

#279 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (March 6th 2023)

Date: monday, March 6th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • New Ticket system
  • New Encyclopedia
  • Allegories

#280 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – March 06, 2023

1 - New Ticket System

Tamarea (RT) – 20:41 UTC
Ryzom's ticket system, which regulates the interactions between the support team and the players, has been updated for a new interface and better usability.
You will find in a few minutes, the details of the changes of use implied by this improvement in the announcement published on the forum.
I only specify here that some categories of posts can only be read by Senior Game Masters.

Q: Does it mean that you can't contact the support other than through the site or in-game? No more direct mail at all?
That's it: no more emails at But we are always listening on Ryzom Chat.

2 - New Encyclopedia

Ulukyn (RT) – 21:05 UTC
In fact, we talk about "new" because the interface and some other things will change, but the idea remains the same. The Encyclopedia will remain a collection of rites, each of which will unlock an interesting item (a stanza or access to a new in-game ability) along with a text explaining the thing. But sometimes, several rites will have to be completed to obtain such an item.
The interface of this new Encyclopedia is largely inspired by that of the lessons. It will present a complete list of "finishable" rites (those that a player character can actually accomplish).

Some of the rites proposed by the current Encyclopedia will be gradually converted into a new version where :
• the pre-ritual missions, although as simple as the current ones, will be more in line with the objective of the rite and not ordinary missions;
• except for four of them (national rites providing the same stanza in a specific version for each nation), no fame condition will be required;
• the progression in the rite will be in six steps (each corresponding to a face of an amber cube);
• the first and last steps of the rite will require dialogue with an NPC;
• the three steps following the first one will consist in the completion of simple missions (current pre-ritual assignments, rewritten);
• the fifth step will require the completion of a more complex and challenging mission: the "ritual quest", which constitutes the rite itself.

As for the future rites, they will also include six steps, but the character of each one will vary according to the rite that they will compose.

Q: Will the old rites already completed and the rewards obtained on completion remain?
Yes, no change. There will be no need to repeat the rite, the old rites will remain valid even after conversion. But the character may have to visit the converted rite to collect its reward again.

Q: Will the future rites be new rites or only the final development of currently "unfinished" rites?
Since no "unfinished" rites had really been started (ritual quest having not even received a start of development), we chose to delete them and start again on new rites built as I described earlier.

New rites

There will be forty new rites to start with, one rite per region, because we now have the tools to develop interesting and less buggy rites more quickly.
But even before these forty rites, you will be able to pass the very first rite of the new Encyclopedia, a rite that will allow you to unlock, against some Elyps, the possibility to "Adopt a zig".

I have to point out that the reason why the Encyclopaedia redesign has been delayed is that the particularly difficult development of the "Kincher" and "Kizoar" rites took a long time, prompting us to look for ways to develop rites more easily and quickly. That's also why these two rites will be converted only after the implementation of the new ones (their ritual quest requires recoding).

The new Encyclopedia and the "Briefcase" (the name is temporary), which will collect the texts, will be two new categories of the Encyclopedia window (SHIFT+e).

Q: Will there be armor or weapons awarded as ritual rewards?
No, the new rites will only offer, like the old ones, a stanza (a generic pattern, for example) or access to a new ability in game. No items.

Q: If there is no fame requirement, does that mean that the rites will be available to Marauders and Neutrals?
Yes, we want to make the Encyclopedia available to all characters without having to change their fames or citizenship. The rites of each nation or faction will award the same stanza, just available in several versions. They will thus only require one development, not a development for each nation or faction.

Q: Will success in performing the rites be lost if one changes faction or nation?
Yes, but only if the rite involved is one of those specific to each nation or faction. Which, incidentally, will be few in number and will mostly grant "cosmetic" rewards.

Q: Will the rites that make one a Kamist or a Karavanier be changed to a level of difficulty and duration comparable to the rite that currently makes one a Ranger?
No. Not for the time being, at least, because we are more motivated to do something new. We are now a bit tired of redesigns and these two existing and functional rites will wait for theirs for some time.

