#216 Добавлено Kigan 5 лет назад
Edited 9 times | Last edited by Kigan (5 лет назад)
#217 Добавлено Heernis 5 лет назад
HeernisThere is one thing you have to bear in mind, as far as I have understood Ryzom and its history:The definition of "freedom" is determined by those who write, design and validate the lore in the context of role-playing. This has a direct impact on the game through the game mechanics."As far as ** I ** have understood" is the key here, other people see this history differently ... most importantly due to the fact is that for most of it's life Ryzom existed in three separate servers with three separate story lines. This is the flaw in this vision. Three seaparte storylines existed with three separate player mindests. This is the flaw in reasoning
There is one thing you have to bear in mind, as far as I have understood Ryzom and its history:The definition of "freedom" is determined by those who write, design and validate the lore in the context of role-playing. This has a direct impact on the game through the game mechanics.
HeernisThe OOC players and the RP players. They try to dictate rules to each other.The reality is here has been mostly between the PvE and the PvE oriented folks. To my eyes, one side wants it all about PvP .... the other side is not asking for it to be all about PvE, that side sayd PvP to your hearts cointent, just don't force me to participate and don't make us 2nd class citizens with less right to pursue our goals.Again, I have no horsse in the race here as I don't multi-box ... I also don't give a hoot aout RP. The assertion that Ryzom is findamentally based on RP is your own vision. The issue here us ... for 15 years this has never been an issue ... it only became an issue when "these guys are too skilled and we can't win". Seeking to erase the skill advantage, MB all of a sudden became a huge problem. The 1st atatck was to claim these guys are cheating, and when that failed, the RP argument was created.
The OOC players and the RP players. They try to dictate rules to each other.
HeernisRyzom is a sandbox, but also and above all a role-playing game. So it is clear that in an MMORPG, role-playing dictates how the mechanics of the game should react. There is no freedom in the sense of "do what you want", but there is freedom in the sense of "you are free to do whatever you want within the framework of the role-play".Whoaaa above all a RP game ?... said who ? care to check the home page ?"Ryzom offers official interactive events in which live responsive NPCs are involved. As varied as they are regular, their progress and outcome depend on your actions: nothing is preordained!"And ... https://web.stage.ryzom.com/game#freedom
Ryzom is a sandbox, but also and above all a role-playing game. So it is clear that in an MMORPG, role-playing dictates how the mechanics of the game should react. There is no freedom in the sense of "do what you want", but there is freedom in the sense of "you are free to do whatever you want within the framework of the role-play".
HeernisAt first sight it doesn't make any difference. The game mechanics and modern computers make it possible to run several clients at the same time. Roleplayers can play whole families and OOC players see it as an art of playing and a challenge, although it wasn't originally intended for that. There is no limitation by the roleplaying, but only a limitation of 4 simultaneous clients to keep balance, which is more like a stopgap solution.Wasn't aware that you were in the room at the time when the game was in development. The use of multi-boxing has been tacitly permitted since the getgo. It's been argued got and against many times and the decision that came down was to permit it. original the instructions given was add "/multi" after the exe file name.
At first sight it doesn't make any difference. The game mechanics and modern computers make it possible to run several clients at the same time. Roleplayers can play whole families and OOC players see it as an art of playing and a challenge, although it wasn't originally intended for that. There is no limitation by the roleplaying, but only a limitation of 4 simultaneous clients to keep balance, which is more like a stopgap solution.
HeernisProhibiting alts does not help anything in a system like Ryzom. And allowing it gives the other non-Multiboxers a feeling of inferiority or an in-between is just eyewash. The system should be fundamentally changed. A controlled and official handling of Alts would be more useful.I can accept this as your Point oif View but you must accpt that this is your PoV ... the statements as to "intent" are not factual but perceived. And that's OK, everone is entitled to an opinion, but not their owm facts.
