

#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Report of Ryzom Forge's meeting - monday, 30th of april 2015.

Patchlet v7 / Mods

The v7 of the patchlet system will soon be implemented, with the possibility to subscribe / unsubscribe to update channels.

On a concrete point of view, a new webIG app will allow to subscribe, and once the client restarted, the files will be downloaded. The players who want it will be able to manage a channel (add files, remove them, update them).

If you don't subscribe, you don't get the update.
The patchlet channels will only affect the non officiel and non RP additions. The players who don't want any change (as much from RF, players, HRP event) will be able to keep an untouched universe. But they will receive all the official changes.

The patchlet system affects only the data files. And regarding the players addition, in a first time, only the graphic files.

The patchlet will be open source. It's php and lua. Ulukyn will add the information as soon as it's ready for release.

Bnp can't be added because the file is locked by the client, by the way, unable to delete when ingame.

We have tested the Patchlet with ubuntu client + macos client (from app store). Both works.

One of the aims of the patchlet also, for the players, is to highlight the work from Ryzom Forge. From this, several people can test their aditions and give their feedback.

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Meeting's report - 27th of april 2015:

<Goki_ET> Work is still on going on Ark itself, but the new UI is now much more usable. Work on the Encyclopedia rites will commence as soon as a few key modules are ready (v4 Dialogue mainly). I will prepare the first first rite, so it can be used as an example for others to assist in writing the other rites following.
*Wiedii: Does it mean that the diagrams you receive suit you? Can we continue this rite and the other ones on this way?
<Goki_ET> my only comment for now: static images of the flowcharts would be better in a text format, so that text could be selectable ;)
<wiedii> I have now a tool to extract the text content
<Goki_ET> that will be useful
*Wiedii: Ok, i'll try to see for it to be translated quickly then.

<Goki_ET> For those interested in assisting, the Ark team has been given a small project to work on, which I plan to use to help some learn the basics of ark, and maybe a little fun along the way. The event team has OK'd for us to design and build an automated event for the next Anlor winn - it must still be validated of course. There will be a post on the forums, arrangeing a meeting to start this process, so if anyone wants to take part, get your thinking caps on and keep an eye on the forums for more news.
<talkIRC> sounds like fun, and i'd love to learn ark a little better as well.
<Goki_ET> it is important to say, that spoilers will be inevitable, and for those who take part, to remember to not spoil things for others who'd like to stay surprised, and also to not take advantage of "insider knowledge" once the event goes live.
<talkIRC> possible that there could be a NDA? (non-disclosure agreement) to help prevent spoilers and the like.
<Goki_ET> well, all of the Forge project falls under this general idea really.
<talkIRC> i believe that would be a fair requirement to taking part in the project, given that it will be "open to everyone" perhaps a clause for this should be stated...


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Meeting of may, the 11th

[Goki] First, for those who havnt seen: 6. The suggestions made already are good, but mostly lacking in scope. Feel free to think a little bigger. On saturday we will meet here, and collect the ideas posted and start work on creating the event. I will put my own ideas up for consideration thursday.  I would suggest, to try and think creativly with the materials we already have access to. New models / textures etc are possible to add but working with Ark is more the main focus.

[Tamarea] New Ark modules are being created. Adding them will allow to end the coding of the first rite of the new encyclopedy (and so to continue with the next rites)
[Goki] Thanks to Ulukyns hard work, a lot of the tools needed to start working on the first Encyclopedia rite are now in place. So barring intteruptions for small technical Event team related things, Progress has started on that! (yay)

[Tamarea] Thanks to these new modules, the current bugged marauder rite can be rewritten properly. It will so be available in its original version (6 medals to steal and not only 2) and the homins running through the rite won't be cheated several time from 300,000 dappers anymore.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

13th of july, 2015

1 Ark interface

The simplification of the ARK interface to make it being usable easily by users paused waiting for the dev to end new ticket system and payment plugin.

2 Anlor Winn project

Remigra has done some nice work with a few visual things that we can use for Anlor Winn. These visual changes are for 4 land textures, 4 species of trees and flowers. They will affect the 4 nations, Almati and Nexus (but not the Prime Roots) during the event only:

For information: all mounts are not changed, and the floor only changes in summer because it was summer during the tests. You just have to change the letters of the files for the other seasons and countries when they do not exist.
Since the event will run on 2 weeks, these missing files must be added. The ruse consisting in renaming the files works without any problem.

The next step now is to come up with a good premise for the event - the primary obligation being that the event has to be *fully* automated.
One idea: Anlor Winn could go out of a burning kitin.
Another idea: dynamic kitin invasions (smaller scale) that are reactive based on player actiity for each region. This is something a little ambitious but to test.

Q: Is "Pocket Worlds" still under developement, or is it on hold too?
R: Yes it is. The first work is to make Ark interface more easy for the players. And priority is the payment method now.

Q: Many have told me that the secular Halloween, had no place in Ryzom actually. What do you think?
R: The issue is that it's a real life stuff, not a Lore one. We would break the roleplay immersion with playing a real life event. That's the reason why we have created Anlor Winn (Malefic Wind), that looks better with Atys world.