Q: Are the new rites already designed in outline or do you need help with the design?
No, they are not yet designed in outline. We have only, for the next forty new rites, adopted a general idea: they will have to make discover a region through activities and missions organized in a small story. So yes: all ideas are welcome. We are also interested in good stories to tell.

Q: When will these new rites be available in game?
The first rite, which I mentioned earlier, is in the final stages of translation. It has already been tested and is ready to be put in game.

Q: Will there be any new weapon or armor patterns among the ritual rewards? Those that use materials from all races, such as the existing axe or the electric shield?
Yes, generic patterns not already acquired and possibly nation/faction specific patterns.i]

3 - New Allegories

Ulukyn & Tykus (RT) – 21:53 UTC
I remind you that allegories are engravings that a Majestic Garden NPC applies on jewels which, once engraved and when worn by the character, give the latter special abilities. Because they are rarely used by players, because they are expensive, because it is not easy to get one for each ecosystem, and because some of them are no longer very useful, the system that regulates their use will be reworked.

But above all, we are going to add three new ones that should be more interesting. The first one will allow the wearer to obtain generic materials instead of those he currently gets by looting on killed creatures. Thus, the player, if he simply wants to increase his character's skills of armorer, tailor, etc. through training, will be able to alternate hunting sessions with crafting sessions.

Q: Will this generic looting concern commonplace creatures or only Bosses?
Commonplace creatures, yes. Those whose hunting essentially allows characters to improve their skills in the various fighting arts. And, by contrast, neither Bosses nor Nameds will allow generic looting.

Q: Will generic materials looted this way be exchangeable?
Good question! Yes, because there is no reason why they should not be.

Q: Will these generic materials be of the same level as the looted creature?
Yes, the same quality and quantity as those that would have been obtained by looting without allegory. Moreover, the player will have a certain number of chances (variable according to the level of the allegory worn and expressed in percentage) to see the quantity doubled during a looting.

Q: Will the generic materials so collected, unlike those provided by the Wheel of Fortune, weigh in the character's bag?
Yes, they will have the same general characteristics, weight included, as the "normal" materials they replace. So collecting generic materials instead of the usual ones does not change anything for the hunter's inventory.

Q: So, will the Wheel's generic materials become bulky, too?
No. But we'll probably reduce the chances of winning them in order to increase the chances of winning other possible rewards by gambling excellent or supreme tokens. So the generic materials from Wheel and those from looting will be different, and only the latter will be bulky.

Q: When will this allegory be put into play?
Soon: it is already coded and will be tested this week.

Mystery Items

Ulukyn (RT) – 22:12 UTC
The other two new allegories are identical in their effects, but one is for use during hunting sessions and the other during drilling sessions. They will give the character n % chance to find, while drilling or hunting, an object to identify buried in the bark or in the corpse of a creature.
The quality of these items will depend on the level of the region where they have been collected and they will be extremely diverse: excellent and supreme materials (these very rare), materials from a Boss of the region (also very rare), generic colored materials, pieces of pattern of weapon winnable at the Wheel, etc. Note, however, that generic weapon patterns will not be such items: they will be in the Encyclopedia.
In addition, we plan to introduce, in the fure, every week or month, special items for an unique player to find. If you have ideas for other such items, do not refrain from proposing them on the forum. Of course, the more valuable the item to be identified, the rarer it will be.
During a session, the wearer of the allegory will be able to obtain an item to identify on any creature (or source of raw materials), regardless of the number of creatures killed (or sources exhausted) during the session. Indeed, the popping of the item depends on successive dice rolls at a frequency calculated from the n % mentioned above.
Finally (the best, in my opinion) some objects to be identified will be treasure maps indicating more or less precisely the location of a chest to be extracted from the bark, and it will be up to you to set up a group expedition to go and get it.
The chest in question could contain various precious objects, Elyps and other tokens, as well as (even if it is not really decided yet) the Muse-Ham dress (LAM skin 3).

Q: Among the objects to be identified, will one be able to obtain weapons thanks to these allegories? Materials from outposts?
No weapons, no. But yes, the item to be identified could be a material produced by an outpost (extremely rare, only one per week for all of Atys, for example).

