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First of all, sorry for my poor English...

So, Yesterday evening I can't get any Q150 Nexus Cristalls in Yrkanis. The Windows saying that it could last a while, and that we must refresh in 30s, hangs.
I tried this 4 times without succes. (with mats from 5 occupations)

Have somebody else the same Problem ? I am doing something wrong ?


No, you don't do anything wrong, same mess with campfire creation, picking flowers etc. - that was the case after reboot for quite a while and had to be sorted out manually by the admins. Hope it will be fixed soon.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral


I have read that some issues have been resolved (like campfire creation).

But I can't get any Nexus Cristalls.... that may not be resolved....

I hope It will be fixed soon


Demontyae (Aniro)
I have read that some issues have been resolved (like campfire creation).
But I can't get any Nexus Cristalls.... that may not be resolved....
I hope It will be fixed soon
I just tried, a minute ago, and it worked fine for me. Best try again and ask a local game manager when you still experience issues. Bonne chance.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral


Thanks Daomei, I will try with other qualitie at first and if I experience other Problems I'll tell a GM.

Ein très grand dankeschön an dir (die 3 Sprachen die wir beide kennen in einem Post ;P)


Last edited by Demontyae (1 decade ago)


Tried Yesterday Evening. With the NPC in Yrkanis
=> Same Problem

Then I tried for the first time to get Nexus Cristalls from the Fairhaven NPC
=> a lot of Lagg but it works !

After that getting Nexus cristalls from the Yrkanis NPC works.

=> I think there is somme cache in the Webb Ingame and refreshing that cache may be the solution !
Last visit Sunday, 1 September 02:39:06 UTC

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