
#74 Melden | ZitierenMehrsprachig 

the other is powered by a micro-payment system & full time payed job witch make a huge difference

Agreed, there are other games like rift that offer both subscription and Ingame shop, they make most money from The micro payment system,
Even monthly subscriptions can be bought from the shop and traded to other players for I game currency.

While this move is a step in the right direction and we can debate the merits of the move, it would be helpful to see the financial budget for ryzom.
Hopefully someone higher up reads our feedback makes a executive decision to move the game to a modern system for generating funds and hiring staff to develop the game.
While it's fine to say ryzom is a dynamic world and a sandbox, it still needs expansions and new content to keep a thriving highly active community.

The bottom line is pretty simple recent servays of MMO players has shown that 70% to 80% of them don't want to pay a monthly subscription free. While others have shown that the same players spend nearly twice as much in a micro payment system.

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Nitrouss (vor 8 Jahren)


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.

#75 Melden | Zitieren[es] 

I play H&H and the devs said they could get more money with cosmetic microtransaction, but the graphic work envolve make it not worth it, in the end its all about ifs the devs/creatif are ready to put this sort of work.

#76 Melden | Zitieren[es] 

Question 1. What do you guys mean about a micro payment system, and how will it help Ryzom? Be specific please.

Question 2. Yeah, a f2p system sounds nice for players, but how is Ryzom paid for? How are Devs paid for to fix game, provide new content, events, not to mention add expansion packs, maybe new worlds, maybe new lands, new NCP maurauders and gear, all the new stuff mention in Ideas forum within Lore guidelines?

Money has to come from somewhere.

#77 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I suppose that I am really in the minority, then. I *prefer* a subscription based model.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#78 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Question 1. What do you guys mean about a micro payment system, and how will it help Ryzom? Be specific please.

Question 2. Yeah, a f2p system sounds nice for players, but how is Ryzom paid for? How are Devs paid for to fix game, provide new content, events, not to mention add expansion packs, maybe new worlds, maybe new lands, new NCP maurauders and gear, all the new stuff mention in Ideas forum within Lore guidelines?

Money has to come from somewhere.

micro payment aka cash shop is just what it sounds like. A way to pay for a game with out a monthly sub. Instead of paying 10 a month you pay a buck per item 5 per item pack or what have you. You buy in game items or money or special money for real world money. The problem is this these systems fast create a elite class of player. The casher the guy to dumps 500 1k 10k a month or a 100k a year on the game and gets all the fancy power player gear. He out paces every one else in game then others try to catch up and do the same etc. Makes the game tons of money. But at the same time the devs have to try and keep up with demand for new content. So they start making content that has nearly nothing to do with the game and then absolutely nothing to do with the game.

Do you ant to see hover bike mounts in game or how about angelic garments and wings ? The point is this. Cash shop + ryzom = a ryzom none of us would know. What makes ryzom ryzom would be burried under
a mountain of fluff and psudo content the community would be burried under eliist players who only care about one thing becoming more powerful than the other guy. Then it happens you see the forums fill up with posts about how all the ryzom team does is take your money and give nothing in return. Those same players will still dump 1000s all the while complaining constantly about the game. These fears are not unfounded. To see all of this just go to and look at any of their dozen + games there take your pick but the biggest mess in all gaming history has to be wartune one i played just before coming here. Some players there have spent a feee hundred thousdand dolars just to be in the top 2 or 3 on their server.

Ask if you really thing this is the sort of thing ryzom needs and if you want to take the chance that that is what ryzom will become. I can tell you it is a huge risk and highly likely it will become exactly that....

#79 Melden | ZitierenMehrsprachig 


micro payment aka cash shop is just what it sounds like. A way to pay for a game with out a monthly sub. Instead of paying 10 a month you pay a buck per item 5 per item pack or what have you. You buy in game items or money or special money for real world money. The problem is this these systems fast create a elite class of player. The casher the guy to dumps 500 1k 10k a month or a 100k a year on the game and gets all the fancy power player gear. He out paces every one else in game then others try to catch up and do the same etc. Makes the game tons of money. But at the same time the devs have to try and keep up with demand for new content. So they start making content that has nearly nothing to do with the game and then absolutely nothing to do with the game.

