News from the Event Group

7th of march 2016

1. La Firme
Gaueko: I have been talking with Dev/Ark Teams and they are very busy with the Steam release tasks. They apologize about not answering to your e-mails. I have asked the one in charge of this task to contact you to explain this situation better. And I understand you all are angry and waiting for long.Zakkk: I'm not angry, I'm... no, we're disappointed. It seems we've worked for nothing. These animations were to celebrate the 1000 days for La Firme, and we're coming close to 1300 days and still nothing, while we had given you everything long before the 1000 days.

Riasan: About Zakkks Event we have a lot of work with Patch System/Steam Client and ARC. If this is all done we can work very faster and make lot of better stuff...but we need to finish all and this take a lot of time...

Q: Maybe a firm commitment should be taken for La Firme event for after Steam, at least?
A: I am sure that after Steam we will go back to normal, and we would be able to focus on many stuff we can´t know.

Q: The "Dev" is Ulukyn? Or someone else? Because even after Steam, someone like Ulukyn has so many things to do that it can still lag be very slow.
A: No. Dev, all the Dev Team, not just Ulukyn.

2. Recruitment

The Event Team is strongly understaffed and in big need of new animators to help to provide regular events. If you enjoy playing role or writing stories, join us! Help of everyone will be very useful and appreciated. To know more about it: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22046/2# 2.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

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