

#1 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français
Nobles assembly of Yrkanis's notice board .

Last edited by Tamarea (1 десятилетие назад)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#2 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | Français | English
The Nobles Chamber of the Verdant Heights has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis, on Quinteth, Nivia 11, 2nd AC 2580*, and was lead by His Grace the Duke Rodi di Varello, counsellor of the Karan Stevano.

Accordingly to the reorganisation wanted by the Karan, Novice Cleric Shepeng opened the session with a fervent prayer to the Goddess.

Also in agreement with the reform of the Karan Court pronounced during the last Chamber of the Nobles, the leader of House “La Firme”, Ser Mendell, has been ennobled by the Duke di Varello. The new noble has immediately sworn once more to serve the Karan, the Kingdom and Jena.

Serae Alco, ambassador towards the Federation, has then told the last news from the Lakes.
First, a dangerous marauder has been judged and sentenced there. Simply to community service.
The other piece of news is the will of the taliari to reopen a tryker market, where the price for the stands would be chosen depending on the nation of the seller. With the higher price applied to the Kingdom’s subjects.
Finally, same assembly expressed the wish to take back all the ouptosts that would not be currently hold by tryker citizens.
All these points have not been subject to public comments.
Ambassador Erminantius wasn’t present, but news from the Theocracy were of few importance, and didn’t affect the Kingdom.
Further, Serae Ozwomen has mentioned that there was nothing new by the Rangers.

Finally, His Grace announced that the Royal College would now take care of providing the food to the captive kitin.

Public session was closed after a moving amazon prayer, by Serae Zendae.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Quarta, Folially 22, 3rd AC 2580

Stevano Aiye!
Matis Aiye!
Jena Aiye!

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

(*)OOC: on October, 24th 2014

#3 [en] 

Copal (atys)
The other piece of news is the will of the taliari to reopen a tryker market, where the price for the stands would be chosen depending on the nation of the seller. With the higher price applied to the Kingdom’s subjects.

This is not true - it was discussed but it was decided that stands would be charged 5% of their takings - perhaps in view of your shady past - you might like to pay more, out of the goodness of your hearts?

Note taker for Tryker meeting

Last edited by Binarabi (1 десятилетие назад)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#4 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | [English] | Français
Letter from Copal to Binarabi
To Serae Binarabi,

It has come to my ears that you considered my last reports of the debates among the Nobles Assembly as untrue.

I am Note taker for Matis Nobles Chambers, as you are Note taker for Tryker meetings.
As such, I am sure you are fully aware, as I am, that minutes of a meeting have to be loyal to what is said during aforementioned meeting. Hence I assure you that everything I've written down is what I've heard and witnessed.
If reports made before the Karan's representative seem undue to you, you are of course free to express any objections to our Ambassador towards the Federation.

In the meantime I won't betray the trust entitled to me by the Karan himself, by changing a single word of these minutes.

Yours sincerely,
Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

[OOC] I'm sure it's self evident for everyone, but just in case this may pour oil on the fire of the current debates, I prefer to mention that this answer is, of course, IC.

#5 [en] 

Copal (atys)
Hence I assure you that everything I've written down is what I've heard and witnessed.
Yes - I am saying it was incorrectly reported

Last edited by Binarabi (1 десятилетие назад)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#6 [en] 

It strikes me that there is a third party involved, namely:
Serae Alco, ambassador towards the Federation, has then told the last news from the Lakes.

It is thus perfectly possible that Ser Copal and nair-Binarabi are both reporting accurately, but that Serae Alco did not fully understand the actions of the Taliari and so reported mistakenly. Such things have been known to happen when Ambassadors are involved.

--- with respect,
Mac'Od Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#7 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français
Ser Erminantius had been informed of the small troubles that some Tryker had noticed in the report of the royal scribe.
But, as he was unfortunately confined in his bed due to illness, Erminantius hadn’t been able to attend the last Chamber of the Nobles in Yrkanis.

He was wondering if all this didn’t come from a misunderstanding of what the Trykers where trying to do on the subject of their market.

He took his quill and wrote to the royal scribe:

Ser Copal,

Knowing you, I know well that you have transcribed faithfully the words said during this Chamber. Personally I repeat my trust in you.
However I’ve got a question, and a proposal indeed for the future. Which representative of the Lakes did attend this Chamber? Was the tryker ambassador towards the Kingdom attending?
If the Ambassador Alco had misunderstood the Lakes intentions, or if she had been badly informed of the Taliari’s intentions towards our kingdom, the tryker ambassador could have corrected and then avoid any misunderstanding…

Ser Copal, while you remain master of your reports to the Karan, I suggest that you may add the names of the attendants along with their titles (ambassador, leader of a House…)

Ser Erminantius

PS: OOC text of course

Last edited by Erminantius (1 десятилетие назад)

#8 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | Français | English
Alco was traveling in some far away places in the lakes, when an izam appeared on the horizon. The letter bore the seal of the Karan's court, also she hastened to read the parchment quickly.

