Mat distrubution - faction balance..

there are a few miserable mats like that all about, i can say for exe jungle that glue sucks and i think enola was the only one i never dug by myself, for the glue u have to get it just right if you sneeze will be eaten and for enola, i didn't want it anyway :P

forest is beyond miserable to the point where many just use exe pr mats instead of exe forest mats to complement the nice forest loot that's around, desert isn't as bad but many of the mats are crappy

i will agree that certain mats are beyond challenge level to the point of being more than an annoyance but i don't see it changing anytime soon. some aspects of ryzom are geared toward people who want to be miserable imho, yes you can dispute it if wish

scaring away new players with advanced difficulty is bad practice, there's no need to defend a challenge that is beyond a challenge by saying it makes you stronger etc because sure YOU will get above the challenge and perhaps look down on soemeone else who complains, yet its bad for new blood too


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