#271 Added by Margote 3 years ago
AgendaNews about the projects about to be releasedRywardsSilan RefactoringFeedback about the released projectsOutpost RefactoringBoss RefactoringRecruitment
#272 Added by Nilstilar 3 years ago
Considering the way the first cycle is going, we have already decided to reduce the length of the bidding period from two weeks to one week as of the next rotation of materials.But we are still curious to know the thoughts and suggestions that this first experience has inspired to you, the practitioners. The floor is yours, then!
And let's move on: any questions, feedback, proposals about Boss Refactoring?
In the next few days we will implement the new Rywards window intended to replace the display of the objects constituting the furniture of the apartments. It has been tested and only remains to write and distribute the announcement presenting it.As soon as it is implemented, new objects will be available and new possibilities will be offered to apartment owners. Namely: purchase of furniture previously reserved for players of other nations and conversion of their duplicates and other unwanted items into tickets that can be exchanged for new ones.Your further ideas for furniture enrichment will be welcome!
The new beginners' isle is now in test on Gingo (so its implementation should not wait too long) and includes :• some pages enriching the creation of the character by allowing to indicate briefly its tastes and its background;• a new tutorial area (already in place but empty for the time being);• a dynamic tutorial organized in lessons explaining the basic gameplay;• ... and still the sleeping lady (but she doesn't snore anymore... phew).Other tutorials will be added later (and I'd be happy to have help for their design :D ).So you'll soon be able to create an "alt" to test all this.
I have been inactive for a while, but I am happy to announce that I have resumed work on the next "Quality of Life" patch.This patch will be implemented in mid-July (estimate) and will include three major changes:• Adding of pockets• Refactoring of the Equipment window• Refactoring of equipable items groups (part 1)Since we have already talked about them extensively in previous meetings, I'll skip over the pockets.As far as the Equipment window is concerned, the whole user interface has been revisited and its content (enriched with pockets, therefore) is now adaptable according to its size.The management of groups of equipable objects is a bit problematic today. The user interface is bad: everything is controlled through / commands and the SysInfo window. The problem will be solved by two patches:• the first one (mid-July, thus) will allow the player to create, display and delete groups of items via the game UI (but the / commands will remain operational, so optional use);• the second one will go deeper and allow the player to modify the content of the groups directly in the Equipment window enriched for this purpose with checkboxes.As usual, this QoL patch contains many bug fixes and small features that I won't detail one by one. But be aware that applying it will allow you to open (finally!) the exit dialog box by simply pressing the Escape key!To finish, if you want to follow the progress of the patch in a more detailed way, here is the link to the GitLab milestone that reports on it.
Lately, we've been putting two big projects into play: the OP and the Boss refactorings. Coming soon will be our third big project, Silan Refactoring. Behind each of these three projects, but also behind each new feature, each improvement of the game, each event played, each technical help brought to a player, there is not the work of one person, but the work of a whole team of devoted and passionate volunteers who give of their knowledge and their time, according to their possibilities, to allow Ryzom to evolve as it does today.And for that, I thank them.If you too have some time that you would like to devote to help them behind the scenes to make the game move forward, you can contact me on chat.ryzom or by email at tamarea@ryzom.com, and we will see together which team would suit you best and which you could join: Development, Communication & Marketing, Event, Game-Design, Computer Graphics, Level-design, Lore, Support, Testing, Translation & Proofreading. The choice is vast!If you prefer to help out by joining a group working specifically on a project, that's also possible. For example, at the moment, OP Refactoring and Silan Refactoring projects.Feel free to contact me for more information!
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (2 years ago)
#273 Added by Ghost of Atys 2 years ago
AgendaAtys games (feedback)Rywards (feedback)OP refactoringBoss refactoringSilan RefactoringNovel in Ryzom UniverseNew Ticket System
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (2 years ago)
#274 Added by Nilstilar 2 years ago
Ulukyn invites attendees to express their opinions and suggestions on these two topics, as well as on the latest updates of Ryzom Chat.
Two important pieces of information:• the next rotation date for raw materials produced by outposts is Wednesday, October 5;• the bug that affected NPC placement in outposts has been fixed.Scheduled changes to the outpost mechanics, which will mark the end of the first stage of the refactoring when implemented:• the length of the bidding period will be set to one week (i.e., for the upcoming rotation, October 5-12);• battle-rounds lost by the attacking guild in GVE will no longer lower the "Max Attacker Level" by 1 (including Nexus); this should make GvE easier;• a guild failing to retake an outpost in GVE will not be able to attack an outpost in GVE for a week (except in Nexus);• after a failed GVE attack, the threshold of the concerned outpost will no longer be raised back to its initial value, but will keep the value reached at the end of the lost battle (and then decrease over time).
