More Realism for Loot drops

If you are in a hurry this is the main point: I suggest two things related to the title of my post:

1) Increase loot drops from instead, range 1 to 10 pieces, to 5-10 (or something, this is just an arbitrary number)

reason: encourage more crafting, looting, and enhance realism in atys.

I love ryzom and it has many things many games do not have, one of them is that we as players should be able to influence the world if our ideas are sound. Consider killing a great najab and getting only one bone, or killing a bodoc and getting 5 horns. Yes this might be to many , a small issue,but to me, changing small things, adds up in the long term. I believe that players would feel positively about small changes, it could feel like progress in the face of apparent stagnation.

Negative argument 1: this is a small issue
Counterargument 1: i don't care, if it is easy to change then I'd love to see it changed

Negative argument 2: hey why increase loot, that's going to make harvesting nerfed!

Counterargument 2: i feel the lower end of the drop is too low, i can argue both positions. sure if you nuked the living daylights out of that jab, maybe only one bone suitable for picking up and crafting with, will survive the nukeage, fair enough. it COULD remain the same but there's an issue.

in my humble, reasonably experienced but by no means expert opinion:

most loot that is fine/basic (which is really most of the loot in atys) has very little crafting value (besides exp) there are a few very nice loot mats (jab ligs horncher secretion kirosta tail) but consider things like igara and cuttler or zerx parts, (okay the more experienced crafters may know how to use these but honestly, i argue that the majority of basic/fine loot is essentially just for exp, you can argue against if you want)

If the loot were increased a little, i see no down sides, there would be more reason to loot mobs and craft them instead of discarding (yes i know, many of you loot the big mobs, jabs jugs hornchers devs kipees kiros) but again i argue that much of the loot in atys is tossed. increasing the base-loot drop-size could encourage more crafting and slightly help those who really HATE digging with a passion (not everyone can love it, i understand) I do not feel this would in any way take away from digging only enhance the experiences of all homins.

Negative argument 3: I don't loot aggros because they will pop
Counterargument 3: yes I know that i'm not telling you to loot the last yetin, but i don't bother looting 1 stray aggro because the odds of getting 10 mats is really low, if i knew the drop size was now larger maybe i would loot it.


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