Do you ant to see hover bike mounts in game or how about angelic garments and wings ? The point is this. Cash shop + ryzom = a ryzom none of us would know. What makes ryzom ryzom would be burried under
a mountain of fluff and psudo content the community would be burried under eliist players who only care about one thing becoming more powerful than the other guy. Then it happens you see the forums fill up with posts about how all the ryzom team does is take your money and give nothing in return. Those same players will still dump 1000s all the while complaining constantly about the game. These fears are not unfounded. To see all of this just go to and look at any of their dozen + games there take your pick but the biggest mess in all gaming history has to be wartune one i played just before coming here. Some players there have spent a feee hundred thousdand dolars just to be in the top 2 or 3 on their server.

Ask if you really thing this is the sort of thing ryzom needs and if you want to take the chance that that is what ryzom will become. I can tell you it is a huge risk and highly likely it will become exactly that....

Seto I don't mean to make this personal but my guess is you don't have many masters and really don't understand that someone speeding $1000 in ryzom wouldn't make them a better player then anyone else because everyone can master every single skill and as I stated in my earlier posts, the knowledge of the game it self makes you elite not your gear, in ryzom everything is player crafted so the last thing that's needed in a cash shop is gear.

I have played since closed beta and have subbed up to 9 accounts at once, ryzom has already taken thousands of dollars of my money and never given any great content because there are NO PAID STAFF TO DEVELOP THE CONTENT.

Two new Light armor NPC bosses some website based fluff like occupations and new horizons In 12 years...
Oh and don't forget the great gear and item wipe where everyone lost everything they had colleted over years of playtime because all three language server had to be merged... Reason being lack of finances to keep all three servers running.

There are many other micro payment games that make millions and release awesome content, the latest being supercell... Which makes millions a day from mobile app based games..maybe some of you have heard of clash of clans, boom beach or clash royal.

The new generation of gamers have all embraced the micro payment system, because it allows you to spend nothing to be able to enjoy the full game. While others spend hundreds and enjoy the same content.

All your doing is fear mongering because you had a bad experience in a crappy browser game which was gear based where you didn't have the money to buy the items others bought?

4 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Nitrouss (vor 8 Jahren)


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.

#80 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Question 1. What do you guys mean about a micro payment system, and how will it help Ryzom? Be specific please.
Micro-payments system let you buy thing in an item shop / in your player account.
It could be skin, mount, useless pet, virtual money witch can be use to pay your monthly account or any stuff sell by players in the IG market.

By using virtual money in the IG market you send virtual money to players who have sell items, then he can use this virtual money to pay his monthly account or buy something else.
Unfortunately, these's not market on Ryzom :(

By the way I strongly disagree with Seto, yes items shop may sell all IG items and even over-boosted items that did not exist and should not exist, but that only append if the entire Ryzom staff have no brain and really really want to kill the game for ever, pay2win really sucks nobody want that on Ryzom.

Question 2. Yeah, a f2p system sounds nice for players, but how is Ryzom paid for? How are Devs paid for to fix game, provide new content, events, not to mention add expansion packs, maybe new worlds, maybe new lands, new NCP maurauders and gear, all the new stuff mention in Ideas forum within Lore guidelines?

Money has to come from somewhere.
Money come from monthly account and donate via paypal
It's not enough as we can all see, development of the game in all part is really slow, few more people payed in the staff would increase the speed of all development.

BTW micro-payment do not mean that monthly account should be drop.