BossesStatistics of some of them will be corrected and the overhauled system (except, at first, the management of the bones of fallen Bosses) will be extended to the whole of Atys soon (probably on October 5th, or at the next server reboot).SilanThe refactoring patch is scheduled to be released before the end of September, along with a substantial "Quality of Life" patch that will bring the improvements mentioned in the previous Ryzom Forge meetings.On asking of a player who returned to Atys after a long absence (and who, delighted to find a living and working game, complimented the RT on it) for more details on this point, Ulukyn points to the URL of the present forum thread, which collects the minutes of the said meetings.On Silan, we also plan to add lessons to introduce new players to the various nations and factions of Atys in as neutral a manner as possible, describing their particularities and how to join each of them. We'll start by building the lesson about the Marauders because, unlike the other nations and factions, they don't have any representatives among the NPCs in Silan.Please note: these lessons can be built by players with no development skills. So, all contributions will be welcome!
It's been several months (even years) since we wanted to modernize the ticket system.The new version is in the final testing phase and brings a lot of changes compared to the current system (which is not so good).The notable changes are the following.• Complete redesign of the ticket submission form (including in-game) with categories based on the request, clear input fields to allow CSRs to see important information right away.• Ticket tracking (in-game and out-of-game). That is to say, a list of tickets indicating for each one its status, the person who took care of it and its complete history.• Possibility offered to answer directly to a ticket, allowing to start a real conversation illustrable through drag and drop of screenshots (out of game only).• Sending, out of game but also in game, of an email indicating that an answer has been given and containing a link allowing to open the ticket.• The same player can obviously open several different tickets at the same time, each ticket being individualized.Do you have any questions or suggestions, features you would like to see added?
This summer, we had the great pleasure to see published the first volume of a novel taking place in the universe of Ryzom: "The Sacred War", written and self-published by Rémi Dromnelle.The story, which takes place in the Old Lands, is really exciting; the immersion is fast, and one lets oneself be carried away with pleasure in the whirlwind of the heroes' life, living with them a few years of the History of Atys.As the author is French, the novel was naturally published in that language. However, an English translation as well as a German one are in progress by volunteer players.To learn more about this novel, see the forum thread dedicated to it, if you want to visit the book's website, it's here and, finally, if you want to buy it in hard copy or in PDF version, go to Librinova at this page.But I warn you: it's so exciting that you'll have trouble letting go of the book before you finish it! And it's true to life!Are there any players who have already read the novel, among those who are following this meeting? And, if so, would they be willing to give us their feelings, without spoiling the story?(Two player-readers express their feelings:– To get in your library right away!– Already given on the right post: It smells like the beginnings of Rôdeurs and Marauders. It's the History of Atys, but one name escaped the author: Kal (it won't speak to everyone, but to Aniro players certainly).)The next issue of our magazine "Behind the Scenes" will be dedicated to an interview with the author of the novel, Rémi. When I finished reading the novel (at 3 a.m.) and he asked me what I thought, I replied: "I want the sequel !!!!!!!!!!!!!". The volunteers of the translation team will be the first to have the privilege of reading this issue... and the translation team is recruiting!I should also point out that the author (and this is something very important to him) wanted to allow our community to read the novel for free on the Ryzom wiki (click on the language flag to display its ongoing translations). But feel free, of course, to buy the book too if you want to support the author!
The dynamic event of kitin invasion seldom runs during the week and, given the large number of invaders, it sometimes takes a long time to resolve.What would you think, then, of more frequent invasions involving fewer invaders?(The suggestion is welcomed and Ulukyn, on the remark of an attendee, confirmed that this frequency/importance ratio of kitin invasions could indeed be adapted to the number of players present on Atys at such or such time of the year.)
Last edited by Maupas (2 years ago)
#275 Added by Krill 2 years ago
And we'll start as usual with the feedbacks. Are there any feedbacks/comments/suggestions about the last patch?
I won't go into detail, but it might give you an idea.The QoL (Quality of Life) patches will continue to add new features to make the game more enjoyable and fix bugs. And in order to make the work of the devs easier, we have gathered the whole client code in one place: https://gitlab.com/ryzom/ryzom-core, whereas it was previously on 3 different repositories. You can now see the list of issues (bugs): https://gitlab.com/ryzom/ryzom-core/-/issuesEverything is public :)About the Storyline, it will start again soon, we had a rather busy year and we couldn't progress on it as we wanted.We'll have to improve this in order to make it progress more regularly, the lessons system should help :)Speaking of lessons, we will obviously continue the tutorial and lessons on nations/factions. Especially since it's pretty quick to do now that the system is coded.We will continue to add the rewards to Rywards so that it can list all the items to be won. Including the underwear (and I know this will make people happy :D )Finally, and still with the idea of finishing things that are not finished, the guild islands will be fixed and finished (with the possibility to visit other islands).Content for the guilds can then be added.This is the big development axis we have planned.Of course the ongoing projects like op refactoring, bosses refactoring and all refactorings will be continued and finalized.
