
#31 [en] 

poor maras no one wants to invite them to their event...
btw would you invite the drug dealer gangsters of you city to your daughter's birthday...
But self inviting you to rush and adapt the event would effectively be part of your RP...
the faction, allegiances should allow people to have a different way of playing, not only a different sticker on the head



#32 [en] 

Anyway, why do you feel entitled to go everywhere you want ?
IRL, do you go to your neighbour party without being invited ?
Can they have a life without you nosing in ?

I sure hope not.

Why should it be different in a game ?
Stop thinking that not inviting you is spoiling your fun. Just organize stuff on your own and see how that turns up. People are not "forced" to include you in what they do, they can freely decide for themselves. This is not even a RP question.

#33 [en] 

Yeh just people soaking up anim time and generally solely excluding us (this time fyros as well). Wouldn't be so much of an issue if the anim team actually spent time on the marauders as well but seeing as we get nothing then would be great if where the anim team are actually putting their time into could be made of use to us as well..

Don't say this is a player event and the anim team aren't involved. If we turned up we would get ganked by invisible guards like at the last matis event.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#34 [fr] 

Je pense qu'il ne faut pas oublier que c'est un event proposé par des joueurs pour un cadre bien précis .. ici fournir un emploi dans la cour du karan.

Maintenant, je ne crois pas qu'il y ait une volonté des animateurs de ne pas intégrer tel ou tel groupe dans les events... Je comprends que ce soit frustrant, de voir quelque chose s'organiser dans la partie qu'on aime particulièrement jouer (ici le pvp) sans y être invité. Et d'un autre côté, proposer des events qui prennent en compte le RP d'une nation et qui rallient toutes les factions, ce n'est pas si évident.

J'en reviens à mon idée du Grinch (sûrement un peu tard pour cette année mais peut être adaptable pour une autre fête) . Demander à un animateur de faire pop les cadeaux dans une zone pvp et tant que la zone n'est pas nettoyée, les cadeaux ne peuvent pas pop ailleurs ? Je ne pense pas que ce soit si compliqué à mettre en place et ça peut promettre une bonne partie de courses poursuite. Libre cours à votre imagination pour proposer des jeux pvp sans attendre que les nations vous invitent..

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Nerwane (9 años hace)

#35 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Yeh just people soaking up anim time and generally solely excluding us (this time fyros as well). Wouldn't be so much of an issue if the anim team actually spent time on the marauders as well but seeing as we get nothing then would be great if where the anim team are actually putting their time into could be made of use to us as well..

Don't say this is a player event and the anim team aren't involved. If we turned up we would get ganked by invisible guards like at the last matis event.

Virg -- statements like that last are indefensible. Unless you have some secret line into the Event Team planning sessions, you can't know that. The last Matis event was the fashion show. Is that what you were referring to? I hadn't heard anything about disruptions or blasting Mara at that event.

I see a lot of planning on the part of Zendae to set up this event through the *player* government (and some significant degree of error in at least part of it). I see no evidence that the Event Team is involved, and certainly no evidence that it *needs* to be involved since the event uses already built in game mechanisms and already formed landscape.

Certainly the Marauders need some Event Team love, but as has been pointed out, a lot of Event Team involvement follows on planning by the players. Only a few of the events in Atys are initiated by the Event Team, and all of those are characterized by glacial slowness of planning and development. Things like the Tryker Faire, the Matis Fashion show, are driven by the players. When player involvement fails (as has apparently happened with the Beer and Water Road), the event either slows down or dies.

If you want to compare complaints, I have a number about he slowness with which the Ranger faction is being developed. It appears that we aren't even going to get a camp like the Maras have, and we still don't have access to the PR. It would be great if we had enough Event Team to handle this all, and a dozen devs to code it...but we don't.

[Long essay about RP and its proper role in Atys (neither as ruler nor as beggar to be kicked to the curb) deleted for the moment.]


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#36 [en] 

Imagining events is not the problem, the problem is there are no event staff for marauders... to help instigate any event. No-one to sit down a talk through what is feasible and what is not.