Q: Where will the character store the items to be identified that they find during their session? In the normal bag or the special one?
This is yet to be determined, but note that this storage will only be temporary: once identified, the item will be moved to the normal bag.

Q: Will the objects so found being identified only by visiting an NPC?
Yes, an NPC in one of the capitals cities, which so will be made more lively by returns from hunting or drilling.

Q: Will there be a limit to the number of items to identify (e.g., one per character per week) or will it depend solely on the length of the session conducted?
No. And yes: the longer a character hunts or drills, the more likely he/she will find such items, no matter how many creatures are killed (or how many sources are drilled) during the session.

Q: Will a player character be able to wear multiple allegories?
Yes, these three new allegories will be engraved on a ring. Thus, the same set of jewels will allow the character to benefit from the effects of two allegories, of the same or different nature.

Q: Will the process of engraving allegories be modified by the redesign of the system?
No, for the most part: only it cost will be modified, downward. And, by the way, I remind you that completing the Storyline missions allows you to increase the level of the allegories without any further cost.

Q: Will the reworking include the possibility of improving the durability of a piece of jewelry while having an allegory engraved on it?
No, but this may become available through a rite in the future.

Q: When will these three new allegories be available in game?
Soon: they have been coded and will be tested this week. And the collection of items to be identified will be gradually enriched afterwards. So, don't refrain from proposing on the forum your ideas for items to identify or allegories (including those already posted in the past).

The meeting is closed at 22:41 UTC.(*)

(*) But the Forge channel remains occupied until 23:20 UTC with the debate raised by an off-topic question (Why not a periodic geographic redistribution of drilling sites?) then asked.


#281 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (May 15th 2023)

Date: monday, May15, 19:30 UTC (21h30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex


Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • [Marauder Gameplay] Fame update
  • [New Encyclopedia] Next Rite
  • [Guild Island] Outpost Material Enhancer Building

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (1 year ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#282 Multilingual 

Compte rendu réunion Ryzom forge du lundi 15 mai 2023

Ordre du jour :

Gameplay Maraudeur => Mise à jour du système de renommée
Nouvelle encyclopédie => Prochain rite
Ajout d'un nouveau bâtiment sur l’île de guilde  => amélioration des matières d'avant-poste
Question/réponse avec la communauté

Premier point du jour : refonte du système de renommée maraudeur et du rite

En ce qui concerne la renommé maraudeur, il ne sera plus nécessaire d'avoir toute les renommées de votre personnage en négatif, le prérequis nécessaire pour passer le rite sera d'avoir 30 de renommé maraudeur.
Vous pourrez à l'aide des minis camps maraudeur se trouvant dans quelques zones 100 d'Atys, trouver des quêtes pour atteindre la renommée suffisante pour votre rite.

Une fois le rite passé, toute les autres renommées de votre personnage seront automatiquement à -50, de la même façon qu'un citoyen kami / karavan qui passe son rite obtient une fame de -50 chez les maraudeurs.

Un changement également pour le rite, jugé trop compliqué pour les jeunes joueurs voulant devenir de futur maraudeur : cela sera simplifié, l’étape ou il faut trouver et tuer un PNJ dans chaque capitale sera supprimée et remplacée par une étape plus simple.

Modification pour les gardes du camp maraudeur : dorénavant, les gardes du camps n'attaqueront que les joueurs ayant une renommé maraudeur de -50 ou moins.

Un ajustement passif de votre renommé aura lieu : Pour permettre à toute personne ( pas seulement les maraudeurs ) de se rendre dans n'importe qu'elle ville d'Atys et cela peu importe votre renommée.
Pour que votre fame bénéficie du changement passif, vous devez remplir deux critères : votre tag ne dois pas être actif et également aucune arme en main (quelque soit l'arme, ampli, dague etc...) une fois les deux prérequis réunis, votre renommé se trouvant en dessous de - 40 se trouveront systématiquement remontées à - 40, pour vous permettre l'accès aux villes et ainsi pouvoir accéder aux events et futurs rites en développement.


