
#19 [en] 

You mean your maximal fame with current allegiance? No, those data are missing yet. Do you have any details about what maximal fame is allowed by all combinations of allegiance?

It's in the game as a white bar on the fame window, tough part i guess is finding it in the game code :) ... I bet Karu knows where it is.
Let me know if you meet any NPC with name and title not being in database.

The spreadsheet file I sent you for the Bunny Fame Tool .... not part of IG Tools, (this was started in 2007 - 08 era and updated as we have found more NPCs) has all the known ones I believe.   All the ones added since BT 3.0 was released (about a dozen) are shown in blue text here.

Besides some changes i did for next release, one of future steps will be database of skills (i need it to identify what is user possible to do) and then database of interactions for each NPC. One of interactions will be missions, ie we will have to add every regular mission to every NPC including required fame, level, earned dappers, cooldown, if broken and fame change (small/medium/big rise/lost to every affected fame). With that we will need help, because EVERY mission will have to be done at least once. Including rites and sage. But wait for more precise instructions and I am sure it will be devided into more steps.

We have many of these recorded, tho many missions were just ignored... for example, those requiring "go find mission mats", we just figured no one was going to invest the T & E.   Our efforts to date have focused on recording:

Busted Missions  - Those that can't be done say "Go target Mob of  a level that does not exist" and therefore can not be done.

Broken Missions - Those that say "Go craft 7 of these and hand in" and the timer gives you 90 seconds to complete.

Kill and Craft Missions that can be quickly done without unreasonable difficulty or time investment.


#20 [en] 

You mean your maximal fame with current allegiance? No, those data are missing yet. Do you have any details about what maximal fame is allowed by all combinations of allegiance?

It's in the game as a white bar on the fame window, tough part i guess is finding it in the game code :) ... I bet Karu knows where it is.

Yes, I know. Do you have those numbers? Or can you get it? :) I am currently busy with other things, but I plan to add this, maybe as part of future changes related to real marauder fame.

Let me know if you meet any NPC with name and title not being in database.

The spreadsheet file I sent you for the Bunny Fame Tool .... not part of IG Tools, (this was started in 2007 - 08 era and updated as we have found more NPCs) has all the known ones I believe.   All the ones added since BT 3.0 was released (about a dozen) are shown in blue text here.

Hm, I am not sure about the image, I have similar and we have all in + some more. Gaperila can tell you more, she works hard on NPC list.

Besides some changes i did for next release, one of future steps will be database of skills (i need it to identify what is user possible to do) and then database of interactions for each NPC. One of interactions will be missions, ie we will have to add every regular mission to every NPC including required fame, level, earned dappers, cooldown, if broken and fame change (small/medium/big rise/lost to every affected fame). With that we will need help, because EVERY mission will have to be done at least once. Including rites and sage. But wait for more precise instructions and I am sure it will be devided into more steps.

We have many of these recorded, tho many missions were just ignored... for example, those requiring "go find mission mats", we just figured no one was going to invest the T & E.   Our efforts to date have focused on recording:

Busted Missions  - Those that can't be done say "Go target Mob of  a level that does not exist" and therefore can not be done.

Broken Missions - Those that say "Go craft 7 of these and hand in" and the timer gives you 90 seconds to complete.

Kill and Craft Missions that can be quickly done without unreasonable difficulty or time investment.

My main interrest is fame. Every mission should be added and have set requirements. The goal is to allow you find all missions you can currently do with your fame, skill levels and allegiance. And filter.

Example: I want rise/lower fame with Company of the Eternal Tree but not affect (keep) my fame with kami/kara/Kuilde/Zorai and exclude missions with killing homins.

But I also want to inform user if he can trade with a merchant or use a service.

List of broken missions would be also very useful :)

#21 [en] 

These are some amazing ideas! Can't wait to test them and optimize my fame grind.



#22 [en] 

génial, mais curieusement j'ai toujours le message de log : #0: ERROR! Impossible de sauver vos paramètres.

je suis sur Mac, j'ai regénéré mes clefs API, une idée d'où ca peut venir ?


#23 [en] 

génial, mais curieusement j'ai toujours le message de log : #0: ERROR! Impossible de sauver vos paramètres.

je suis sur Mac, j'ai regénéré mes clefs API, une idée d'où ca peut venir ?

Hm, using older version? If you try do the operation at [0] (link to stable version everyone should use), does it work? Because working for me.


#24 [en] 

same troubles, info gets are good that's enough
i think it tries to write something local and OsX refuse


#25 [en] 

A webapp is just a homepage, which can set cookies at maximum. No local access allowed for javascript or any server side language.


#26 [en] 

Your OS should not be important, however i saw combination of platform and browser sending strange data.

Ok, can you send me an izam and describe exactly which details you wish to insert?

If you try to edit your guild details by this character, hope you know you are not allowed. You have to be the leader or leader has to allow you in member settings.

Last edited by Moniq (7 years ago) | Reason: extended

#27 [en] 

I have the same problem too. I can however use it in a webbrowser. IG it gives me the same notification, something like " your data can't be saved" .

This happend the first time i was trying to use this app IG. Don't know if it was fixed by using the app in a browser after that... I should check the next time i log in...

#28 [en] 

happy not to be alone ;)
app ig or web is the same, i done many tries but no idea of the reason why?

Version du système : macOS 10.12.5 (16F73)
Version du noyau : Darwin 16.6.0
Volume de démarrage : Macintosh HD

I use RyzomClient :
Patch 3.2.1 8925

Sometimes (1 /10) it crashes and i see all INSERT("xxxx","xxxx") commands (i refresh and it works again)


#29 [en] 

Sometimes (1 /10) it crashes and i see all INSERT("xxxx","xxxx") commands (i refresh and it works again)

Sounds like something related to a database (SQL?), probably an internal problem of the app and not your system.


#30 [en] 

Are you both using MAC client?
Does the problem occur only with a specific action or while sending random forms?

#31 [en] 

Das selbe Problem hier:

#0: ERROR! Das Speichern deiner Einstellungen ist fehlgeschlagen!


Patch 3.2.1 8925


#32 [en] 

So only saving settings makes troubles?

btw my client version is

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Moniq (7 years ago) | Reason: version

#33 [en] 

yes it is this the saving, but it is in web browser outgame (tested in edge firefox and chrome) too

Last edited by Stiara (7 years ago)


Last visit Saturday, 21 September 00:54:56 UTC

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