
#16 [en] 

The Tryker opinion was not influenced by the Akenak. We based our opinion off of the Matis trying to tax a humanitarian caravan. The Fyros are not the big ole bad Homin here. In a time of need the Nobles decided to take advantage of the situation. Both the Akenak AND the Taliar saw this and no one side is to blame for our opinion of how the Nobles handled the situation. Maybe one day when the Nobles need some help they will see it from a more delicate point of view other than one obscured by greed.


Last edited by Icurra (1 decade ago)

#17 [en] 

<<Can we keep this IC? Take the OOC to General forums>>

I shall pray that Icurra does not represent the opinion of the entire Taliar, and that most Tryker are wise enough to see that the Akenak intentionally provoked this hostile reaction from the Nobles because they hoped the Tryker would misunderstand it for greed.

We could've refused the caravan passage outright, instead we were willing to negotiate a compromise. But that chance was never even given to us, and now our willingness to negotiate is being propagated as lust for dapper.

Closing the border costed the Matis kingdom a lot of dapper and gained us nothing, except that it made clear we will not be walked over. For that has been our only concern in this affair. How does that fit into the picture of profit being our only concern?

The water caravan has safely reached the Fyros and the blockade was lifted as soon as we heard of it's arrival, so all parties accomplished their main goal without any confrontations. Let us remember it as that.

#18 [en] 

Ah, but in most cultures, a blockade is considered an act of war.........

#19 [en] 

I would like to request that the Nobles please stop assuming that the Taliari are condoning any type of disrespect that you feel was brought upon you? The Taliari simply did not agree with the taxing of the caravan. That's it. No need to continue to point fingers to those that had nothing to do with whatever it is that you feel has been a wrong doing to you. The Taliari was not and is not responsible for any actions done by other members of other governing bodies that you feel were inappropriate. The Taliari point of view on the taxing does not need to be altered to condoning the actions of others beyond the control of the Taliari. As I myself am not and can not be a Taliar and I only attend the meetings, I do not speak directly for them. I merely expressed the opinion of the Taliari on the subject of taxing the caravan as I was there. I sure hope this clears things up on this aspect of the views of the Taliari and of the Trykers and that this continues no further.


#20 [en] 

A blockade being interpreted as an act of war is a bit excessive, in my humble opinion. It can also be seen, like boycotting, as a mere way to show disapproval. "You don't seem to respect us, thus we don't want you here." The matter has been solved by taking another road. I think this is all a misunderstanding.

And, by the burning flames of Atys, a token of gratitude can be anything between a thank you and a fistful of dappers. But I agree that taxing a humanitarian caravan is of bad taste, especially when other, safer roads can be taken without paying a single dapper.

I'm not proud of you, homins ! Let's not go back years behind with a silly war ! The only ones to benefit from such a bloodshed would be the Kitins and Marauders !


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles

#21 [en] 

Ah, while I agree with you Sherk, that gratitude can take many forms, the form asked for by the nobles was that of dappers, at 1 mil per barrel. At prices this high, that only motivation I can see is pure greed.

As for the blockade, one might also ask why the Tryer border was closed, and not the Fyros, with which the Nobles seem to have issue. Are the Matis attempting to return to old customs........

Last edited by Dregra(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#22 [en] 

255 million dappers ?I? Some homins are crazier than me ! Although for some guilds it's considered pocket money, it isn't the case for everyone. Though I did hear that it wasn't a question of dappers before the insults started to fly. Who says the truth ? I do not care, but I am somehow disappointed if the diplomats and representatives of our nations cannot act in a responsible matter.

It is no time to have a war. The marauders are lurking in the shadows awaiting for a flaw in our defenses to slay our leaders and take their places. A new one just appeared, Dante the Teaser. Has he been beaten to a pulp, yet ?

Also, the Kitins will eventually retaliate from all the people descending into their nest to harvest their cocoons and steal their cattle. Our last victory against them required much work and collaboration between the 4 people. We almost didn't make it.

In time of hominitarian crysis, greed and disrespect do not have their places. Both are wrong and both should apologize.


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles

#23 [en] 

I, Loracas, one of the more senior nobles, would like to write today as an individual homin.

The House of Nobles recently requested audience with our King to present new noble inductees. This was scheduled and announced. During the time before this scheduled meeting, the talks between the Taliari and Akenak had already begun. Reports had been coming to us of the Fyros troubles and the Tryker resolution. The Nobles discussed this and wondered why a matter of such magnatude and urgency did not include councl of all races, but we had received no invitation or consideration. I requested audience before both the Taliari and Akenak, which would take place immediately after our scheduled presentation before the King.

Now, just prior to the Kings presentation, the Nobles and noble hopefuls were witness to a public display by individuals wearing the Akenak title that, intended or not, were perceived as disrespect toward the Kingdom of Matis.

Weather these two issues before us were related or not, this is the atmosphere the Nobles carried to the Kings chamber and a sense of urgency fell upon us. We conveyed this to the King and after our presentation and after 3 new Nobles were excepted to the house, we quickly requested discussions with the King's advisors on the matters that weighed upon us.

I commend my fellow nobles (some of who bore the title for mere minutes) for the quick response, solid discussion and firm resolve they showed this day. I am proud to be in your company.


#24 [en] 

Ahh, we bring respect and honor into the fray, But curiosity requires me to ask how honorable it is for one of your "Nobility" to practice the art of killing diggers who are leveling their craft in PR, I know of several occasions where this happened to Fyros and Trykers. Must make the king proud to know his "Noble Warrior" can kill a PR digger wearing focus gear. I guess a few jests and insults must far outweigh this simple gesture of respect for other regions.

#25 [en] 

Stir the pot if you like Zhola. my last post was intended to add prospective and to ease tensions. I have no knowledge of the otrostities you describe, but I do not condone such actions.
I have known you since you were a young homin Zhola, and I trust you know me as well.


#26 [en] 

WOW !!! This has gone a bit far ... I am a matis Noble !!!! And proud to be such but I have never ganked any one in PR nor am I a theif ...I try to be fair to everyone!!!! This whole thing started because of all the bad mouth the matis were getting if you all want to play Victim atleast be grown up about and put the blame where it honestly needs to be not on a few that are just plain tired of being abused .... All of you who know me no no that I am good hearted and would help any one .Kara..Kami ..even Akenak but I also am getting tired of being called Filth I believe the word was or we live in Filth...Either way you need to get your facts straight before you start accussing:( Thank You for the time it took for you to read this............Hugs to all Dazzie Matis Noble & Proud of it:D

#27 [en] 

No offense Dazzie, but if my information is correct Jayce is one of your Nobles, and one of the Fyros you have issue with was the recipient of one of his great PR conquests.

#28 [en] 

I don't have any issue's with any Fyros my rl son is fyros !!!!! But if what you say is true whom ever was ganked need to address the humin who was responsible not take it out on the nobles.

#29 [en] 

And if what you say is true then the "Nobles" need to address the homins that were disrespectful and not take it out on the suffering tribes by demanding "protection fees" and blockading trade routes.

#30 [en] 

We as Nobles thought we had addressed it correctly. Those who committed the slander agianst us both bore the Akenak titles. Perhaps the Akenak should address the 2 who represented there titles in a bad way. The Akenak as well as the noble titles should be respected by those who are chose to represent it. If I had heard that 2 of our Nobles had acted in such a manner I would have requested they be called before our king and punished. I would like to apologize to the Akenak whom were not responsable for the slander agianst us.
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