
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Ryzom Forge meeting's agenda - 9th of may 2016

on IRC (freenode) #ryzomforge

Steam special meeting

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Gaueko (8 years ago) | Reason: Translation fix.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Communications and Marketing

Ryzom is on Steam since friday May the 6th at 10h00 CEST (08:00 UTC)!

We annouced this coming everywhere on social networks and websites, and articles are still published. The list, daily updated, is to be seen there:

The coming of Ryzom to Steam provoqued a huge affluence of players this week-end:
- 450 simultaneous players on Atys, whose 268 on Silan
- 270 simultaneous connections via Steam
- 450 000 visits of Ryzom sites (Steam & on sunday
- Many resubscriptions
- Many requests for restauration of characters

We have to wait since next week-end for comparison of these numbers to equivalent days and hours, but it's very promising.
To us, now, the task to give all these new and old players the desire to stay as to discover and rediscover our gorgeous Atys!

Remember, Ryzom is an independent game led by a small team of volunteers, and this influx of new and old players is for us both a great hope and a great challenge we face all happy and very seriously.
For more than 6 months every volunteers team work hard to prepare for this great moment! For all of us, Ryzom is more than just a game, this is the game you love and to whose development we are proud to participate!
If you want to help, it's simple: give your ideas on the forum, create player's events, join a volunteers team, subscribe, or just have fun in the game and help to welcome the new players!

Q: What will this mean in relation to having more content added to the game to keep new ones here and playing? Or is it to soon to ask this question?
A: In a few days, when unavoidable bugs of the first days will have been fixed, the teams will resume their work on their tasks aimig to add content. For the rest, it's stil too soon for talk about it, but our view of the game has not changed: if the repopulation of the server lasts and subscriptions follow, we will have the founds needed to work with other additions. We want new subscriptions not to keep for ourselves but to have the financial resources to create new tools for Ryzom Forge and new content in the game. A good part of the players are subscribing to help us, it's normal that we do our best to develop the game in return. What we are lacking for now, it's enough subscriptions for it. The coming of Ryzom on Steam is a great hope for us, the one to finally have the means to make the players what they give us for so long.

Q: A thought here. If players are subbing and getting permanent experience catalyzers what is planned to make outposts more competative again? We are losing a large portion of the game at that point.
A: This game "belongs" to his players, it is primarily their proposals that will be followed, if achievable, interesting and consistent with the Lore of Ryzom. The outpost catalysts could be replaced with sap crystals for example, or by something else. Above all players to agree on a proposal (via the "ideas" forum). Then, the more human and financial resources we get, the more we can implement some of these ideas.
Glorf: Same questions about events, then. Are there plans to make again events more interesting ? The game loses much of its interest without it.
Tamarea: The animation team has tons of projects, 4 large sequences or almost ready to play (one per nation) in addition to the Ranger, but unfortunately there are not enough leaders to play regular events. That's why I run every monday a call for applications.
Glorf: I don't care to know that there are sequences scheduled. I speak about interesting sequences, for me. You should try to "tease" the sequences.
Tamarea: Motivation and ideas are there, but we are small teams and each often has several roles. When an anim has to quickly translate a press release or an urgent announcement, for example, he can't work preparing for his event.
Glorf: Should see if there are people who are interested to animate. And as you try to keep the players, you must also remember to keep the anims.
Tamarea: The small team of animators is still there, it just dream to expand. Besides, I have received several applications these days, so I hope this dream will come true soon! I also remind you that players can offer their own events (by email to or on the forum) and that we help them to achieve these (technical help, Lore, NPCs ...)
Ogmios: To become anim, one have to be bilingual? I don't apply... too hard. Good knowledge of the Lore, I presume...
Tamarea: Not necessarily, as an anim speaks correctly a language, it fits! ;) The Lore it's better but not mandatory, the Lore can also be learned internally. A new anim is training and is guided before going alone! As long as the motivation and knowledge of roleplay are there, the rest can be learned. I remind you that, for application, the post to follow is here: 2 (and that it should be keep secret, to preserve anonymity).

Last edited by Gaueko (8 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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L'équipe Dev a passé les trois derniers jours à travailler aux inévitables corrections de bugs suite à tous les changements réalisés dans les clients, en plus de la surveillance habituelle :

- Aucun ralentissement du serveur de jeu n'a été constaté
- Megacorp a dû être momentanément coupé car il prenait trop de cpu, ce qui provoquait des timeout lors des nombreuses créations simultanées de comptes.

Bugs :

- Problème avec le système d'abonnement via Steam, qui bug et ne fonctionne pas. C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé aussitôt d'ouvrir gratuitement le serveur de jeu à tous penant une semaine, le temps que l'équipe Dev corrige le problème.
Pendant une semaine, les comptes désabonnés peuvent donc se connecter sans avoir à se réabonner et les comptes déjà abonnés ont leur durée d'abonnement allongée de 7 jours.
- Erreur 62 (antivirus AVG bloquant Ryzom) : Kervala (Dev) a corrigé l'erreur et vient tout juste de mettre le client Steam à jour.

Améliorations et correctifs :

- Amélioration de l'outil permettant de restaurer les personnages, pour alléger le temps de travail devant l'affluence de demandes de restaurations.
- correction de l'erreur 62 lors de la connexion au serveur (antivirus AVG bloquant Ryzom). La mise à jour du client Steam vient juste d'être faite.
- correction des textures manquantes pour certaines bottes lorsqu'elles étaient portées avec une robe de mage
- divers autres petits correctifs, ajoutés à cette mise à jour du client Steam.

Last edited by Gaueko (8 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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- Huge days and very short nights for the small team of CSR volunteers, who had to be present on all fronts 24/24 (to welcome players in game and answer their many questions, to answer tickets, to answer on the Steam forum and the WebIG forum) (CSR = Customer Services Representative = member of Support Team)
- Continuing requests for character restorations!
- Several applications received to join the Support team
- Comeback of a former CSR EN (Sergan)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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- The translators have also been a lot called upon during these three days to translate announcements and answers in emergency, in addition to their long work of fixing the whole of the ingame text. A big thanks to them also.
- Two more applications have been received this week!
If there are other peoples wanting to join the translation team, you can be sure you'll be welcomed with open arms! We still have no translator for Russian and we are missing translators to Spanish and German

Q: no contraints on the playability of the character?
A: To be a translator? No, no constraint since the translations aren't done in game except in emergency cases, translators usually have several days to translate and fix a text. And where there are several peoples for the same language, it allows for taking turns
Translations are mostly translations for official announcements and new content in game created with Ark. There are also translations for chronicles and speaches of events characters
And when we say "translation team", we should say "translation and proofread team". Since when there's translation, there's proofread


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#6 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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-Small events played on Silan to welcome the new players (fireworks, small games...)
- Organisation of other events in a few days on the mainland
- One application
- Return of an old anim (EM FR): Daulath


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
Last visit Wednesday, 5 June 20:36:43 UTC

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