

#26 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I agree that the economy changes are annoying. Previous economy was fine.


#27 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Hint for those whining about economy changes. The key word is: missions. There is plenty of mission givers in every capital, namely corporals and messengers. The payouts are nothing to write home about, but it's enough to make starter capital. Few runs and you can afford a mount, q250 pick and a tool. I guess you do know what to do next with all these things.

I approve the changes. Hopefully, the days of hippy economy came to the end and will never be back. Finally the devs taking steps to making dappers the real ingame money, instead of meaningless green number at the bottom of your inventory. Good job, thanks.

PS: Anybody up for pathetic crying about goldsellers coming into the game? I want some good laugh.

#28 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Tumbleweed (atys)
Hint for those whining about economy changes. The key word is: missions. There is plenty of mission givers in every capital, namely corporals and messengers. The payouts are nothing to write home about, but it's enough to make starter capital. Few runs and you can afford a mount, q250 pick and a tool. I guess you do know what to do next with all these things.

I approve the changes. Hopefully, the days of hippy economy came to the end and will never be back. Finally the devs taking steps to making dappers the real ingame money, instead of meaningless green number at the bottom of your inventory. Good job, thanks.

PS: Anybody up for pathetic crying about goldsellers coming into the game? I want some good laugh.

Before you talk about crying maybe make yourself known who you really are done some inquiries and nobody even knows you ingame (might have asked the wrong ppl but asked quite alot)
And you can stick those missions where the sun doesn't shine, ryzom isn't a quest game if i wanna quest i'll login to guildwars 2 where the questing is atleast kind of fun. And again the seccond thing you say buy tool and pick => well not everyone likes to dig it was sandbox game where everyone  could do what they wanted and could build their char the way they wanted now it's impossible.


#29 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Actually, something that might actually work and even emulate real world economics popped into my mind. Apartment, tool and vendor prices scaling to amount of dappers that are in circulation on active player accounts.

So, if there are lots of daps in circulation, prices scale automatically up and if amount of player gross wealth is small, prices scale down. In order to prevent misuse (very rich player deactivating account and moving daps on that), the system should lag a bit, week or two.

Oh and keep tp ticket prices as they are now! :D

#30 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Hint: Dyron, Avendale, Natae, 250 jungle city (idunnolol) Overseers gives hundreds of thousands of dappers for crafting missions.

#31 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Cwild (atys)
Actually, something that might actually work and even emulate real world economics popped into my mind. Apartment
prices could keep increasing, that would be fun! :p



#32 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Please don't forget that this is a new change and is more than likely going to be adjusted/tweaked as needed based on how we react to it and the discretion of the game makers, we have to give them some support and trust too, complaining is legitimate, it improves the overall quality of the new system to have feedback, opinions are great, suggestions can help, so far i can tell that they do pay attention to the players but it is far too early to be panicking

let's observe and make notes and compare notes, at the moment the this stands out is:

missions = must have for dappers that are in low circulation and mostly useless at the moment, and if you dont need it dont pick it up because its just going to waste inventory space, the merchant wont care about mats you loot or dig even if you craft them, thats how it looks so far to me, lets see how it turns out.


What Cookies is about ---- Contact Cookies ---- Cookies at Events ---- For Cookies Diggers and Crafters

#33 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I see atleast the tp prices got changed already did a new trek last night and all of a sudden tp's that I payed 10k for where now 1k/1.5k/4k (So ppl doing first reconisense got pricy tp's)


#34 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Eruv (atys)
we have to give them some support and trust too

I've been doing that for 8 years by paying my subs, look where that got me!
Eruv (atys)
it is far too early to be panicking

No panic involved, simply not sure I'm prepared to re-sub and wait for something that might, or might not, be Coming Soon anymore.


Elder Of Atys

Chasing the DING!
You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.

#35 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Well, i didn't cried as someone stated, but probably he was just a troll.

I don't need anyone telling me what i can write and what i cannot (unless i break some rule): i'm playing ryzom since 2004, almost always subbed, with only some months unsubbed in 8 years, so I feel myself entitled to express my opinion, as i always did in the past, sometimes welcoming devs decisions, some other time criticising them.

Even people almost new to the game have all the rights to express their opinion (they could have a more clean vision, after all).

I tried to be constructive while criticizing the choices made around economy.

I love Ryzom so I will play it anyway, but I just wish devs do the right things.

If this system will work as it is now, I will be happy as anyone else. I know devs can tweak the system over time.

Just a point: some answered about missions, and seems they have not read all the post, because some people just expressed some worrie about being forced to do missions.

I have not said anything related to missions, because i still think that what i wrote is correct, in a general meaning, just because that's what you have in most MMO, and it works already. What I wrote is not a fact, just a concern.

Cannot judge yet the impact about missions, because I don't have, at the moment, dappers problems. Once i start having issues (dappers are coming down pretty fast), i will check how to gain more, and if it's affordable.


Legion of Atys

#36 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Agree to Gilga,

for getting hundreds of thousands of dappers in craftmissions you have to have at least 2 crafting trees at
far beyond 200+. To do more than one mission a day, you have to be master in several totally different trees
(e.g. Ammo & Armor are often combined).
The "old" crafters don't care about. They don't have problems with dapper furthermore. But the "not-veterans",
which are the majority atm are in trouble anyway.


#37 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Exactly my concern, because this again caters those who already mastered alot of crafting branches, if not all.
Besides, and let's be honest here, at this level speed it'll only be a matter of a few month before everyone interested will be able to craft their own goods, and no one will buy any goods from the markets.

Edit: And no, I'm not whining, I'm merely expressing my concern. You may not know me, but I've been around on and off since '06, I know my way around here and I know what to do to secure my income ingame, so please refrain from treating me like an angry noob.

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Callysto (il y a 1 décénie).


#38 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I must agree the way you get dappers is a little too focused on high end crafters in multiple trees. I have a lot of crafting skills and even I struggle to do all the missions that give good dappers.

a tweak here and there and you could have it perfect...

#39 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Old Economy System and Expensive Prices woud make dapper more worthy as well... in my eyes there was no need to make it that hardcore...the different picks and tools (from Q50 to Q250 ) are nice ... some more information about what tool can i use with what skil and in what region would be nice but ... with a lil knowledge u can figure it out....sure we earned millions of dappers in the past ..but only cuz there was no expensive stuff to buy...and now we have both together...and i think the whole system has Fu..ed up...my Playstyle atm is beeing Neutral Naturist.... not bought any TP´s yet ...cant afford it...sure i could do missions for some more dappers ... but where is the fun in doing every day or every 2nd day missions for money...in 2 or 3 weeks i will get bored in doing missions and what then??...atm i run around only by feet and with my mount...its strange to not teleport to other locations but hey ... it safes me some dappers that i can buy my tools and picks and maybe some other stuff in the end...when i see people shouting for a rez and nobody goes to that person to rez him cuz of less money and no TP then i think the new system has failed...

thats my point of view


Lexius Shiras -Atys Sexiest Zorai-
Born: 10th April 2005

Zorai for Life
GoJ for Life
Atys for Life
Ryzom for Life

someone told me a day : Let the past be the past and never look back...except there is a kitin behind ya ^^

#40 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I agree with you, Lexius. Right now I am working hard just to keep my head above water and not gaining anything. Right now this feels a lot more like a job than it does a game. Where's the fun?
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