
#1 Multilingual 

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(All) Refugee days (April 1st - 8th 2018)

Dear Homins!

Refugee days have begun again. The homins celebrate their return to the light of the surface after they had to endure some years in the darkness of the Prime Roots following the First Great Swarming. And the homins also celebrate the recapture of the New Lands after the temporary withdrawal during the Second Great Swarming.

Again it's also time to commemorate those who did not return from the Exile caused by the Great Swarmings.

During all the festivities (from Sunday, 1 April 2018 08:00:00 UTC (6 years ago) to ca. Sunday, 8 April 2018 21:59:00 UTC (6 years ago)), all homins can have fun everywhere on Atys.

Eggs hunt
Come and hunt big and small eggs across all Atys landscapes. Once again nice surprises and special prizes can be discovered!
¤ you can find small eggs containing useful contents for players of all levels placed by Gubunnies everywhere over the surface on Atys - including Silan
¤ 29 giant eggs can be found on and under Atys - one in each region. Are you a real Atys egg scout? Then prove it now! You will receive one reward each for collecting a whole set of giant eggs. There is a lakeland egg set (discover one giant egg in each region of Aeden Aqueous), a desert egg set, a jungle egg set and a woodlands egg set. If you manage to find all 29 giant eggs all over Atys, then you will get the final reward! You can check how many eggs you and the 10 best other egg treasure hunters have discovered in which amount of time on the race boards. You will have about one week to find them all.

Edited 7 times | Last edited by Maupas (6 years ago) | Reason: Minor fixes in FR text

#2 [en] 

Thank you for the post, Ghost of Atys.

Please tell us more about the "race boards". Do you mean race as in Formula 1 or race as in Human race? How about a URL?

As it is, I obtained enough dappers from eggs, in the first day+, to buy a packer, an apartment, and then some. Now I will go back to Silan to finish my mission. To think that crusty old sour grape players were poo-pooing the easter egg hunting to noobs like me!

Thank you Ryzom, for your generosity with the eggs and for all the levels. Of course, the best XP seems to come when working as a team, with one person doing melee and the other doing the healing. It was a pleasant surprise to see that the loot is shared between team members automatically.

P.S. What's a Silan noob supposed to do with thousands of tokens when the merchant has nothing for sale?

P.P.S. How many times were players, besides myself, killed by nom_en or similar egg-like entities?


#3 [en] 

You will receive one reward each for collecting a whole set of giant eggs. There is a lakeland egg set (discover one giant egg in each region of Aeden Aqueous), a desert egg set, a jungle egg set and a woodlands egg set. If you manage to find all 39 giant eggs all over Atys, then you will get the final reward!

What was it last year cause i don't remember getting anything before, or is it only top 10 racers?


#4 Multilingual 

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Note that there was an error in the number of giant eggs. The actual number is twenty-nine, not thirty-nine. This has been fixed in the original announcement.

Last edited by Margote (6 years ago)

Last visit Saturday, 21 September 00:55:49 UTC

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