

#46 Report | Quote[en] 

Awesome! Thanks for all your help. I have it working now. :)



High Officer of | Syndicate |

#47 Report | Quote[en] 

Awesome app, but recently I stopped being able to do anything with guilds -- when I select "Guilds," I get a blank space where before I had several guilds listed. Any change in the last few weeks that might be causing that? Anyone else having similar issues?

#48 Report | Quote[en] 

Chi (atys)
Awesome app, but recently I stopped being able to do anything with guilds -- when I select "Guilds," I get a blank space where before I had several guilds listed. Any change in the last few weeks that might be causing that? Anyone else having similar issues?

If you go into settings -> api keys, will it then show all the keys listed correctly there?



#49 Report | Quote[en] 

No; Settiings>Api keys leads to a page blank but for "Add api key" and "Key manager" buttons at the top.

#50 Report | Quote[en] 

Okies, looks like there might have been a problem with saving the data on the device. And with a incomplete filesave, I think it can bug. I managed to reproduce something similar, I will try and have a fix out for it during the weekend. Thanks for letting me know :)



#51 Report | Quote[en] 

New version (0.9.1) live on google play. Hope this one will solve these issues.



#52 Report | Quote[en] 

Looks good! :-) Thanks!
Last visit Saturday, 14 September 05:15:06 UTC

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