Deuxième point du jour : Nouvelle encyclopédie, rite à venir très prochainement !

Comme annoncé lors de la derniere réunion forge, de nouveaux rites de zone vont voir le jour,
Nous y sommes !

Il s'agira du premier rite, des rites géographiques, il y aura donc un rite par région, et les quatre premiers à voir le jour seront les rites des zones 50 pour pouvoir faire profiter toute la communauté.
Le rite sera orienté sur une histoire d'amour entre Flynn Mac'Quash et sa douce Damae !
Ils vous feront voyager dans la somptueuse zone 50 tryker, un des plus beau paysage...
Avec à la clé de votre périple une nouvelle compétence passive ! Aucune autre info les curieux, à vous de découvrir !


Troisième point à l'ordre du jour : bâtiment sur l’île de guilde pour l'amélioration de vos matières d'avant-poste

Il vous sera possible de construire un bâtiment sur l'île de guilde pour ensuite vous donner accès à un système d'amélioration de matière d'avant-poste.
En résumé, vous pourrez à l'aide de matières suprêmes, de points de guilde et d'un certain nombre d'item d'avant-poste procéder à leur amélioration en terme de qualité ( +50 pour chaque évolution )
Un système gratuit en point de guilde est mis en place de la qualité 50 à 150. Passé cette qualité, vous devrez débourser en plus des matières suprêmes et également des points de guilde.
Les points de guilde s’obtiennent en parlant avec chaque chasseur ou éclaireur de chaque région d'Atys en leur demandant la liste des rois se trouvant dans votre région actuelle.
1 Point par zone découverte, se réinitialise tous les 1er du mois, comptez une 40aines de point par mois et par guilde.
Dans le temps, il y aura d'autre système de gain de point de guilde, via des missions de guilde, achat et service de guilde


Dernier point : Echange de questions/réponses avec les joueurs

Question : Où en est le développement des maraudeurs légers manquants ?

- Le développement avance grandement. Ils seront implémenté et testé directement par la communauté afin de ne donner aucun avantage sur la stratégie.

Question : Pourrons-nous visiter les îles de guildes comme actuellement l’appartement d'un ami ?

-Plusieurs projet sur le feu à clôturer avant, mais cela est au programme,

Rendez-vous tous à la prochaine réunion forge, et bon jeu à tous sur l’écorce !

#283 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (October 2nd 2023)

Date: monday, October 2nd, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • News about Outposts
  • Event team

#284 [en] 

Place-holder for report of 2023-10-02 RF Meeting

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (7 months ago)

#285 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (December 4th 2023)

Date: monday, December 4th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Rocket-Chat upgrade V6
  • ARK update
  • News about Outposts

#286 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (May 13th 2024)

Date: monday, May 13th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Silan refactoring
  • Ryzom 20th anniversary
  • Extended guild inventories

#287 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – May 13, 2024

1 - Ryzom's twentieth anniversary

Margote (RT) – 19:34 UTC
Twenty days of festivities are planned, from September 16 (the anniversary of the game's release in the USA) to October 5, 2024. A birthday cake and a fireworks display (or two) are planned, and several mini-games will be offered throughout this period, all of them OOC. There will be some unique items to be won, but these will be decorative items only.
However, as roleplay was and remains the soul of Ryzom, there will be moments dedicated to this aspect of the game. In addition, during these 20 days, we'll try to evoke what the game was like in its early days and show that, despite its 20 years of age, it's still evolving.
We're thinking of opening a discussion thread on the forum or on social networks where you can leave your messages and other video creations and drawings (or any other idea designed to wish Ryzom a happy birthday) or tell us what Ryzom has meant to you over these 20 years. If you've got a great idea but need a little help, you can contact us through Pavor (via direct message in Ryzom chat).
To conclude, I'd like to remind you that we want this party to resemble you: we therefore await your suggestions on the forum's thread Suggestion box for the 20th anniversary of Ryzomdu forum.
The floor is yours: questions, suggestions, comments...