Now, i'm not complaining, i'm not even complaining about not being allowed to attend the matis event. But Virg has a point; The games roleplay doesn't allow marauders to be involved "because you wouldn't invite a drug dealer to a child's party" and yet when Marauders roleplay as Marauders they get instantly wiped by some trigger-happy event team member for reason of "disrupting roleplay" - well yes! duuuh!!
ma·raud  (m-rôd)v.  ma·raud·edma·raud·ingma·raudsv.intr.To rove and raid in search of plunder.v.tr.To raid or pillage for spoils.

Someone needs to make up their mind. Are marauders actually 'marauders' or are they meant to roleplay as spoiled children with a personality disorder and told to stand in the corner facing the wall?

Server wide events could be made incorporating the mara:
• An attack on the mara camp could be launched.
• The mara could attack a city (but, as has been mentioned, fails due to overzealous behind-the-scenes people).
• As nerwane mentioned, for Xmas a sort of hunt the present and be hunted event (if i understood that correctly).
• The mara could roleplay a Gladiator tournament (no races or creeds left out), winner gets to live without fear for a little while... or something.

None of this can happen as a proper event without the help and guidance of the event team.
Sadly, as nobody with power has bothered to write more than two sentences of lore for mara, it's easy for people the laugh at them and for the overstretched event team to turn a bilnd eye.
It's funny how these events are all roleplay but the minute someone else tries to come and play their role, it suddenly becomes a "player" event and someone elses roleplay is then not welcome.

Again, i must stress here that i'm not complaining, contrary to how it may sound. Merely pointing out flaws.

We're off topic i know.


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
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#37 [en] 

Bitty, rangers will have the same issues i imagine. A sort of forgotten faction, crudely implemented but still playable.

I would look forward to some Ranger events... 'cleaning' of kitin filled tunnels and such. I'd like that a lot in fact :)

Última edición por Marceline (9 años hace)


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
What Cookies is about ---- Contact Cookies ---- Cookies at Events ---- For Cookies Diggers and Crafters

#38 [en] 

Bittty you clearly didn't read my point where I state if we turn up to fight we will be wiped by the event team for "RP reasons". Failing that we will be ported out by a GM. I loved getting killed by invisible guards we couldn't fight at the "capture a kitin event". I also loved getting an army of tryker guards (one which self healed everytime he was nearly dead so therefore invincible) when we attacked an assembly. People just use RP as a camouflage to suit their needs. This roleplay is simply superficial and has no depth to it whatsoever.

So yes the planning is done by Zendae and I personally applaud that. Event/GMs will get involved if we do turn up though. That isn't "RP" that is the event/GM team carrying out the whims of players under the pretense of roleplay. So yes this event will contain some sort of higher power influence if we do show.

Many ideas and proposals have been put forward for marauder events. Have any come to light? No. Have I given up hope? Yes.

Would I personally love to not have to complain about this? Absolutely. The fact still remains that the work and effort put into Marauders is next to nothing and players and friends leave as a result. Heck the entire marauder organization up and left at one point! We had to wait years to get a simple hairdresser. We had to wait years to get a working bartender that was then solved in 1 minute by a member of the anim team... 1 minute!! Does this sound like hard work to you? No.. Does it sound like priorities are massively askew? I will let you ponder that one.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#39 [en] 

I wonder if Virg has begun to lose his memory...

There were several very successful events involving marauders: kidnapping of a tryker, nine mektoubs, and the recovery of said mektoubs. You were still mostly a kami then. You and I actually formed a small league to attempt to foil the marauder plans in the desert as they were stealing materials from the kitin camps. We stood no chance against the marauders, but it was our duty to try, and we gave maras quite a few free pvp points, which were later returned when a huge league from all of Atys absolutely overpowered the Mara camp.

I don't think that marauders should be treated so harshly and unequally in regard to the invincible guards, etc. but I can tell you that a large number of participants in atys politics are wimps and every meeting would be wiped if not for extra security. Homins have become fat and lazy, not willing to fight for what they believe in, an anti-faction such as marauders is needed to actually give some legitimate conflict and meaning to our actions in this world. If marauders are not welcome at an event for rp reasons then someone should pvp tag and kill them! The marauders should also rp that once they are killed they can't magically attack the same meeting every five minutes... But yes as long as the event is able to be held, people need to toughen up. Calling for reinforcements should be a last resort.

Última edición por Placio (9 años hace)

#40 [en] 

How long ago was that Placio? I do remember it. It was ages ago.

