
should each of the 3 rp history be merged into a single history for unity
Atys: Anzhanto, Arfur, Bitttymacod, Fyranna, Jarnys, Manra, Marceline, Naema, Saphron, Tarbu, Wazkin
11 (3)
Atys: Beepe, Daomei, Rasaya, Zilon
yes and i'm willing to help
Atys: Anzhanto, Bitttymacod, Fyranna, Naema, Seternulon, Suboxide, Sygmus
7 (1)
yes but i'm not willing to help 0
yes but i'm not willing to give anything up from my history
Atys: Stitch
1 (1)
no because i'm not willing to give up anything from my history
Atys: Meagon, Rasaya
yes and i'll give up parts of my history
Atys: Anzhanto, Arfur, Astarth, Bitttymacod, Fyranna, Naema, Rashan, Suboxide
8 (1)
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Bitttymacod, Fyranna, Zhoi
Sich enthalten 4

#1 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

we are not 3 server with 3 histories, we're one server, we need to come together as REAL people, and work on making one RP history of the new server, no one has to give up anything in total, but we'll all have to give up something to make it work, it's called compromise. if we don't at least consider this, we're dooming the RP of the game to always be a fight and something to cause players to not take intrest, i don't want to try to keep track of 3 different histories to play a single game with many people. i want one single history that EVERYONE BOTH OLD AND NEW can use to play with, thus we all play together as a single community, vs 3 or more random communities.

slightly off topic but still part of the over-all issue:
and a note about different languages, i've used international forums before, and while i'm reading and typing english, my friend in germany is reading and typing german, we both work on the same thread, and can both read each other, is it really that hard to do this with the forums? (or is that part of the plan for the forum's that the dev road map is telling us about, there really needs to be a little more details about the things on the road map.)


Remickla (atys)
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#2 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I do hope you realize that this idea is impossible to implement. It might be a good idea, but the histories are *so* different in the three servers that there is no possible reconciliation. There can only be "ignore that part where our memories are different."


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#3 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

saddly that really only leave one option for the new single server, everyone MUST start over, because as it is now, there are too many conflicts for new players to understand, it's tricky to keep up with one history, now we're asking new players to learn all 3, then pick the one the like the most, i like choices, but this is one that will only cause endless conflict.

bottom line if there can't be a single history that is built out of the 3, then all history other then the basic lore the game started with should be destroyed, not because any history is right or wrong, but for the sake of the game we can't have 3 different historical stories, unless they want to make 3 new forums, one for each history, and that being said, create a single lore for each one, then everyone can keep their history, and continue it within the group that started it, new players will be able to read them all 3 and then pick the one they like best, but this is nothing more then a weak patch, one that will brake every time an even is made related to x history, because the other histories won't fit, or conflict.

basically, because of the mess this single event has caused i'm starting to rethink my desire to do RP, which is a shame really, i don't want to have to learn 3 histories to do it.

i want one single history, and if that can't be done, then as far as i'm concerned the RP in MMORPG is dead for ryzom, no new player is going to deal with the challenge of 3 histories for a single game, all of which overlap each other and contradict each other.

we need to think outside our small ryzom RP worlds and look at the larger world that is atys, how can one world have 3 histories, they can but then no one know's which one is right and true, and which are propaganda.

bittty, you say to me it's impossible, i can't accept that, and i will keep trying to get the players that be (RP players) to all try, at least try, to consider the idea, and perhaps work them into each other, after all, those players together could create the NEW history that everyone else would forever after use to play ryzom, imagine having your name credited to that project, that would in my eyes show the unity that WG wanted when they merged the servers together. if that can't be done, then everything else they did to us for merger (erasing everyone's items, dappers, apt's, mounts, packers was pointless and only served to complicate relations, vs creating the balance they hoped for)

i'm but one player, and i'm from ari, i didn't take any interest in roleplay until recently, when i caught myself doing it more and more, but in light of all this, i'm thinking that if i want to roleplay, i'll have to find another game to do it in, because with the status quo as it is, i have to learn 3 histories and then do my best to play within all 3 to include everyone, that's not fair to me as a new role player, and surely not fair to someone that's new to ryzom all together.

all that said, i'll still roleplay, but i'll not be doing it with ANYTHING that's already here, since there's 3 histories when there needs to be only one, i'll start my roleplay as though there's only one history, and if anyone doesn't like it, i'll direct them to this thread, and they can complain here that i've made a 4th history, just adding to more confusion and drama, the differance is that i'll read the lore that is over ALL of ryzom as history of just one, and go from there, making all other roleplay anyone else ever did meaningless, that's not the right way, or the polite way, because in doing so i'm telling everyone else they are wrong, when really no one's right or wrong.

like jerry springer's final though: impossible is not a word that applies to this issue, it's time for the collective RP community to get over the idea of 3 histories and come together long enough to create one history, then each can take that one history and RP based off that, with a single community in mind, we're 1 from 3, we need to make the history 1 from 3 as well, anything less then this is just doing a pi$$ poor job and copping out.