Tryker citizens came to challenge the rates Tryker market announced in the last Nobes' meeting held in Yrkanis. Alco took his pen and wrote.
"Letter to the Nobles' assembly"
Deles Silam,
At the Taliari's assembly it was discussed about the Tryker market. Several solutions have been proposed, such as the high price for the subjects of the kingdom, perhaps I was misunderstood but made ​​it clear I did not say it was the chosen solution. However, it has indeed been proposed, I only pass the information to the kingdom, it may be significant about our relationship between our two peoples.
The final decision has not been officially communicated at the end of the meeting, the official announcement was made after the Nobles' assembly, and I confirm that finally renting a booth at the market will be 5% of the day's income.

Stevano Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Alco (1 десятилетие назад)


Officier supérieur de La Firme
Ambassadrice Matis auprès de la Fédération
Dame de compagnie de la Karae
Fleuriste et Linguiste royale
Gardienne du Royaume et Benie de Jena

#9 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | Français | English
The Nobles Chamber of the Verdant Heights has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis, on Quinteth, Thermis 29, 4th AC 2580*, and was lead by His Grace the Duke Rodi di Varello, counsellor of the Karan Stevano.

Were attending:
Filira Erminantius, Viscount of Avalae, leader of the House Les Gardiens du Savoir
Filirae Ozwomen, Ambassadress towards the Rangers
Filirae Remigra, Lady in waiting of the Karae, leader of the House Liberi Margus
Filirae Nanouh, Lady in waiting of the Karae
Filira Zakkk, Clerk of the Court retired
Serae Shepeng, Cleric novitiate
Serae Alco, Lady in waiting of the Karae
Ser Copal, Royal scrivener for Avalae
Serae Tenebrae, subject of the Kingdom
Serae Leeisnecyene, subject of the Kingdom
Ser Ciogio, subject of the Kingdom
Ser Dukenono, subject of the Kingdom
Ser Kraul – subject of the Kingdom
Serae Decci
Ser Smoker
Serae Seipora
Ser Khalaoden
Ser Seternulon**

Accordingly to the reunification of the assemblies of the Nobles and the Clergy, Cleric Novitiate Shepeng opened the session with a fervent prayer to the Goddess.

His Grace, the Duke Rodi, has then ennobled the leader of the House “Liberi Margus”, Serae Remigra, in agreement with the new rules about ennoblements. She has immediately sworn again to serve faithfully the Karan, the Kingdom and Jena.
Filirae Ozwomen has also proposed the names of two members of her House for a similar promotion: ser Fateciy and Serae Cocogirl. She’ll have a file sent to His Grace to prove what makes these two homins worthy of such a reward.

Serae Alco, ambassadress towards the Federation, has then reported the last news from the Lakes.
First, the offer for two seats in the kitin study college has been officially delivered. The names of the tryker participants should be known after the next Taliari assembly.
On a commercial plan, a water and beer road is planned between the Lakes and the Desert. Details will have to be followed closely since some rumours speak about a possible secret exchange of weapons on this occasion. Ambassadress Alco will keep alert on this point.
Among additional points, the banners for the tryker cities are done, except for the one of the capital. The flyners study hasn’t been addressed because its responsible had to leave. Some debates took place regarding the presence of marauders among the Guardian of Shadows. Incidentally the federal guards will be recalled from Windermeer, and their presence in Crystabell will be discussed at a next local assembly.
Last, the tryker fair should open around the beginnings of Medis, 1st AC, 2581.
Besides, the responsible for the Guardians of Shadows has let imply that she and her kind leaned towards joining the Trytonists. The question of informing or not the Kuild about this resurgence in the tryker lands, has not been decided during the public debates. Serae Alco will keep a particular attention on this affair.

Ambassadress Ozwomen will attend soon the first ranger assembly since her appointment, and will present then her letters of credence.

Ambassador Erminantius has mentioned the massive disaffection of the Zoraïs for their government: initiates were seldom at the various assemblies he attended. And he received no answer to the proposal for two seats in the kitin study college.

