
#1 [en] 

Trekking: traveling from one region to an other in group, to fend off the dangerous beasts on the road, and to keep the Mektoub Packers alive until destination.
The same a moving house, but with deadly beasts on the road.

Suggestion: balance the usage of teleports and trekking, by:
(b)limit the usage of teleports inside the regions only
[a teleport bought in zorai is going to work only inside the zorai region, it can't be used from other regions]
(b.1)region only teleports can remain cheap (but are limited in use)
(b.2)add a new "cross region teleport", it should be "enough expensive"
as to make traveling and trekking a compelling way to travel between main regions. (compelling for all players, veterans and newbies alike)

Some say that once you gain teleports to the main capitals, there is no point in trekking anymore.
Which is all good for a game with no new players, but if there are any new players, they're going to remain stuck in their region until some saint soul decides to pity them and take them along.

If teleports are favored over trekking, it means teleports are too convenient.

A correct balancing of teleporting and trekking should be like:
Teleports: quick and safe, but very expensive
Trekk: cheap and rewarding, but dangerous

The alternative version A of this suggestion is here.
The related suggestion about advertising trekking is here.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Zeando (5 years ago)

#2 [en] 

What will you do with Marauders and (especially) Rangers (who have even cheaper pathways)?

#3 [en] 

The purpose of trekking is to get TPs to new regions, so yes by default once you trek you will use the TPs you have gathered.

Treks are still available as requested and are needed for new players and as players gain or lose access to different altars.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Placio (5 years ago)

#4 [en] 

What will you do with Marauders and (especially) Rangers (who have even cheaper pathways)?

Mara crystals cost the same to use as TPs, and Rangers pay a price other than dappers. Oh, wait... time is worthless to you since you have soooo much of it on your hands.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#5 [en] 

What will you do with Marauders and (especially) Rangers (who have even cheaper pathways)?

Mara crystals cost the same to use as TPs, and Rangers pay a price other than dappers. Oh, wait... time is worthless to you since you have soooo much of it on your hands.

Go read the post and my reply again, because you obviously didn't get it.

#6 [en] 

Go read the post and my reply again, because you obviously didn't get it.

And you don't get that Marauder TPs are as balanced as K/K ones, trading more difficult access to capitols (which Maras really have no use for anyways) for easier access to PR, which means that any rebalance to K/K TPs could/should be applied to Mara TPs as well. In other words, there is not enough of a difference to treat them any differently.

You also do not get that Ranger pathways are not as cheap as you imply, at least not to those who (unlike you) place even the slightest value on time or effort. The fact that they do not cost dappers is already balanced by other limitations, even if you personally do not see it because feel everyone else should play exactly the same way you do.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#7 [en] 

Go read the post and my reply again, because you obviously didn't get it.

And you don't get that Marauder TPs are as balanced as K/K ones, trading more difficult access to capitols (which Maras really have no use for anyways) for easier access to PR, which means that any rebalance to K/K TPs could/should be applied to Mara TPs as well. In other words, there is not enough of a difference to treat them any differently.

Talking about this, I think it's a good thing to have different offers depending on your actual faction (but you need to keep the balance between disadvantages/advantages), all "cheat" features from marauder teleport system have been fixed as far as I know (we are not able to TP while sitting, under invu nor being in the water (it was the case before), and K/K are getting the auto-rebuy pact features as well.
I don't really know the pathway (never used them), so I can't really compare with others system. But I do think that now K/K and marauder TP system are balanced (it was not the case before due to bugs (who said features ? ^^ ).

Regarding the main topic, I'm against: once you are at high level and know the game, traveling around by foot is not much of a challenge (and people will use resurrection teleporting anyway, who cares about death penalty?), it will just take time without bringing anything valuable (at least to me).
And there is point for trekking in the actual game: scouting ... looking for name and bosses and some folks are doing it a lot actually.

To me the only teleport to remove are the prime roots teleport (and there is also a need to make this area more difficult than it actually is (I'm talking about more PvE challenge not necessarily PvP stuff): unpredictable kitin patrol etc etc.

#8 [en] 

I don't really know the pathway (never used them), so I can't really compare with others system.

