
#1 Multilingual 

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The Hawker's guild would like to invite the homins of Aeden Aqueous and also the homins from the other nations to join us at the 95th birthday celebration of our respected boss Padger O'Toogh. After refusing to have his birthday celebrated for many years, he finally agreed to a party that will take place at the beach south of Fairhaven. The members of the Hawker's guild have collected some dappers to provide the beverages but homins should please bring their own food.
The celebration will take place on 7h - Quinteth, Pluvia 29, 1st AC 2588* at the beach south of Fairhaven (next to Hartley point).

* [OOC] Saturday, 21 May 2016 19:00:00 UTC (8 years ago) It will be an RP event with fighting involved, suitable for characters of all levels although new characters are strongly recommended to team up with experienced players / high level characters. Except for access to Fairhaven, no teleporter tickets are needed.
Last visit Saturday, 27 July 00:17:49 UTC

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