(yes i speak my mind, freedom of speech is powerful here in america, and while many most likely won't like my thoughts, honestly i can be like them over their histories and say "i don't give a $hit about you, i only care about me" thus turning us all into a matis from silan. i'd rather see the ryzom community do like everyone brags about us, and work together, no one's going to be happy with a single refined history, but it's better for the game in the long run, imagine if the 3 histories keep going like they are, they'll never come together, and ryzom will, imho, suffer.)

we're one game, we need one history.


Remickla (atys)
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#4 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

yup, the overal feeling I have now is that ppl from other servers come to our international forums that where used for aristople events in the past and just come here to tell us how to do it wich isn't a nice feeling.

yes on ari we did roleplay but not as in depth as on the other servers, and I've talked with some of the old ari roleplayers that are still around and all they give as an excuse not to be part of the player gouverments at the moment is that they got blown away by roleplayers from the other servers. Wich is in turn the reason they didn't join or left the player gouverments all toughether.

I tought roleplay was about having fun and working toughether how hard or light you do it, it's a game anyway!

Merging these histories would atleast give players a new chance to get into the whole thing.


#5 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

In the last couple assembly ( i heard it at least in the zoraï & fyros one), the event team said they (wasn't very clear but i think it's the Higher Powers aka Kami/Karavan) found an explanation about this three differents memories and what happened (IC-speaking, we all know what happened OOC :p). So i suggest to wait a little more about it :) anyway merging the 3 histories in only one would be bad, at every point where the history were different you would have 1 server happy when the 2 others are sad ...


#6 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I agree to every of Icus' points and could not have said it better.

Suboxide, there is a problem with the English language forum. It is not only the forum of former Arispotle players, but also the forum with the language allowing most players, from whichever server, to communicate with one another.

Me, I take part in discussions on all three sets of forums sometimes, bothering all with my points, yet there are only few who do likewise. Therefore, former Aniro and Leanon forums have preserved more of their original character while the English language forums are kind of the universal chatroom.

Though having played very casually on Ari before the merge, I respect and value your traditions and experiences as high as those of the other parts of the community. And yes, I think we have to muse about how to make RP more attractive also for players of the Ari line without sacrificing the ways of RP of the other servers.

Believe me, the changes were not easy for the other parts of the community either. Very different styles of RP came together and not seldom clashed. Not all of these conflicts have been resolved or reconciled. What makes things even more complicated is that RP meetings last even longer nowadays due to translation delay and overhead.

For roleplayers it is fun anyway to play their role consequentially though it is sometimes uncomfortable. It is a further challenge for us. And our role is part of our lives in Ryzom, it is of high significance. Without it, Ryzom would still be fascinating with grinding and hacking, but it would lose a lot, at least for us. Wiping out our history would destroy much of that.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#7 Melden | Zitieren[en] 


Like i've said before on ari roleplay wasn't the biggest part of the game and I for one would love to give up loads of my history just to have one history where we can have fun and play toughether. And I know alot of ari ppl think the same. I have no problem with having to learn some new history if this helps the game. I have a problem with trying to rember 3 history's. And this is really driving away new homins that are english speaking since all they see on the english roleplay forums is bickering about history's clashing and I know everyone wants to defend their history. On the french and german forums wich I can't read I understand there is alot less bickering about that stuff so it makes it better for ppl to get into.


#8 Melden | Zitieren[en] 


The quarrels may abhor some players, granted. They would anyway, no matter whether the histories were wiped or not, because they are more about RP styles than about history.

As to wiping histories, it may not touch you a lot. It would touch me, among others. I put much effort into the history of this character. It is significant for me that I have taken part in the exposure of the conspiracy which was meant to provoque a Fyros-Matis war, which was averted in our world. I took pride in taking part in detecting the cause for the disease of our sharükos Dexton, to be of some use in the search for a remedy, and taking part in the incredible digging work to get it prepared. Having been honored by the sharükos for this contribution is something of significance for me, all that happened during my first rl year in Atys. Telling me "that's all crap, forget it" would spoil quite a lot of the fun I had and still have, here. It would make me consider to give up RP altogether.