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Aileya (9 years ago) | Reason: Updated links


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
21th of september 2015

Everything was on-hold, waiting for the Yubo's return: 50 matis rite scripting, beginning of the zoraï sequence, missions, help on the La Firme player event, several tests needed for future events... The work will finally restart, but there's nothing new for this week


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#6 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
05 of October 2015

1 Patchet issue on Mac
Patchlet Issue on Mac is now fixed.
If anyone has any other problem related with Mac, contact or use #ryzommac. 

2 Small fixes
  • Removal of OOC TP to Almati Woods by NH (it was supposed to be activated during one Atysmas event only but we forgot to remove it).
  • Scheduled: small move of several Marauder teleports that are buggy (not on the floor but flying, etc). They still need the new teleportation position and to be tested. 

Q: any news from our event La Firme?
A: nothing yet Zakkk. Riasan is working hard on it, but there are no news by now. 
Zakkk: Thanks, I'm at his disposal if he needs details or if he doesn't understand what I've written in the scripts

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#7 [de] 

!!! Finale Terra Packet für Anlor Win zum testen !!!

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Remigra (9 years ago)


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#8 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
19th of October 2015

1 Anlor Winn project
Riasan: "The Event Team and me have created some nice Halloween events. We also get a nice Halloween graphic patch, thanks to Remigra. Unfortunately we can't use all the textures, because it would have been to much to patch."

Q: I have a question from the "pure players" that don't like such events like Halloween, Easter, Christmas : will this patch be optional? Will it be possible to have these events in option or not?
A: The patchlet system is not 100% finished so for the moment the patch fixes for all players, there is no option to say "no".

Q: Will it be possible in a soon future?
A: Yes this option will be possible, but it needs more time to finish it and makes all tests.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#9 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
2nd of November 2015 

1 Events d'Anlor Winn
It's first time mixed teams of RF and Ryzom work together on such a event, and even if there are still things to improve, the result was very promising.Especially a big thank to Remigra (Graphics) for new textures we could discover this year, to Sontje (Event Team) for his ideas, to Riasan (Ark) who spent very long time to script all, to Ulukin (Dev) who added missing modules, and to all the testers who spent long time on Yubo.

Q: Zakkk: Halloween patchlet + the events made many Linux and Mac players crash ... I wanted to know if next patches will all be like this one.
A: Riasan: I'll do my best no to have this problem again. We tested all stuffs several times on Yubo with the 3 OS before we activated them on Atys and we had no problem. Unfortunately, it has not been the same on Atys.About crashes, Ryzom Core may have found the reason, it works on it and we'll try to fix it quickly. The problem is that we changed the special bag to make it looking more like the normal bag, and for this we created a new interface windows. Unfortunately the Core client (Linux+Mac) has a bug when the Gui window is created in the ingame inventory. The crash occures when there is an item into the special bag.The special bag will stay deactivated until the problem will be fixed.

Q: I would like to know the interest of the special bag? I don't know why we need it if it is exactely the same as the normal bag.
A: Because creating new real items is hard and needs very much work, when it's easy to add new virtual items (special bag).

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#10 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
7th of december 2015

1 New Encyclopedia

The Ark group goes on scripting the matis 50 rite, but this is difficult because of current organization (LD group was in charge of preparing itself the outlines, and these ones did not fit with the technical realities... so Ark group must redo them differently). This problem will be solved for next rites, because from now Ark group will work on scenarios and raw dialogs, being free to script rite as they wish while following the best the scenario for sure.
Ptitbill: We will save 40% time per mission/rite/occupation like that.

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#11 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
14th of december 2015 

1 Matis rite 50
It's still being scripted in Ark, and the Dev group is adding the missing modules for this rite according to the needs.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#12 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
11h of january 2016

1 Player event of La Firme
The player events of La Firme are in alpha tests on Yubo, translations are still to be added.

Zakkk: I sent to the Ark team the first "anomalies" report (doesn't say bug). Some of the events haven't been made and for now our animation week is very... "races" positioned.  We're working to find replacement events or to addapt what we had proposed to what can be done.

2 Matis rite 50
Writing it into a Ark script is still on, and the Dev creates the missing Ark modules as we go along

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#13 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
01st of february 2016 

The Ark group is still working with higher priority on the matis rite. Short sentence for a big work! By the way I'm greeting Riasan and Goki, who are working on scripting this rite!


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#14 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
May, 2nd 2016

Deed: I'd like to get some help for event scripts from the time before ARK. If it would be possible to get an example of an old script, or an explanation? 
Gaueko: I will contact Ark Team to tell them to talk with you. I hope they can help you with your petition! 


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#15 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
30th of may 2016

1 Recruitment
The Ark Team get 2 new Members! Arkaim and Daemonixus. Welcome! The reinforcements arrived for scripting missions and rituals!

2 Missions and rites scripts
We will continue work on Matis rite and other Ark projects. That also mean the La Firme event. 
At the moment we still wait for some new ark modules and server changes.... but since the start on Steam is done, the Dev will be able to restart adding the missing Ark modules.
If Ulukyn gets a new PHP dev, we will finish faster (I am a PHP dev too but i can't do all).
Syphox mentioned that he is a PHP dev after the last meeting. Dont know if that statement implied that he was volunteering though...
*Points the email address to apply:*


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
Last visit Sunday, 6 October 07:49:30 UTC

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