
#1 [en] 


I really do think its about time they made all areas above 150 open pvp.. just to put an edge back into the game.

#2 [en] 

I'm not against open pvp but it does sound like the idea would mean a big guild could just go to zone and kill everyone off? I'm pretty sure alot off ppl wouldn't like it, even more i'm 100% sure it would mean alot of paying subscriptions would just stop and go with a f2p lvl 125 char


#3 [en] 

i just wanna add they did say in the next months we gonna see a new pvp zone maybe that's gonna be something intresting


#4 [en] 

Yes, it could happen.. a big guild causing abit of trouble.. its is a jungle out there(well, in some areas), at the end of the day things will balance out.

As for subscriptions it could well work the other way as new fresh people looking for abit of action might want to subscribe as otherwise they will struggle to get involved. Again its swings and roundabouts.

#5 [en] 

Yeah, the new pvp zone does sound interesting :)
Looking forward to see'ing it.. lol, i probably wont last long but what the hell.. just a game right ;)

#6 [en] 

I do like pvp myself and tagg up now and then myself, (alot less now just because of afk kills and being nuked from far away while killing a mob in void with no way to do something back just because by the time you respawn they have ran of), but making most of the zones off limits for ppl who don't like to fight isn't the right. And comon q150 zones? does that mean ppl can't become master without getting involved with pvp?


#7 [en] 

does that mean ppl can't become master without getting involved with pvp?

That's exactly what this proposal means. In other games that have this sort of model, you typically have max-level players griefing lower-level players trying to work their way to the top. The justification is "it was done to me, so I'm just passing it along" which is a load of Dung Resin. The real reason is a feeling of power over lower level players because the new players are easy to kill.

This idea will drive people from the game. Any people it attracts will be the griefer type.

Do Not Want!

#8 [en] 

I would definately discontinue playing Ryzom if all 150+ zones became PvP areas. What is there to stop Advanced player than to prevent lowbies to advance? You could than camp grind spots and kill off any lowbie that tries to come and grind some levels.

I think its a stupid idea.

#9 [en] 



Noble Jayce
Reaper Leader

#10 [en] 

Would ruin ryzom imo...


Meagy :)
Spirit of Atys
High Officer of Spiritus Artificis
Never argue with an idiot; they will just drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience.

#11 [en] 

does that mean ppl can't become master without getting involved with pvp?

That's exactly what this proposal means. In other games that have this sort of model, you typically have max-level players griefing lower-level players trying to work their way to the top. The justification is "it was done to me, so I'm just passing it along" which is a load of Dung Resin. The real reason is a feeling of power over lower level players because the new players are easy to kill.

This idea will drive people from the game. Any people it attracts will be the griefer type.

Do Not Want!


#12 [en] 

Eww, no. This would ruin the 150+ game for me, as I *almost never* want to PVP.

Last edited by None (1 decade ago)

#13 [en] 

I think the best case scenario is a new region that is set up like the arena. To make all happy it would need to be a non dig area and not a passage to another place. If you would go in this new region it would be only to fight.

#14 [en] 


This would definitely wreck the game for me. It is hard enough trying to master jewels and LA.


#15 [en] 

I think the best case scenario is a new region that is set up like the arena. To make all happy it would need to be a non dig area and not a passage to another place. If you would go in this new region it would be only to fight.
But what's the point in another empty free PvP region? There is already Matis Arena and that location never get any use, because there is nothing to do, but mindlessly killing each other without any goals or rewards. If that new region designed to be kind of WoW battleground, then it needs some tasks to accomplish and some decent rewards. Otherwise i'm pretty sure this region is gonna be another land nobody bother to visit. 

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