There are some other parts of our history of the planet I have taken part, and they are as valuable for me. Not all are equally controversial, but most of them would vanish in a wipe, giving me some anonymous standard background I could have anytime without having put the least effort in it. I would long have all 63 masters instead of 40 would RP not have had that significance for me. This RP was valuable and worthy because it was here to stay, not just a toy one takes and throws away in boredom. A biography in RP includes what I have done, including mistakes, misbehavior, and stupidity. In the moment it can be rewritten arbitrarily it loses all of its bindingness and challenge. It would be no less boring than slaying mobs in godmode.

Just my .02 dappers


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#9 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I don't give a Timari's rear wind about YOUR issues, just because YOU don't about mine. THIS section of the Forums are STILL called ARISPOTLE so if you don't want to merge histories, then ADAPT to ARISPOTLE if you are going to talk here.



#10 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Well, dear Fyranna, you are free to utter your opinions, and as far as boundaries of logic and taste do not hinder you, you are even absolutely free to make a fool out of yourself. I am writing in an international forum bearing the name "arispotle" only for historical reasons, a history some would like to see erased altogether (in fact that is the subject of this poll and discussion, to destroy Arispotle together with Aniro and Leanon, even in retrospect).

So please try to read, think, understand, and probably to refrain from posting in case you failed one or more of these three.

Oren Atys, Daomei Lin Carthan


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#11 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

no we don't wanna destroy the whole thing we just want one of 2 things:

> 1 history for everyone


> 1 place where ari ppl can play and discuss their roleplay without others telling us of or say we are wrong or doing it wrong, like you have on your language forums

If you have others ideas then we are open for it but now all thats happening is bickering in the ari forums about ari history being wrong,bad,... => we can't and we don't and most likly we wouldn't come do that in the aniro or leanon forums do we? You have your place why can't we have ours or whats left of ours since it's been killed mostly now because of that.


#12 Melden | Zitieren[en] 


Zuletzt geändert von Suboxide (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)


#13 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

So you are inviting us over to the Leanon and Aniro to tell you all to shut your pie holes and enforce our History on you? Well thank you!

First i would like to tell you here:

Shut your Piehole! Either Accept Arispotle or accept your history to be wiped out! Your infantile made up history that never existed on Arispotle have no power here! Thus your words are meaningless and you are wasting your time.


#14 Melden | Zitieren[de] 

Fyranna (atys)
So you are inviting us over to the Leanon and Aniro to tell you all to shut your pie holes and enforce our History on you? Well thank you!

Sure you are always welcome to discuss in the German forums, and I am sure the French friends would not reject you in case you would want to take part in discussions, there. It would be helpful anyway if you would be able to write in the language of these forums. At least for the former Leanon forums I can assure that if you publish a comment in English and ask politely (try that, it is helpful, really ;) ) for a translation, many would be willing to help you. Nobody asked you to shut up and not tell about Arispotle history or will do so. On contrary, I think that not few roleplayers from the other servers would like to hear and learn about the alternative thread of Atys history.

Fyranna (atys)
First i would like to tell you here:

Shut your Piehole!

Flatly: No. Feel free to ignore my posts. If you can't stand the heat, leave the kitchen. Thank you for respecting the forum rules.

Fyranna (atys)
Either Accept Arispotle or accept your history to be wiped out! Your infantile made up history that never existed on Arispotle have no power here! Thus your words are meaningless and you are wasting your time.

Here is the English language forum, the forum of a language which is at least partly native to me, in which I have certainly read at least as much as you in the fields literature, scholarship, philosophy, and science (and even written some stuff), and am not inferior in expression, style, and grammar to say the least. Even if not, it would not be a hindrance to express myself here. Read the forum rules and try to understand.

best regards, Daomei


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#15 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

How can you be soo brain dead?

It was YOU who said i'm twisting Leanon's History... I never been to Leanon. I play Arispotle! This Channel IS Arispotle! Stop telling me about Leanon! Here the History is that the Matis came and burned down Thesos. My home town, and my parents with it as well.

Stop trying to Twist Arispotle History ESPECIALLY on Arispotle Forums!

Don't believe me it happened? Look it up! You seem to know English good enough! Read Up!

Now Shut your piehole and open your eyes! Read up a bit then Critisize!


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