#48 Added by Ekoh 7 years ago
#49 Added by Lopyrech 7 years ago
Alternative could be generating the link or something else more conveniant and then, let's the player send it by PM, forum, tell, spype, fb, we-don't-care.then copy/paste a line like /createGroup import `datas_needed_to_create_item_group`This can be an ugly inline like this, but i'm pretty sure it'll possible to have something prettier.```/createGroup import group name="armor_for_pseudo";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="Feet";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="Hands";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="HandL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="AnkleL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="EarL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="HandL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="EarL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="Neck";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="HandL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="FingerL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="FingerL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="AnkleL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="HandL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="Legs";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="Arms";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="Body";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="WristL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="WristL";item createTime="1234567890" serial="7654321" slot="Headdress";```
#50 Added by Naema 7 years ago
#51 Added by Lopyrech 7 years ago
#52 Added by Fyrosfreddy 7 years ago
It looks like you would type:/moveGroup Dig Mektoub2? Or something like that? would that work, or what would be the exact typing so I can set up a macro for it? otherwise, all the gear collects in your bag, lol
#53 Added by Ekoh 7 years ago
#54 Added by Fyrosfreddy 5 years ago
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 years ago)
#55 Added by Revvy 5 years ago
#56 Added by Fyrosfreddy 5 years ago
#57 Added by Magez 5 years ago
You can also avoid using /naked command when you want to remove the helmet.Edit group_charName.xml and insert <remove slot="Head" /> in the group name branch.
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