Last, His Grace allowed a fyros homina to speak, since she had demanded it at the very beginning of the Chamber without any dignity. She hasn’t made a favourable impression and has finally been expelled after claiming vehemently for an army of a hundred of our soldiers to be placed under her command. All of this because she had seen kitins in a kitin lair. The incoherent words of Deamla, it is the name that the homina gave for herself, would have been purely and solely ignored if not for some troubling reports from Filirae Ozwomen, who mentioned big kirostas in various places of the Kingdom. So His Grace asked the Nobles to organize the needed checks.

This incident closed the public part of the Chamber.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Prima, Harvestor 19, 4th CA 2580

Stevano Aiye!
Matis Aiye!
Jena Aiye!

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

* on November 21st, 2014
** I’ve tried to sort attendants per rank: Nobles, subjects with a given role, subjects, non subjects. Please, let me know by IG mail if I’ve been mistaken.

Last edited by Copal (1 десятилетие назад) | Причина: Correction des rangs

#10 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | Français | English
The Nobles Chamber of the Verdant Heights has gathered in extraordinary session in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis, on Prima, Pluvia 7, 1st AC 2581*, and was lead by His Grace the Duke Rodi di Varello, counsellor of the Karan Stevano.

Were attending:
Filirae Ozwomen, Ambassadress towards the Rangers
Filirae Remigra, Lady in waiting of the Karae, leader of the House Liberi Margus
Filira Zakkk, Clerk of the Court retired, leader of the House La Firme
Filira Salazar
Serae Alco, Lady in Waiting of the Karae and Ambassadress towards the Federation
Serae Shepeng, Cleric novitiate and Royal Minstrel
Ser Copal, Royal scrivener for Avalae
Ser Osquallo, Royal Illustrator
Serae Ilyae, subject of the Kingdom
Serae Norlea, subject of the Kingdom
Serae Valyae, subject of the Kingdom
Serae Zendae, Hamazan and subject of the Kingdom
Ser Deed, subject of the Kingdom
Ser Dukenono, subject of the Kingdom
Ser Jacol, subject of the Kingdom
Ser Fateciy, subject of the Kingdom
Ser Rythmix, subject of the Kingdom
Ser Zoumpaf, subject of the Kingdom
Serae Neira
Ser Khalaoden**

The unique subject of this extraordinary gathering of the Nobles Chamber was the question of the participation, or not, of the Fyros in the tournament organised by Serae Zendae in order to prove that she had the required abilities to fulfil the position of Master of Arms that she’s applying to.

At the previous assembly in Yrkanis, it had been envisioned to invite the Fyros with reservations that the matis trainings would be convincing. Since then, the local assembly in Avalae has decided against such an invitation. Advices from Davae and Natae have then been required.
Waiting of the final decision, the date for the tournament has been postponed***.

As a preamble, Serae Zendae has reported on the trainings that have already taken place. Especially, she has thanked the House La Firme for its regular participation, and for the attendance of some of its seasoned warriors who will reinforce the matis team for the tournament.
Serae Zendae has also said she was aware of the specific obligations of the cities of Davae and Natae, and is then ready to agree with them on adapted schedules to allow them to join in the trainings.
Nonetheless, and in as things stand at present, Serae Zendae doesn’t have the two big matis teams she considers to be required to have a reasonable chance to see Matis win.

The cities of Davae and Natae have then voted in favour of inviting the Fyros.
Filira Zakkk indicated that the House La Firme didn’t see any opposition for inviting the Fyros. The minutes of the last Avalae assembly mentioned nonetheless that the advice of this city was against allowing the fyros patriots to join in. Ser Copal has also precised that the leader of his House, Filira Erminantius, had worried during said assembly, that the ones who would vote in favour of the invitation wouldn’t be joining in the tournament.
Cities of Davae and Natae have then explicitly committed, through Filiraei Remigra and Ozwomen, to provide fighters.

As a consequence, the Fyros will then be allowed to join in. Nonetheless, due to the lack of official relationships with the Empire, there will be no official invitation. Moreover, a limit of two teams per nation will be added in the tournament rules. Serae Zendae being in charge of this task.

The Chamber has then been closed, and most of the attendees have gone to the Arena for an impromptu training, where they have been joined by some additional subjects.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Quinteth, Mystia 17, 1st AC 2581

Stevano Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

* on December 14th, 2014
** I’ve tried to sort attendants per rank: Nobles, subjects with a given role, subjects, non subjects. As usual, please let me know by IG mail if I’ve been mistaken.
*** The new date for the tournament has been set on January 11th, 2015.

Last edited by Copal (1 десятилетие назад) | Причина: Prise en compte des retours et commentaires

#11 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | Français | English | Deutsch
The Nobles Chamber of the Verdant Heights has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis, on Dua, Folialy 14, 3rd AC 2581*, and was lead by His Majesty Stevano-Karan.