You know what I can't even be bothered to discuss this anymore. I hope people actually read what I have been typing rather than just trying to formulate arguments against what I have said without actually understanding the basis of why I am saying it.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#41 [en] 

Virg (atys)
...but the actual player themselves does not want to involve them.

You think its unreasonably? Don't you think its because some players are just annoying? I'm not saying about all marauders, but just about some of those who are well known :) Running around homins and all they are talking about - its pvp-pvp-pvp-pvp... Sometimes without any RP content at all. So yes, its kinda annoying ;)
And they are dont care whom to fight with. I remember when I just came from Silan in my cool green Rangers armor, with a big Fire&Wrath sword in my hand and I meet some little matis marauder. Do you know what I got from him? Yes, duel proposal. xD Im sure that player know what does Rangers Armor and F&W sword mean. And I think he know what are my levels approximately. But he just wanted to pvp, thats all. It looks kinda self-affirmation, don't you think so? ;)
So its not looks strange for me why dont other players want to play their games with maras :P

And if you will try to tell me that pvp is just a part of marauders RP - I will quote you:
Virg (atys)
Say it like it is, don't hide behind the context of RP.

#42 [en] 

Hmmm... Ages ago = 10.5 months, and I would agree that 9 Mektoubs was the last event to involve Rangers as a major force.

Since then we have had the final closure of the Kitins mounds, a silly Tryker event called Diamonds in the Sky involving blowing things up (yay), Night of Stars (and the followup), and two moderately large OOC events, none of which excluded Marauders.

The Mara camp also got some upgrades (at long last), including a bar. I would say that the bar might be due to a particular ET person who saw a solution (and had enough skill in ARK) when other ET people may not have had that skill, nor programming people an understanding of what was needed. I note that there seems to be a lot more stuff happening in general. I do have hope.

-- B


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#43 [en] 

Marazmatic (atys)
Virg (atys)
...but the actual player themselves does not want to involve them.

You think its unreasonably? Don't you think its because some players are just annoying? I'm not saying about all marauders, but just about some of those who are well known :) Running around homins and all they are talking about - its pvp-pvp-pvp-pvp... Sometimes without any RP content at all. So yes, its kinda annoying ;)
And they are dont care whom to fight with. I remember when I just came from Silan in my cool green Rangers armor, with a big Fire&Wrath sword in my hand and I meet some little matis marauder. Do you know what I got from him? Yes, duel proposal. xD Im sure that player know what does Rangers Armor and F&W sword mean. And I think he know what are my levels approximately. But he just wanted to pvp, thats all. It looks kinda self-affirmation, don't you think so? ;)
So its not looks strange for me why dont other players want to play their games with maras :P

And if you will try to tell me that pvp is just a part of marauders RP - I will quote you:
Virg (atys)
Say it like it is, don't hide behind the context of RP.

Sorry, but that is just plain silly .. you get hit on by a troll wanting to duel (probs not even a marauder) and blame/hate the whole marauder faction for it. So it does not look strange to you, that therefore other players do not want to play with marauders? Well, you are totally welcome to your prejudice. But trust me, there are plenty of trolls in all the other factions too, has nothing to do with being marauder or not. So please, dont just be prejudiced on us .. be prejudiced on all the factions/nations .. hence .. play the game ON YOUR OWN.

As to the event ...

I guess, one has to distinguish what this event is about ... is it about finding the "best" fighter (as a tournament of fighters would) or is it about implementing some "action" in the rp play of the matis nobels. In my opinion, if it really is about a melee tournament and finding the best fighter, you are cheating by excluding two of the factions/nations that pvp most (fyros kami and marauders). If its about the roleplay actually - and I sure hope it is, cause I (me, myself, NOT my rp character) would really not like to be excluded on purpose - i understand that fyros and marauders do not get invited (for roleplay reasons). BUT - and there is always a but, right? - I will say this again and again - in a gaming community as small as ours, people should really try hard to adapt and change the rp to be able to include all the gamers .. cause any event will be even better the more people get there and have fun together, no? Stories are there to be told, to be switched, swapped, up'd and down'd, and rewritten again and again. If you WANT to be flexible and play with ALL the gamers .. you can! The rp is as flexible as the stories in your head ... work and change with them.

Just my thoughts on the matter ..


Seralee :-)


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

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