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#1 Mehrsprachig 

i think that the cap on levels should be higher because most people have nothing to work on because how long this game has been out that they have everything maxed out so they have no real reason to continue besides the roleplay and it can be nice the have new skills and things

#2 [fr] 

Hum, cela fait plusieurs années que je joue (de manière très épisodique) et je suis très loin d’avoir tous mes niveaux à 250 ou 125.

Ryzom est beaucoup plus réaliste que d’autres jeux. Dans la vraie vie, on peut avoir plein de compétences différentes, mais pour une compétence précise, il n’y a pas vraiment d’évolution : je ne pense pas que dans qu’on puisse baisser d’une seconde le record de 100 mètres toutes les décennies, sinon il suffirait d’attendre un siècle pour dépasser la vitesse de la lumière.

Une nouvelle compétence à développer serait de courir tout nu devant la Pat… ça, c’est une vraie compétence à développer :-)




Une Larme parmi Les Larmes
C’est comme une goutte d’eau dans un lac
C’est fragile, mais un lac on peut s’y noyer

#3 [en] 

i think that the cap on levels should be higher because most people have nothing to work on because how long this game has been out that they have everything maxed out so they have no real reason to continue besides the roleplay and it can be nice the have new skills and things

Let's say the cap will be changed to level 300. What will happen next? Sooner or later you will reach any level, unless it is made infinite. Most of skills will be just higher level of those you already know. Besides we would need to consider all possible impacts on the game balance. And we will be in same situation, just with more levels to grind. I am not sure this is a solution. It would be probably better to add new branch(es) with same cap level instead.

Also, Ryzom is a game of grinding just for some players. If getting levels was the main content, I would be already gone. Looking for challenge? Get me some Kitin larva q250 :)

While you talk about new skills, there were some new added recently, by the way.

#4 [en] 

I was think of having higher level cap for like an element you could learn something like plamsa as a new skill stuff like that moniq but I see where you are getting at.

#5 [en] 

Well to add another element, if you mean it that way, would have much more consequences and impact. For example because there are no protections against it. At least it would need much more work than just rise level cap, create new bricks and do some graphics.
Last visit Sonntag 6 Oktober 08:06:50 UTC

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