
#1 [en] 

Raid frames , when you have more then 9 people who want to make a team for a hunt/op war, you should be able to convert the team to a raid whcih can consist of or up to 20 players.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.

#2 [en] 

I like this idea alot.-Kil


#3 [en] 

Another idea for the frames is to pool teams into a raid by inviting the team leaders - I could easily see managing 4 - 6 teams on a monitor. Once in a raid the raid leader can boot a team or the current team leader can remove their team.


Peace, Luv & Cookies,

#4 [en] 

+1 i love this idea and was only saying the other night it would make events and hunts and op battles easier for organising

Last edited by Khandoma (1 десятилетие назад) | Причина: my rubbish gramer lol


#5 [en] 

But why up to 20? We don't have any content specifically designed for 20 people. Just make it infinite \o/

#6 [en] 

Probably there has to be -some- limit, even if it's more than the number of people playing. I like this for treks, but haven't played much of anything else yet with more than 3-4 people at once.
Only niggling, but can we use a term other than "raid" if this is implemented? I don't like the WoW connotations.

#7 [en] 

But why up to 20? We don't have any content specifically designed for 20 people. Just make it infinite \o/

Marauder hunts are perfect for 20 people infact if you have more it just makes things harder.
infinity would take up your whole screen silly :p

Last edited by Nitrouss (1 десятилетие назад)


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.

#8 [en] 

I like the idea. But why stop there.

Squad = up to 9
Platoon = 2 Squads
Company = 4 platoons
Batalltion = 4 companies.

Have the leader of each coordinate up the chain of command (CoC).
This way the coordination is handle easier. Also create a squads by duty. Ie a squad of healers could be tasks with watching two squads of fighters. A special unit of sharpshooters to cover the healers.
Of course this type of system would require training and such to make it work but this system has proven effective throughout history.

I am not sure but aren't there items here that act as artillery? That too could be coordinated by an FO (forward observer) to properly direct fire power.

Just my tactical thoughts on this.

Last edited by Keyif(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад)

#9 [en] 

I'd like to see Keyif's twist on the suggestion. How are you thinking this would be shown relative to the current team window?

#10 [en] 

This idea has merit. It would satisfy the "PvP Friends" idea that I suggested, since everyone associated with one another would just form up together in a super-group, whatever the name is chosen to be. Obviously, you would have to tag similarly to one another in such a super-group or be automatically booted. When entering a PvP zone, the super-group leader decides Attack, Defense, or Neutral, and that applies to the entire super-group.

Perhaps the name "Militia" could be used, as it seems somewhat appropriate, if "Raid" is distasteful (WoW wasn't the first one to use that name, btw).

It would also satisfy another need, namely a secure communications channel that doesn't depend on a shared password, that doesn't take up a dynamic channel slot, and that ceases to exist when it is no longer needed without people having to manually leave the channel. If undesirables DO make it onto the channel by way of sub-group membership, that sub-group can be booted from the super-group and you can regain security instantly, without a LOT of effort.

The idea that you can invite unlimited numbers of players (or groups) is a good one, and makes this suitable for use at outpost battles or large events.

Just for discussion purposes:

Have a "super-group" management window that would allow you to open individual sub-group windows if you close them. You should be able to open/close this management window from the "Windows" button if you don't bind a hotkey to it. By default, sub-group windows are not automatically opened on your screen, but do appear in the list in the management window, identified by group leader name.

Allow the sub-group window to be collapsed with a click, like chat windows or the in-game browser (there are times I'd like this anyway). Then, since this is largely a collection of sub-groups, you collapse the sub-groups you're not interested in (or just close them), move the sub-group windows around on your screen, or whatever.

#11 [en] 

in another game noy WOW when you are joined in a raid you get a raid channel like your team channel .
just a thought it could be popped in in the same way your team channel is generated


#12 [en] 

I'd like to see Keyif's twist on the suggestion. How are you thinking this would be shown relative to the current team window?

The way I see it is like this.

If you are in a squad then you only have to deal with that squad in your window. When you squad teams with another and becomes a platoon then you have a window that is in two groups, with an option to collapse the squad that you are not part of.

There should be a Leadership team that has more groupings in them. For instance the team leader of a company would have contact with the team leaders of the plattons who would in turn be in contact with the squad leaders. This would be a downstream command line similar to current military operations. To illustrate I will make a drawing of the window idea and post a link to it later.

Khandoma mentioned a 'raid' channel. This would work for a Command channel too.

My thoughts on this subject come from observations here and seeing that usually there seems to be no organization to...

#13 [en] 

defending or attacking. The stronger players do what they can and others assist. I hope this makes sense. I look forward to your comments.

#14 [en] 

there was once a dream.... it was called raid.... it would of involved something about kitins... it could of been starshiptroopers tastic.....mixed showers in all.....
nearly a good idea. :o)

Last edited by Cidre(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад)

#15 [en] 

There are a multitude of ways to lead a raid, and a multitude of ways to communicate within a raid. To try force a set chain of command into a game like Ryzom, that is built around freedom of characters (no clear standard builds), is in my opinion a Really bad idea.
We already have the option to make our own chat channels, even with passwords. To make everyone force-join the "right" channel when joining a raid/trek/whatever is to dumb the game down. Its needed to guide people into understanding the game, where its already done, but please stop at that level.
20+ people PvE raids has already been done in ryzom, with great success. -even with cross raidgroup healing, and advanced healing tecniques required.
The only thing I personally miss ingame in relation to raids, is more people making them, more raid-size targets with rewards worth going for, and a option to "link" teams so one could see more than one groups status. ..and a way to set Team Leaders.
Last visit Вторник, 18 Февраля 22:59:57 UTC

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