(Side note : I witch to be able to pay more on my montly account in order to donate without give money to paypal each time)
Proposal here > Add donate in monthly account payment

Zuletzt geändert von Azram (vor 8 Jahren)

#81 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Question 1. What do you guys mean about a micro payment system, and how will it help Ryzom? Be specific please.
Micro-payments system let you buy thing in an item shop / in your player account.
It could be skin, mount, useless pet, virtual money witch can be use to pay your monthly account or any stuff sell by players in the IG market.

By using virtual money in the IG market you send virtual money to players who have sell items, then he can use this virtual money to pay his monthly account or buy something else.
Unfortunately, these's not market on Ryzom :(

By the way I strongly disagree with Seto, yes items shop may sell all IG items and even over-boosted items that did not exist and should not exist, but that only append if the entire Ryzom staff have no brain and really really want to kill the game for ever, pay2win really sucks nobody want that on Ryzom.

Question 2. Yeah, a f2p system sounds nice for players, but how is Ryzom paid for? How are Devs paid for to fix game, provide new content, events, not to mention add expansion packs, maybe new worlds, maybe new lands, new NCP maurauders and gear, all the new stuff mention in Ideas forum within Lore guidelines?

Money has to come from somewhere.
Money come from monthly account and donate via paypal
It's not enough as we can all see, development of the game in all part is really slow, few more people payed in the staff would increase the speed of all development.

BTW micro-payment do not mean that monthly account should be drop.

(Side note : I witch to be able to pay more on my montly account in order to donate without give money to paypal each time)
Proposal here > Add donate in monthly account payment

Well said Azram, subscription and micro payment systems can have a symbiotic relationship, games like Rift has embraced both systems and still make a larger profit each financial year.
we all want to see this old gem of a game live for another 12 years, but there needs to be more paid development into the game to keep it alive, relying on volunteers to do all the work doesn't cut it for a game that's on steam.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, you gain strength.
Through strength, you gain power.
Through power, you gain victory.
Through victory, your chains are broken.
Ma-Duk shall free you.

#82 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Any updates on this?

Have not been on for 2hrs in 2 weeks, would appreciate a fremium period when life is really busy as is now

Thanks for any updates =)


#83 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

There will never be any paid developers

#84 Melden | Zitieren[es] 

RL is really busy for me at the moment so I haven't had time to even play much on my f2p

If I did however get to sign in on my main I'd love that

Any updates on fremium release date ? (May? August? December?)



#85 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Any updates on fremium release date ? (May? August? December?)


Soon. Dev team has finished its main project (Scenographic Editor) and focuses now on freemium's one.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#86 Melden | ZitierenMehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | [English]
As Ulukyn has completed the bulk of the "Scenographic Editor" project (which goes from "New Project" to "Maintenance"), he again focuses on reversibility of the subscriptions.

In test:
-Limit quality of equipement
-Be able to take something out of the mount or first packer mektoub’s inventory
-Limit the quality of the crafted items

In progress
-Free to play can’t put items in their apartment but only take items out of it.

To do:
-Limit forage mats from pike quality
-Modify the billing to add reversibility of subscriptions.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#87 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

As Ulukyn has completed the bulk of the "Scenographic Editor" project (which goes from "New Project" to "Maintenance"), he again focuses on reversibility of the subscriptions.

In test:
-Limit quality of equipement
-Be able to take something out of the mount or first packer mektoub’s inventory
-Limit the quality of the crafted items

In progress
-Free to play can’t put items in their apartment but only take items out of it.

To do:
-Limit forage mats from pike quality
-Modify the billing to add reversibility of subscriptions.

I'm glad we're working on a freemium concept, but I must ask, why limit the quality of equipment and quality of crafted items?

Zuletzt geändert von Wirroy (vor 7 Jahren)


"To believe an ideal is to be willing to betray it." - Kreia

#88 Melden | Zitieren[fr] 

To encoruage membership.

The game runs on a sub. model right now and they need income.
It should encoruage you to pay, but not make you have to make an alt when you can't play enough to justify playing.

Many games do this.

Runescape is a classic
Eve has recently done it


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