
#1 [en] 

Tomorrow the Heretic's Hovel Portal will be blockaded by a small detachment of Matis troops. This is in order to prevent the Akenak from bringing any water shipments through the Verdant Heights following their disrespectful displays towards the people of the Matis Kingdom and their refusal to negotiate a small token of appreciation to the Monarchy.

We are not insensitive to their situation and are more than willing to offer assistance if we were to only get proper recognition and gratitude for that help, but all we have received from the Akenak is disrespect, taunts, and deliberate provocations.

As the Taliari have assured us the main water caravan will be taking a different route, we trust this will not cause too much trouble to our Tryker allies. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to other travellers. Citizens in good standing will of course still be welcome through our border.

-The Chamber of Nobles, in servitude to King Yrkanis.

[edit by sywindt: deleted all non-RP posts]

Last edited by Sywindt(Yubo) (1 десятилетие назад)


Noble Jayce
Reaper Leader

#2 [en] 

Yes, how dare they not submit to extortion.

Last edited by Stitch(arispotle) (1 десятилетие назад)

#3 [en] 

*hands Jayce 1 dapper* Here that should cover our tax. thats atleast 2/3s more than your land is worth ^_^


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)

#4 [en] 

Gonna have to agree with Stitch on this one. No reason to take advantage of Homins in a time of need. But hey, what are emergencys for anyways but profit opportunities??

#5 [en] 

Sounds like we need to make some water runs via the General Lee mektoub, and since Jayce is just like Rosco this should should be fun! :)

#6 [en] 

Historically the Matis are not known for their political correctness. I mean, there's that whole enslavement business.

But whether it's morally right for the Matis Nobles to tax a caravan going through their lands to bring relief to drought victims is beyond the point. They do have the legal right to do so, I believe.

However if the Akenak and the Taliari want to save some dappers or would rather not pay out of principle, there's always the option for the caravan to take the longer route through the Trench of Trials and the Witherings.

It's highly doubtful the caravan would be taxed by the Zoraï.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#7 [en] 

We can only hope that this is the action of a single rogue noble, and not the position of the Matis government.
If it is government policy, it can only lead to renewed war between the Matis and the Fyro, a war where most likely Tryker as well as Zorai'i would join the Fyro in their struggle.

It would destroy the trust and trade that has sprung up between the races in the New Lands, and eventually lay ruin to everything homins have build here since they returned from exile in the prime roots.

#8 [en] 

Update: the entire Matis government supports this action which amounts to a declaration of war between the Verdant Heights and the Burning Desert.
We can only hope this does not spread to the rest of Atys, and therefore question the wisdom of carrying through this caravan as it could be seen as the Tryker taking sides in this conflict, the results of which we've seen in the past with the Matis enslavement of the Tryker people and annexation of Loria.

#9 [en] 

Dear lala, you are mis-informed. Oviously you did not witness the public taunting and disrespect to the King, members of the Akenak displayed right in the middle of Yrkanis just yesterday.

The nobles are simpathetic to the issues at hand, but we will not be subject to the abuse we witnessed.
The decission we made was not an easy one, but it was unanimous and with the Kings blessing.

Noble Loracas of guild Cara Via


#10 [en] 

Well if you wanna be politically correct which we know you dont, we never actually mentioned anything about the Akenak, and anything outside of a specified Role playing time shouldnt be held accountable in Role play. The so called "taunting" in yrk wasnt a display of the akenak and saying that you should build walls is a matter of opinion we werent bothering anyone. The only person we interacted with were the ones that came up to us...Like Jayce or Meagon. So, What we did as players is invalid to what we do as akenaks. And if its war you want than please make my day >:D


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)

#11 [en] 

I know it may seem to outsiders like the Matis are just being mean here, so allow me to explain.

It is not so much about the dapper as it is about common courtesy.

The Tryker were approached with envoys from the Akenak and politely asked for their assistance, and shown appropriate gratitude for their help.

We Matis were simply assumed to be okay with letting the Fyros run caravans through our land while insulting us for it. No request, no thanks. When our Nobles carefully mentioned they'd like a little recognition for their help, they were immediately shouted down as thieves, before any mention of tax amounts had even come up yet.

Does the drought mean that the Fyros are now allowed to take whatever they want from us, however they want? And if you don't like it, you're profiting off their misery? The Matis will not submit to such moral extortion.

Had the Fyros had a government capable of asking the Matis for help instead of demanding it, this all could've been avoided.

#12 [en] 

LOL you act like letting us pass through your lands is such a big deal. Its not like we asked you for water, the Tryker are giving us water and you dont see them taxing us, they are happy to help a worthy cause. All we needed to do it move it accross your lands, its not even a commodity, its travel to which we didnt even require your assitance. Im not sure about the rest of you homins but charging us for passing on your lands, for a worthy cause none the less sounds like a theif to me. While there are tribes in the desert with no water, innocent people going without water, you can only think of getting a reward for letting us pass on your land. AND THEN when we refuse to pay you for travel you put up a blockade to prevent any homins from passing. Face it your theives your cheap you dont care about the Fyros the way you see it if you cant make a profit off of it and we die off its one less pain to deal with. If it were the Zorai or the Trykers lands we were passing on they would gladly let us. Extortionism ftw


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)

#13 [en] 

I personally have no love for Fyro, seeing what they planned to do to me as a small child.
But that does not extend to the point where I'm willing to let them die of thirst.
Nor do I like to see a war start over a goodwill gesture by the citizens of New Trykoth wanting to help out the citizens of the Imperial Dunes in their hour of need.

Maybe it is best if homins of all convictions work together and find another route to the Burning Desert, one that bypasses the Verdant Heights altogether.

The Prime Roots are dangerous, but through there we can reach the Scorched Corridor directly from the Bounty Beaches.
A long and perilous underground journey, which will require a larger escort and lead to many more injuries and deaths than travelling the Verdant Heights, but any political boistering by the Matis Nobles would not affect our mission of mercy.

#14 [en] 

or take a longer time, but be safer doing it by going through Zorai lands.

#15 [en] 

If the Akenak were so concerned for their thirsty tribes, they could've put their own pride aside in the interest of doing what's best for their people. Instead they chose to use the suffering of their own people as a diplomatic weapon to turn the Tryker opinion against the Matis.

Nevertheless we would not want the common Fyros to suffer for the actions of their government. If it came down to letting their caravan through our lands or letting the Fyros die of thirst, I'm sure an agreement could've been reached. However, the Taliari already decided to simply lead the caravan through another route before such negotiations could begin.

Since the caravan is not going over Matis soil anymore, it's no longer any concern of us. The closing of the border will not affect whether the Fyros receive their water. It is purely to make sure the Akenak honor the agreement that the Taliari decided on.
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