#276 Added by Tamarea 2 years ago
Last edited by Ghost Of Atys (2 years ago)
#277 Added by Ghost of Atys 2 years ago
AgendaBoss refactoringRywardsOP refactoring
#278 Added by Nilstilar 2 years ago
The next patch (which we plan to apply this Friday starting at 23:00 UTC—expect about 2 hours of downtime on the game server) implements the activation of Bosses in all regions of Atys. The new Bosses system has indeed been running smoothly for several weeks now in Prime Roots.The associated guild application may not have been updated yet, but it will be shortly after the patch.In the new regions concerned (on the surface of Atys), the species of the 6 Bosses that will receive your assaults will be chosen exclusively from those present in the region. However, the places where the Bosses obeying a particular mechanic appear (such as Gebre, Cratchakin, Shooketh, etc.) will remain unchanged.The redesign of the Bosses will then proceed with the testing and implementation of new mechanics for all Bosses, wherever they spawn on Atys.
The above mentioned patching will be accompanied by a rotation of the outposts (OP) and followed by an bidding period set this time to about ten days (in order to include two weekends).The distribution of OP materials has been reviewed: after this rotation all types of materials (8 in all) will be available in Q250, Q200 and Q150 on at least one of Atys' OPs. Therefore, no Q250 material will be missing during the so started cycle.
We will continue the migration of rewards into Rywards (shift+e) to include everything possible to include and make it a big catalog.Like mounts, the Zigs will be migratable in Rywards which will make it easier to change them and not risk losing them. For that, as for the mounts again, it will be necessary to send them to the pasture to then list them in Rywards. It will not be necessary for a Zig to be in the stable to be able to replace it with another one, it will be enough for it to be in your bag. Only Zig #1, however, will be substitutable: the others will have to go through the pasture to be substituted. As it is already the case with the mounts, the inventories will not be affected by this operation.Underclothes will be real underclothes, usable as such, not equipable inventory items anymore. Therefore, it will be enough to equip them once for them to hide (or highlight) your character's forms when this one takes off her/his armor, without depriving you of any slot that can be occupied by a piece of armor. Trading them will still be possible but will be done via a special interface allowing you to indicate the name of the character and via Izam exchange.
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (2 years ago)
#279 Added by Ghost of Atys 2 years ago
AgendaNew Ticket systemNew EncyclopediaAllegories
#280 Added by Nilstilar 2 years ago
Le système de tickets de Ryzom, qui règle les rapports entre l'équipe d'assistance et les joueurs, a été mis à jour pour une nouvelle interface et un meilleur confort d'utilisation.Vous trouverez d'ici quelques minutes, le détail des changements d'usage impliqués par cette amélioration dans l'annonce publiée sur le forum.Je précise seulement ici que certaines catégories de billets ne peuvent être lues que par les SGM (Senior Game Masters).
En fait, on parle de "nouvelle" car l'interface et quelques petites choses vont changer, mais l'idée reste la même. L'Encyclopédie demeurera une collection de rites permettant chacun de débloquer un élément intéressant (une stanza ou l'accès à une nouvelle capacité en jeu) ainsi qu'un texte explicitant la chose. Mais, parfois, ce sont plusieurs rites qui devront être complétés pour obtenir un tel élément.L'interface de cette nouvelle Encyclopédie est largement inspirée de celle des leçons. Elle présentera la liste complète des rites "finissables" (ceux qu'un personnage-joueur peut effectivement accomplir).Certains rites proposés par l'Encyclopédie actuelle seront convertis progressivement dans une nouvelle version où :— les missions de pré-rite, quoique aussi simples que les actuelles, seront plus en accord avec l'objectif du rite et non des missons banales ;— sauf pour quatre d'entre eux (rites nationaux procurant une même stanza dans une version spécifique à chaque nation), aucun condition de renommée ne sera requise ;— la progression dans le rite se fera en six étapes (correspondant chacune à une face d'un cube d'ambre) ;— la première et la dernière étape du rite seront celles nécessitant dialogue avec un PNJ ;— les trois étapes suivant la première consisteront en l'accomplissement de missions simples (missions de pré-rite actuelles réécrites) ;— la cinquième demandera d'accomplir une mission plus développée : la "quête rituelle", qui constitue le rite proprement dit.S'agissant des futurs rites, ils comprendront eux aussi six étapes, mais le caractère de chacune sera variable en fonction du rite qu'elles composeront.
