
#18 [en] 

If anything, I think Eruv has raised an interesting point: what if politics change? Aligning with the Empire gets you a high cap with the Theocracy (75), but at this very moment, relations are kind of strained due to a months-old ambassador conflict. The desert people have collaborated more fruitfully with the trykers so far (water delivery) than with the zorais (water wells project, or what was under discussion) - yet a fyros citizen's fame is capped at 25 with the tryker. Why? Maybe a more fluid approach to fame caps would be interesting, albeit difficult to code and questionable in the end.


#19 [en] 

a bit more fluidity with the fame caps would be great , there are many minds out there would could devise a system worthwhile and yes it would require work to implement so i have not suggested a more complex idea, in my experience simpler ideas are easier to implement

- 2 civs per aligned guild is all i'm saying, it would be nice to have something more complex but i would not hope for it there are many other things to tend to


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#20 [en] 

As alliances shift, the next request would likely be to fully control guild allegiance: Someone would argue that maybe one nation has turned against the other three, so a guild wants to accept anyone of those three nations... Overall this is a rather complex topic.

I guess I'm so hesitant about this idea because guild politics are not nation politics. So why should it actually have to be strictly aligned to nation fame. And now having said that, maybe I'm actually thinking that guilds should not have any fame/nation/religion restrictions.

How would that feel? If simply anyone could join any guild? Guilds could implement their own voluntary membership policy. Would that be a good thing?
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