Prohibiting alts does not help anything in a system like Ryzom. And allowing it gives the other non-Multiboxers a feeling of inferiority or an in-between is just eyewash. The system should be fundamentally changed. A controlled and official handling of Alts would be more useful.
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Heernis (5 лет назад)
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#218 Добавлено Magez 5 лет назад
Magez, le jeu tel que tu le vois doit tout aux joueurs RP. C'est le RP qui fait le gameplay. C'est le RP qui fait les event. C'est le RP qui fait les factions, les OP, tout ce qu'il y a sur ce jeu. Alors un peu plus de respect pour tous ces joueurs que VOUS avez fait partir avec votre façon de jouer complètement déconnectée d'un MMORPG digne de ce nom. Un peu plus de respect pour tout ce qu'ils vous ont apporté et que vous avez patiemment détruit avec votre façon de jouer. C'est pas toi et ta clique qui avait fait quoi que ce soit pour développer ryzom. C'est pas toi et tes alt non. On les attend encore les anim et les dév venus d'arispotle. A ça pour faire pleurer vous êtes là, mais pour mettre la main à la pâte, y'a plus personne. Vous nous soulez, vous pouvez le comprendre ça? Et vous continuez à saloper ce jeu comme vous l'avez toujours fait, tout ça parce que vous êtes pas fichu d'accepter qu'enfin, pour une fois, on vous retire un truc, qu'on mette un frein sur votre façon de faire. Allez plutôt pourrir un autre jeu, ou ouvrez un autre serveur que vous tiendrez comme des grands avec vos alt et faites plus chier. J'en ai marre vous pigez ça? Marre de ce jeu qui s'assume pas. Marre des anglais qui nous gavent, pour qui on s'emmerde à traduire et développer des outils de trad alors qu'ils s'en branlent des event. Marre des publications sur le forum qui tardent parce que "faut une version en anglais", alors que les anglais s'en tapent. Marre de ces cons d'arispotle qui depuis la fusion font fuir ceux d'aniro au point que ce jeu perde son âme. Vous avez gagné, je me casse. Bon courage à ceux qui restent. J'ai eu ma dose de connerie.
#219 Добавлено Tamarea 5 лет назад
#220 Добавлено Mathimat 5 лет назад
J'ai du mal à comprendre pourquoi refuser une solution qui fait un pas vers tout le monde. Pourquoi ne pas laisser les alts, mais les restreindre et les interdire seulement aux activités pour lesquelles il y a un déséquilibre, comme sur les OP par exemple? Qu'est-ce que ca peut vous faire si machin pexe avec ses alts de son coté? Ca n'a derangé personne pendant plus de huit ans et tout à coup "Si vous laissez les alts et bah je m'en vais", meme pas de discussion possible, de compromis à trouver? Si on retire le désequilibre en les interdisant aux OPs et autre, pourquoi ne pas les laisser faire les quelques activités qui leur reste tranquille de leur coté si ca les amuse? Certains ont-ils un ego tellement grand qu'il ne peuvent meme pas supporter de savoir que contrairement à eux quelqu'un pexe tout seul sans avoir necessairement besoin d'aide de quelqu'un(bien que les mutliboxeurs team souvent avec des joueurs) ?
#221 Добавлено Eeri 5 лет назад
#222 Добавлено Zvorax 5 лет назад
#223 Добавлено Laoviel 5 лет назад
#224 Добавлено Depyraken 5 лет назад
#225 Добавлено Virg 5 лет назад
#226 Добавлено Elvanae 5 лет назад
Last edited by Elvanae (5 лет назад)
#227 Добавлено Bones 5 лет назад
#228 Добавлено Tamarea 5 лет назад
#229 Добавлено Nitrouss 5 лет назад
#230 Добавлено Moniq 5 лет назад
As for op wars, implement a guild vs guild only feature where members who have been in the guild for more then 30 days can participate in op wars, most alts will be removed from the war.
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