alric, Beepe, Bones, Camper, Feylin, Indigo, Kaetemi, Rollocks, Snarfster, Stitch, Sunmonkey, Tinial
13 (4)
Atys: Aikoon, Asmiye, Ataxie, Binarabi, Bucshotz, Cramer, Elikwasa, Elvanae, Evilar, Exodus, Feylin, Grasswind, Irfidel, Lacuna, Lightweight, Loirinha, Lumidragon, Ratastantan, Rikutatis, Shvet, Slorforn, Stitch, Suboxide, Tantalos, Tegus, Thahuliga, Veg, Victoriacamper, Zehrix, Zhoi, Zilon
31 (4)
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Alric, Anzhanto, Arfur, Astarth, Bambamseven, Bitttymacod, Casy, Feylin, Fishgod, Hayt, Ishamael, Jarnys, Kalean, Laofa, Lilsis, Meagon, Ruhen, Stitch, Tantalos, Thahuliga, Victoriacamper, Yuritau
Abstain 11

#106 [en] 

1+ fyrosfreddy :)
those people surely craft for the whole guild, that's good and after that? they craft and sell so they make good dappers…and they become super strong and super rich more and more and more again and again and again... they play with thousand of alts (I don't really see the fun in playing with alt!!) and obviously kill the game for all the other who have a RL and can log in the game just for few hours per day.

If Ryzom is going to have less people playing it we should thank alt and campers!

Fyrosfreddy (atys)
I can understand camping something ..... you need a few more mats to complete ya recipe for that desired item so ya invest the time in obtaining it. The part I don't understand is going back again and gain and again. Did you wear it out after just 3 days ? Same for SN's .... when ya have 600 sup tama wood and 400 Ocyx shell in ya GH, what's the incentive to go set the alarm clock to be there at season change or anticipated boss pop and get some more ?

#107 [en] 

A decent craft should last quite a while.... when I wa svery active i did all the craftinmg for several guilds but I didn't make any dappers. Then again I never poaid for anything I needed either :)


#108 [en] 

Like you I see no point in camping again and again :)

#109 [en] 

If you take the RP part seriously, you're killing the boss / digging the sups so The Other Guys who believe in The Wrong God and serve the Wrong Nations don't get their hands on it. Same goes for actual gameplay, in fact. If I don't get the boss, someone else will. Better me than you, etc. It's pointless to fight over pixels, but then again that's why we're playing.

That being said, I never condoned alt camping and never will, assuming there's proof it happens. It's a phenomenon in any massive online game, along with gold farming and other forms of automating tasks, so game masters must fight it at every opportunity. The difficulty in Ryzom is proving the stuff (repeated offense of the same toon).

Last edited by Mjollren (1 decade ago) | Reason: edit: can't spell


#110 [en] 

Mjollren (atys)
If you take the RP part seriously, you're killing the boss / digging the sups so The Other Guys who believe in The Wrong God and serve the Wrong Nations don't get their hands on it. Same goes for actual gameplay, in fact. If I don't get the boss, someone else will. Better me than you, etc. .
+1 MJ.

As for camping I fought against it for a long time. I was told it didn't exist regardless of how many people had seen such things. Just to make it clear there are three main types of camping; Time camping, alt camping and camping with your main. After all my effort into getting camping banned and the same people over and over telling me it didn't exist, or if it did it wasn't a problem I gave up.

I tried hard but still failed to get it banned. As such I saw no point in continuing and if you can't beat them..

If you guys can get camping banned go for it but I will warn you; it is a long arduous path full of having to scientifically prove your observations are correct and that camping is an issue. Good luck ^^



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#111 [en] 

Mjollren (atys)
If you take the RP part seriously, you're killing the boss / digging the sups so The Other Guys who believe in The Wrong God and serve the Wrong Nations don't get their hands on it. Same goes for actual gameplay, in fact. If I don't get the boss, someone else will. Better me than you, etc.,,,, but then again that's why we're playing.

No. That may be why you're playing. That's not why everyone is playing. So ya have one small group who has the timing down who repeatedly kills and builds up loads of resources. Then they get bored, leave game and the stuff sits unused for months or years until the group comes back and playes for another 4 month period..... been here 10 years, have seen it time and time again.

Not to mention the folks who left game because they got frustrated trying to complete several recipes for 12+ months, got frustrated not being able to complete their cafts or even see some of the most sought after bosses.