Were attending:
Filira Erminantius, Viscount of Avalae, leader of the House Gardiens du Savoir
Filirae Ozwomen, Ambassadress towards the Rangers
Filirae Remigra, leader of the House Liberi Margus
Filira Zakkk, Clerk of the Court retired, leader of the House La Firme
Filirae Luxee
Filira Salazar
Serae Alco, Lady in Waiting of the Karae and Ambassadress towards the Federation
Serae Shepeng, Cleric novitiate and Royal Minstrel
Ser Copal, Royal scrivener for Avalae
Ser Osquallo, Royal Illustrator
Serae Ilyae, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Marae, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Valyae, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Zendae, Hamazan and vassal of the Kingdom
Ser Dukenono, vassal of the Kingdom
Ser Kraul, vassal of the Kingdom
Ser Smoker, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Jenisa
Ser Comhe
Ser Khalaoden**

In the absence of the Novitiate Shepeng, who was late, Stevano-Karan himself led the prayer to Jena that opened this session of the Nobles Chamber.

Stevano-Karan has then addressed the first topic of importance, namely his ambition to bring back the matis botanical art to its former glory and grandeur. So he entrusted the renowned botanist Cuiccio Perinia with the mission of creating unique botanical creations, starting with a barrier of plants of dazzling beauty, able to protect Yrkanis. The Vassals who are willing to support this undertaking will be able to do so in the Court of the Karae, that will be gathered soon*** on this topic.

Filira Zakkk has then mentioned a surprising discovery he made in the kitinlair of the Almati Woods. A “thing”, that is growing and that he didn’t manage to recognise, but that seems to be disturbing the kitins around, in one of the galleries that lead to the room of primary eggs. So an expedition will be dispatched soon to inquire into this phenomenon. The Alkian Order, Filirae Remigra, and the Gardiens du Savoir have already volunteered to join it.
The question of the authority of the Rangers on the kitinlair has been risen, but the Karan reminded everyone that the Rangers were only in charge of the surveillance of the kitinlair. So, as such, they will be informed of the expedition. Details will be settled among the participants after the Nobles Chamber.

Stevano-Karan has then offered the House La Firme the remarkable honour of rising it to the rank of Noble House, as a reward for the significant investment of its members in his Court and in the Karae’s one, in the organisation of events such as the late show fashion in Avalae, or in the war effort of the Kingdom.

From there, the Assembly naturally pursued in the same vein as this last topic, with a contribution by Serae Zendae about the training status of the matis team for the incoming tournament. Na-Karan has shown himself very disappointed that only one team had been formed to represent the Kingdom, as he was waiting for two. Serae Zendae will then continue her interviews in order to make this second team. In the meantime, Stevano-Karan has congratulated the Vassals who had already volunteered, and has assured them that he would keep his eyes turned towards them. Starting with the day of the tournament, since it will be honoured by his attendance.

Once this case closed, speaking was given to the ambassadors.
Serae Alco indicated that there was nothing new from the Lakes, and Filira Erminantius has reported the same lack of change in the situation of the Witherings.
From the Rangers, the only piece of news was the appointment, or the renewal, of ambassadors. Filirae Ozwomen gave the names of Zorroargh for the Kingdom, Daomei for the Theocracy, Geyos for the Empire and Kiwalie for the Federation.

After a technical aside regarding the status of Ser Khalaoden who’s acting as translator for the Vassals of Davae but who isn’t a Vassal himself and then can only attend the public sessions of the Chamber, Filira Salazar has reminded that he had been entrusted by the Karan to investigate about the differences in the memories of the homins. The Karavan intervention in Almati Woods has for sure provided explanations about the reasons, but doesn’t change a thing regarding its consequences. In answer to the question of Filira Salazar, Stevano-Karan has confirmed that he wanted to see these various memories preserved and gathered in the library****. As an historian, Filira Salazar claimed himself to be perfectly aware of the necessary obligations commanded to public documents, compared to the publications open to the sole historians.

After a reminder of the respect due to the Karan, the Cleric novitiate Shepeng has pronounced the prayer for the end of the Chamber, and the session has been closed.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Holeth, Floris 24, 3rd AC 2581

Stevano Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

* on January 9th, 2015
** I’ve tried to sort attendants per rank: Nobles, subjects with a given role, subjects, non subjects. As usual, please let me know by IG mail if I’ve been mistaken.
*** on Пятница, 16 Января 2015 20:00:00 UTC (1 десятилетие назад)
**** the memories of the homins can be gathered, among other places, in the Ryzom Wiki

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Copal (10 лет назад)

#12 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français
Agenda of the Nobles Assembly (13th of february)

Army and war:
1) Kitins attacks in the Kingdom
2) Speaking time for Master at Arms' applicants and nominated.

