
KipeeCraft needs volunteers / testers to add postcraft formulas

Now with damage, FyrosFreddy had the correct formula for 2h sword- I'm sure the other are close enough too. However, I'm going to use the 2h sword formula with the weapon damage factors for the KC post craft stat, it might be the closest we can get to game and only requires changing 1 number at start of formula- I did not put the Floor function, I'm not sure if just the display drops the decimal or if it reduces dmg...

All the formulas I been using ... go back many, many years.... the origina of which can be found on the old archived forums. There have been some updates over the years such as when all 2H Weaps became "no longer the same" and the subsequent changes to 1H. And even after that there were more changes. The "patch notes" gave hints as to how to revamp the original formulas when each change ocurred. Unfortunately, the links to all those patch notes were lost when Bunnynet's ISP went under.  You can see the latest updates in the Crafting Ranges Tool tool here:


Origin info here:

2012 http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/8922/1

2008 http://forums.ryzom.com/showthread.php?t=31883


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Last visit Thursday, 9 May 01:43:41 UTC

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