#112 [en] 

simple solution to 80% of the issues with camping and op's, MAKE THOSE MAT'S BUYABLE FROM A MERCHANT FOR INSANE PRICES. that's a simple enought way to deal with it, then camping a boss to prevent anyone else from getting those mat's is void, camping to get a few mat's you need for a recipe is void, people can stop whinning about not getting op mat's they want because they don't have the power to take the op and the owners won't trade or sell some of them. then the pvp people and people that like to have a little fun with op wars can have the op's to themselves and the campers can't stop others from getting what they need, thus turning ryzom back into a TRUE sandbox game.

now i know that will really pi$$ some people off, but that's a simple fix to several problems RIGHT now.


Remickla (atys)
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#113 [en] 

These attempts to revive and ride the dead horse of camping epidemic assertions are futile. There has never been significant camping on the surface, and if there has been any in PR, especially in AoI and Wastelands, it is gone with the return of KP. In LoU everybody spotting camping suspects could act on his/her own, same in Nexus.

The problem simply never existed to a significant extent, and just today I stumbled into a 270 PR boss (participants know about *g*). Again no camper anywhere though it would have been possible at that spot, theoretically.

The simplest solution is just to stop argueing about this non-problem.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#114 [en] 

lolx, didn't know i was arguing about it, just happend to see it had been commented on since i last was online and thought i would add a final note to it, which i thought would put an end to a long dead thread, but i did say it was likely to pi$$ some off based on what i said, and look, i got yet another hit and post on a dead thread, lolx. i've not been able to do more then chat for a few minutes at a time once a month at best for the last 4 or so months, so i have no idea of what's going on in game unless it's on the forums, which i get a little more time to read because i can open 10 or 20 threads with up to 200 posts in a single tab to read when i'm offline at a later time (since i had to cut internet at home, or i'd be in game and on here every day like i normally am, but i hope that will be back soon, time will tell for sure, but i think it will be fine)

lolx, gosh i miss the big tree so damn much!!!!

hope i see you all soon

talkIRC (on his dead thread, needs to be locked)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#115 [en] 

Welcome Talk, hope to see you back soon. All the best for you ;)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#116 [en] 

Talkirc (atys)
simple solution to 80% of the issues with camping and op's, MAKE THOSE MAT'S BUYABLE FROM A MERCHANT FOR INSANE PRICES. that's a simple enought way to deal with it, then camping a boss to prevent anyone else from getting those mat's is void, camping to get a few mat's you need for a recipe is void, people can stop whinning about not getting op mat's they want because they don't have the power to take the op and the owners won't trade or sell some of them. then the pvp people and people that like to have a little fun with op wars can have the op's to themselves and the campers can't stop others from getting what they need, thus turning ryzom back into a TRUE sandbox game.

Might as well close the game altogether. Whats the point of hunting/OP battles/all you say when you can simply buy these things at a merchant?

Insane prices? In case you haven't noticed, we are shifting back to pre-merge, where making dappers is incredibly easy, crafters can get millions a day, occupations can make that and more but in a slower fashion etc (especially when using endless alts *hints*).

imo, what you suggest is a direct way into killing the game. My suggestion to you: Build and run a ryzom client in your own server and remove all the stuff you don't like and make all the things you want purchaseable :)

As to camping, since this has been resurfaced, there are still some camper-friendly spots mainly in wastelands, I have verified this myself.

Whether these are actually used is unclear to me, I have not witnessed *any* campers when I have checked and judging by my friends tells i think camping isn't really longer an issue. I haven't come across any boss during my camping time either.

#117 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
These attempts to revive and ride the dead horse of camping epidemic assertions are futile. There has never been significant camping on the surface, and if there has been any in PR, especially in AoI and Wastelands, it is gone with the return of KP. In LoU everybody spotting camping suspects could act on his/her own, same in Nexus.

The problem simply never existed to a significant extent, and just today I stumbled into a 270 PR boss (participants know about *g*). Again no camper anywhere though it would have been possible at that spot, theoretically.

The simplest solution is just to stop argueing about this non-problem.

There has never been significant camping on the surface...?? Really?? Oh how little you know.

Daomei you always talk about stumbling onto bosses as if this disproves camping. It doesn't. Camping happens. People time camp and people camp with alts.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#118 [en] 

guess my attempt to be a wise-a$$ was totally missed there, lolx, i hope that this thread will die with this post, or perhaps a csr can "lock" this post to prevent it's being brought up again, at least this one, since it's my post and it's pointless to continue to discuss i feel that would be best, there are far more and far newer posts that this can be discussed if anyone so desires.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#119 [en] 



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