
#22 [en] 

withdrawn, with malice :P

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Eruv (1 decade ago)


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#23 [en] 

withdrawn, with malice :P

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Eruv (1 decade ago)


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#24 [en] 

I'd rather agree with Naema, and would rather rethink to make it harder to "abuse" the spawn points, instead of making it even easier.

Provocative thought here: Once you've got lvl250 in your desired skilltrees, why bother walking? The DP is a don't care to you anyway, there's no need for more xp.

I can't imagine there's anything that's so scarce these days that it would be a high enough cost for a spawn point transporter. Even DP is low cost for most. On the other hand, if there's a e.g. a real-time wait period when respawning, that would be very frustrating to everybody. That's the only cost I can imagine right now to prevent Eruv from death-taxiing, but at the cost of annoying every player. So, realtime delays are no option as well.

Without any better ideas, I'd keep the status quo...

Last edited by Irfidel (1 decade ago)

#25 [en] 

remove the post if you can dear CSR's , i respectfully think your policy needs to be amended to cater for this eventuality

-sincerely, honestly

Last edited by Eruv (1 decade ago)


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