Q: I'm planning to start shortly making videos to present the game. Who should I contact to discuss their content? Or do I have complete freedom?
Your videos are always welcome, and communication for now is indeed all about showing Ryzom to those who don't know it. Jadeyn is the one in charge of the videos in general... so the one I suggest you contact to create yours.

Q:Couldn't we erect a monument at the Nexus to commemorate this anniversary?
We've started thinking about something like that.

2 - Silan Refactoring

Ulukyn (RT) – 19:59 UTC
I'll go quickly on this one, as I'm not in great condition. I'll save my strength for the next one.
Actually, I was thinking of asking for your feedback on the Silan Refactoring here, but I guess the best thing is to open a forum thread where you can give it. However, we're already planning to remove the small chest to keep just one large chest and place a permanent chest offering only psykoplas.
That's all for this topic (I've kept it very short :D).

Q: Could the planned opening of this thread please remind us what this Silan Refactoring consisted of?
Sure !

3 - Guild inventories extensions

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:02 UTC
These have been under test for several days and are well on the way to being implemented soon. The chosen system is as follows.
• Guild inventories (accessible from Guild Islands) will be divided into several chests (20 maximum).
• The guild inventory tab will be replaced by two tabs, GH 1 and GH 2, each of which can display the contents of one of the guild's chests. This means that two chests can be viewed simultaneously, and you can choose which chest to display.
• Each chest will have 500 slots and a variable volume capacity. New chests (up to a maximum of 20) can be built on the Guild Island. They will physically appear there and can be individually enlarged, i.e. increased in volume.
• It will be possible to name each chest to make it easier to find, but also to grant, according to guild rank (member, officer or higher, senior officer or higher, leader only) three permissions:
— 1: Who can see the contents of the chest;
— 2: Who can deposit in the chest;
— 3: Who can take from the chest.
A member who is not allowed to view the contents of a chest won't be able to deposit items in it, and there will be only one safe reserved for the guild leader.
• Each chest will have a menu for changing its size, name or permissions.
• Building new chests and enlarging existing ones will become increasingly expensive. This cost will only be paid for in supreme drilled MPs or guild points, to which we may add MP collected from Bosses (currently in test).
Some questions ?

Q: Will players still have to be P2P subscribers for their characters to be able to access their guild's chests?
Yes, this will remain unchanged.

Q: For a guild populated by low-level characters, will OP-MPs be linked to the ability to drill 150, 200, 250, supreme MPs?
We haven't definitively validated the idea yet, but it's possible that the Quality required will depend on the number of chests already built. For example, small guilds could have their first chests built with Q150, the next ones with Q200 and the last chests with Q250 (the more chests you want, the higher the Quality will have to be).

Q: Are there any plans to introduce later such an expansion system for a character's own apartment?
No. The size of apartment storage will remain unchanged.

Q: Will the quantity of raw materials drillable on a given spot be increased?
Opinions differ from player to player on this point: some find it too high, already...

Q: How many MPs will be necessary to increase storage capacity? Is it possible to have an idea?
I really don't know, it will depend on how many chests a guild already have. The idea is to be able to easily double or triple the storage capacity and, as mentioned above, the more capacity you want, the more MPs you'll need. But we need time to measure the increase in GH volume and assess the impact of these arrangements on the server.

Q: When might these extensions be available?
If not this week, then during the first week of June.

Various issues

20:40 UTC
Q: Are there any plans to teleport from Guild Hall to Guild Island?
Not really, but when we add decorations to the GH, we'll be able to decide if they can be complemented by a teleporter to Guild Island. And we'll test access to the Island from one of the now-useless coach doors.

Q: What about the staircase leading down into the water (the watercut) from the docks at Fairhaven?
I'm putting it in place right away!

Q: Could New Horizons offer a function for moving the contents of an apartment to a new apartment?
This isn't necessary: capital cities' grooms already allow you to teleport packers (although they seem to exclude them <- this will be corrected), loaded or not, to another capital city's stable for a modest contribution in elyps.

The meeting is closed at 21:12 UTC.

Edited 8 times | Last edited by Maupas (2 months ago)

Last visit Wednesday, 3 July 17:51:52 UTC

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