
#1 [en] 

Tonight, attempting to gather simple choice glue resin in PR, it occurs to me.. there's not a single spot that is fairly placed from a karavan perspective. There's one spot in US, close to a kami and a marauder tp (less than 300m).

Not one of the spots in wastelands is even close to a karavan tp, but they're all easily reached from kami or marauder tps again.

I really liked the mat placements where they are for the most part, but this is one mat that is ridiculous to gather for either neutrals or karas, the best spot in wastelands, near to the nexus portal is an insane mess of aggro on all sides, so that it's rare one can dig more than 15 mats before getting wiped by something.

This spot was not always like this, someone decided that ryzom wasn't challenging enough apparently, and messed with some aggro patterns.. ryzom is more than challenging enough actually in most cases, look at the 90+% attrition rates and you'll see. Sometimes a bit of a challenge is fun, sometimes it's just miserable.



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

#2 [en] 

Not having done much in the way of PR digging recently all I can say is: If Minou thinks a mat is beyond "challenging", I'll believe him.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#3 [en] 

there are a few miserable mats like that all about, i can say for exe jungle that glue sucks and i think enola was the only one i never dug by myself, for the glue u have to get it just right if you sneeze will be eaten and for enola, i didn't want it anyway :P

forest is beyond miserable to the point where many just use exe pr mats instead of exe forest mats to complement the nice forest loot that's around, desert isn't as bad but many of the mats are crappy

i will agree that certain mats are beyond challenge level to the point of being more than an annoyance but i don't see it changing anytime soon. some aspects of ryzom are geared toward people who want to be miserable imho, yes you can dispute it if wish

scaring away new players with advanced difficulty is bad practice, there's no need to defend a challenge that is beyond a challenge by saying it makes you stronger etc because sure YOU will get above the challenge and perhaps look down on soemeone else who complains, yet its bad for new blood too


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#4 [en] 

Out of curiosity: Is all that said related to digging alone? Or is this true for small groups (<=5 people) as well?

I'm really interested in this because when I'm digging 98% of the time I'm doing it solo (and no alts), and like it that way. But then, I'm still fairly low level (60-135 depending on countryside). Sometimes I like to have a glimpse of the future. Here it would be interesting to know if those exe spots are again somewhat relaxed if there's 3-5 homins teamworking. The loot has to be divided then, or some other form of compensation be made to the protectors.

I'm still mostly after choice grade when digging, but even for those I noticed a couple of places where I could not dig alone. You got to have a damaging level of 30-50 levels above the dig level to deal with the aggro in some places. And even then, there are surprises. Not the relaxed past time I've enjoyed so far...

#5 [en] 

I think Infidel has made a good point - team up if the mats are covered in aggro. It is not supposed to be easy to dig this stuff, especially in PR.

If you want an easy life, be a Herder :-D


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#6 [en] 

I suppose that's a large part of it - digging solo.. I was just astounded that this particular spot has become so challenging/frustrating due to aggro shifting.. I don't recall it being like this years ago before I returned to atys -- I guess that's the key to all in atys, teamwork.

Not saying I want anything easy, my first master dig was PR after all, second is forest, I doubt anyone could come up with two more challenging areas to dig (when I levelled most of forest, zatchel routinely came by sap slaves and roamed more of GoC than he does now). It wasn't until I was near 200 in PR that the Kitin Patrols were removed... nothing I've done on atys was 'the easy way'. Most of my combat levels were against aggro mobs NOT plants for example. I'd rather bring a team against varinx/zerx or yetins than beat plants mindlessly for hours.

I never want anything to be easy, I just want the challenges to be attainable.. I guess I'll more closely investigate other options, but none of the other spots are very viable for neutrals, this was the best spot for them a number of years ago, and it wasn't as covered.

At this point, I need less guarding from Great Vorax at the supernodes (heck those I often dig exc's after season change and the pvpers are done solo with far less frustration), than this particular spot from vorax/tyranancha and lumpers dragging in kincher.

Last edited by Minou (1 десятилетие назад)



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

#7 [en] 

The aggro on that particular glue spot varies greatly from reboot to reboot. It can be bad a few times but it will be fine again. It mostly depends on mob types.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#8 [en] 

Minou your reply has prompted me to think more carefully about this. I suppose I think that this is a game full of challenges, and the challenges change from time to time; the player is supposed to adapt to changing circumstances and figure out a way to do what they are trying to do. This is, I think, part of the fun.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#9 [en] 

Aye, and Casy points out what I hadn't put together, not checking it daily... things do change, and that's true of some of my other 'favorite' spots - favorite because I'm one of a few patient enough to find a spot away from the Aggro.. there's usually a way to do it, maybe not that day... I just have generally picked times close to seasons change to check this one - it may be much easier in other seasons or just the day before a seasons change.



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

Last visit Пятница, 20 Сентября 16:40:40 UTC

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