Il y aura quarante nouveaux rites pour commencer, un rite par région, car nous disposons désormais des outils pour développer plus rapidement des rites intéressants et moins buggés.Mais avant même ces quarante rites, vous allez pouvoir passer le tout premier rite de la nouvelle Encyclopédie, rite qui permettra de débloquer, contre quelques Elyps, la possibilité d'"Adopter un zig".Je dois dire que, si la refonte de l'Encyclopédie a pris du retard, c'est que le développement, particulièrement difficile, des rites "Kincher" et "Kizoar" a pris beaucoup de temps, nous incitant à rechercher les moyens de développer des rites plus facilement et rapidement. C'est aussi pourquoi ces deux rites ne seront convertis qu'après l'implantation des nouveaux (leur quête rituelle demande un recodage).La nouvelle Encyclopédie ainsi que le "Porte-document" (le nom est temporaire) qui rassemblera les textes seront deux nouvelles categories de la fenêtre de l'Encyclopédie (MAJ+e).
Je rappelle que les allegories sont des gravures qu'un PNJ du Jardin Majestueux applique sur des bijoux qui, une fois gravés et lorsque portés par le personnage, donnent à ce dernier des capacités particulières. Parce qu'elles sont peu utilisées par les joueurs, qu'elles coûtent cher, qu'il n'est pas simple de s'en procurer une pour chaque écosystème et que certaines ne sont plus très utiles, le système réglant leur fonctionnement va être remanié.Mais nous allons surtout en ajouter trois qui devraient être plus intéressantes. La première d'entre elles permettra à son porteur d'obtenir, lors du dépeçage de créatures tuées, des matières premières génériques en lieu et place de celles obtenues actuellement. Ainsi, le joueur, s'il souhaite simplement augmenter par l'entraînement les compétences d'armurier, de tailleur, etc. de son personnage pourra alterner sessions de chasse et sessions d'artisanat.
Les deux autres nouvelles allégories sont identiques dans leurs effets, mais l'une est à utiliser durant les sessions de chasse et l'autre durant celles de forage. Elles donneront au personnage n % de chances de trouver, alors qu'il fore ou chasse, un objet à identifier enfoui dans l'écorce ou dans le cadavre d'une créature.La qualité des ces objets sera fonction du niveau de la région où ils auront été collectés et ils seront extrèmement variés : matières premières excellentes et suprêmes (ces dernières très rares), matières premières issues d'un Roi de la région (très rares également), matières premières génériques de couleur, morceaux de plans d'arme gagnable à la Roue, etc. Notez que, toutefois, les plans d'armes génériques ne seront pas de tels objets : ils seront dans l'Encyclopédie.En outre, nous projetons pour plus tard de mettre en place, chaque semaine ou chaque mois, des objets à identifier spéciaux, destinés à un seul joueur. Si des idées d'autres objets vous viennent, n'hésitez pas à les proposer sur le forum. Bien entendu plus l'objet à identifier sera précieux, plus il sera rare.Durant une session, le porteur de l'allégorie pourra obtenir un objet à identifier sur n'importe quel créature (ou source de matières premières), ce indépendamment du nombre de créatures tuées (ou de sources épuisées) durant la session. En effet, l'apparition de l'objet dépend de jets de dés se succédant à une fréquence calculée à partir du n % évoqué plus haut.Enfin (le meilleur, à mon sens) certains objets à identifier seront des cartes au trésor indiquant plus ou moins précisément la localisation d'un coffre à extraire de l'écorce, à charge pour vous de monter une expédition à plusieurs pour aller le chercher.Le coffre en question pourra contenir divers objets précieux, des Elyps et autre jetons, ainsi que (même si ce n'est pas encore vraiment décidé) la robe Muse-Ham (LAM skin 3).
#281 Added by Tamarea 2 years ago
Agenda[Marauder Gameplay] Fame update[New Encyclopedia] Next Rite[Guild Island] Outpost Material Enhancer Building
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (2 years ago)
#282 Added by Leytoo 2 years ago
#283 Added by Chronicles of Atys 1 year ago
AgendaNews about OutpostsEvent team
#284 Added by Ghost of Atys 1 year ago
Last edited by Ghost of Atys (1 year ago)
#285 Added by Ghost of Atys 1 year ago
AgendaRocket-Chat upgrade V6ARK updateNews about Outposts
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