Politic & diplomacy: talk of the Ambassadors.

This assembly, as all the Nobles Assemblies, is not public. It's opened only to the Matis Nobles, Matis Vassals and to the Ambassadors from the other nations.

#13 [fr] 

La Filirae Luxee se préparait pour la guerre. Elle jeta un oeil sur le parchemin annonçant une réunion des nobles du royaume et haussa les épaules pensant qu'il y avait des priorités. Elle irait à la prochaine.. peut être...

Last edited by Luxee (10 лет назад)

#14 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | Français | English
The Nobles Chamber of the Verdant Heights has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis, on Quarta, Germinally 16, 1st AC 2582*, and was lead by His Majesty Stevano-Karan.

Were attending:
Filirae Ozwomen, Ambassadress towards the Rangers, leader of the House Spears of Eora
Filirae Remigra, leader of the House Liberi Margus
Filira Erminantius, Viscount of Avalae, Ambassador towards the Theocracy, leader of the House Les Gardiens du Savoir
Filira Salazar
Filira Zakkk, Clerk of the Court retired
Serae Shepeng, Cleric novitiate
Serae Zendae, Hamazan and Master of Arms
Ser Dukenono, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Zhoi, Ambassadress of the Theocracy towards the Kingdom
Ser Zorroargh, representative for the Rangers
A Karavan agent**

The Novitiate Shepeng has open the session with the traditional prayer to Jena.

Stevano-Karan has then addressed directly the topic of this Assembly, namely the recent kitin attacks against Yrkanis.
On this subject, a Karavan Agent was also attending and has shared the observations of the Karavan, especially about the increased activity of the kitins in the Knoll of Dissent, that leads to consider that a massive attack will take place against Yrkanis in the coming days, in all likelihood around Folialy 25. The Karavan has installed a net of sensors around the Knoll in order to sound the alarm in case of the kitins crossing the border. Moreover, the forces of the Karavan will join the defenders of Yrkanis at the gates of the town as a last resort.
The Karavan agent was also intereste in the homin recent activity around the Tunnel of Woe. So Filirae Ozwomen detailed her last expeditions, the big number of kitins that could be observed in the tunnels, and the presence of a strange blue kipesta.
The first expedition hadn’t caused any abnormal activity of the kitins on the sensors of the Karavan, but the second one caused a very aggressive reaction on their part, including an attack against Yrkanis. The white rotoa of the Almati Woods has been considered as a possible source for a general disorder in the kitins behaviour; but the Karavan couldn’t confirm nor disprove any relationships, since Almati is out of reach of their sensors.
On the other hand, the presence of the so-called Deamla, whose presence had already disturbed a previous Chamber of the Nobles, has been confirmed during the second expedition, where her behaviour could only be called raging madness. The Karavan agent incidentally confirmed that this homina was considered as possibly dangerous, and that she had once belonged to a now disappeared organisation that fought kitins called “Council of Homins”, of which she could have kept some powers or knowledge. The Karavan agent strongly suggested to keep her away from any new expedition to the kitin-lair until her responsibility, or lack of, for the kitins irritation can be proven. And to question her as soon as possible.
Finally, the Karavan agent mentioned that she would ask her superiors for data that could be shared with the homins regarding the big blue kipestas, who are moving between the kitin nests and fortresses, and seem to act there as messengers or even ambassadors.
She finally took note of the news transmitted by Filira Erminantius, regarding the kitin of the depths kept captive that seem to be far less vigorous than it used to be.

In answer to all these worrisome news, the priority given by the Karan was to face the imminent invasion. So he tasked the Master of Arms Zerae with the preparation of a defence strategy, and the Nobles and attending ambassadors with the gathering of as many vassals and allies for this.

The Novitiate Shepeng has then pronounced the closing prayer, and the session has been closed.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Prima, Mystia 25, 1st AC 2582.

Stevano Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

* on February 13th, 2015
** As usual, please let me know by IG mail if I’ve been mistaken regarding the attendees or their titles.

#15 [fr] 

Naema decided this information about this 'Deamla' interested her. She wanted to know more of this 'Coucil of the Homins.'

 Where did they come from? What was their agenda? What was their power or knowleged? What was Deamla's involvement and why was it so disturbing? What did she do?

Maybe it was an avenue Naema wanted to help and pursue as well. Her anger at the Matis government was at a fever pitch!
What would quell this anger?
She decided to read up on what this Elias Tryton was all about....
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