Unlike other systems, you cannot just use them; you have to be within 5m of the end of a pathway. There is a pathway near each of the TPs outside of each capital (Kami for FH/Yrk, Karavan for Pyr/Zora), so getting to any 250/PR zone usually requires TPing to a capitol then making a short trek (~50m; it used to be more like ~300-500m) to one of those spots. And it's arranged in a web, so there are many destinations that require 2-4 hops to get to.

IMO, the inability to use it on a whim along with the time/effort of those mini-treks on top of (usually) using a TP to the capitol nearest your ultimate destination make for a system that you pay to use anyways, just not with 10k dappers.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#9 [en] 

Nope still didn't get it. You simply just must be in opposition to me and if there is none, you made up one, right? The point was elsewhere but you keep repeating the same. Plus a lot of not important stuffing and fables.

FYI I was not asking about how are marauder or ranger system balanced or what and how much you pay for it. I was asking what is the suggestion about those systems while the author wants to limit teleporting to be used "inside the regions only" and add "cross region teleport". But you are too blind to even see that we stand on same side here.
Rangers pay a price other than dappers...
The fact that they do not cost dappers is already balanced by other limitations...
Rangers pay with dappers as anyone else and it is 25K for 9 RL days of gameplay. Yes the system has own specifics, but, what a mystery, you forgot to mention extra respawn points rangers have and also that traveling between 2 nodes is much faster than other teleporting systems (like 5 seconds vs. 15 seconds). I already named other advantages in different post (but you just ignored it and kept talking about the same as before). So save your fables and half-truths for someone else.

And else, you keep putting words in my mouth. Again and again in almost every reply to me:
- I never said everyone else is lazy. There is a lot of lazy homins by me. Maybe it was not the best term to use, because they are various group: some are lazy, some look only for advantages, some think that they should be demigods because they have grind long enough. But show me where I say that everyone is lazy?
- I never said time is worthless for me. In fact I simply ignored your troll post about my time, but that is not important for you. You just create the truth you want.
- Unless you, I do not remember putting words in the mouth of someone else (like you accuse me in other post). Where I did it?
- Where do I "insult others for not wanting the rules changed"? (another accusation of you) Yes I am no diplomat, but show me: where I did this? (oh I get it, everyone who wants something else than you is offending you...)
- Where do I say that "everyone must play the same as I do"? It is you who keeps yelling and screaming and offending others every time you do not like something. And then you keep posting long but empty replies until you beat everyone else in the thread.
- Where do I say "that Merge was a mistake"? True is that I would prefer to play on pure role-play server and I lost any interest in OOC. And that I am not supporting OOC changes. Why should I after all? But show me where I say that the merge was a mistake?
- You accuse me that I "managed to farm 200k points, so nobody else deserves to get points without spending more time than they have". However, you silently skipped the information that when I realized how unbalanced it is I have quit it. Months ago, maybe it is over a year. And FYI I spent most of dappers to buy materials I needed (so "you all" have most of my dappers now). And as for faction points, I turned most of it into cats for newbies, the rest is untouched. And you?
- You accuse me that because I do not do PvP "no Ranger should ever accompany their allies to dig Sups or help defend an OP". Where Did I say that? The true is that, by me, Rangers should avoid all PvP and also killing NPC as well as animals and not to exploit Atys resources for no reason. Rangers should have respect to all life and powers of Atys. But you silently ignore the fact that I accepted that most of Rangers not willing to be that strict. For now. I see no reason to give up my ideals and stop convincing Rangers to change their minds (just because I do not cluck with majority). And it will also not change my belief that we should get rid of false Rangers and always try to be better. But where do I restrict others? (not talking about the fact I have no power to restrict anyone)
- You accuse me that I do "restrictions on everyone and (not) respect that more than one play style is valid". Where? It is homins like you who made me to represent only what I want (because you always yell only for yourself).
- You accuse me that because I "like to walk, ... nobody else should TP". Where did I say that? Show me.
- You say that I "desire for segregation". Where? When? Segregation of who? You mean that I want Rangers to try to be better than others? Should we try to be worse or what?
- You accuse me of saying that "neutral is neither impartial nor unbiased". Where did I say that? This your reply was especially funny because you still didn't tell me what you mean by "not really neutrality"...
...and so on...

And finally, the most interesting part: You do not have time for anything that lowers your imaginary comfort (oh sorry, sinks the time as Luminatrix says), but you spend so many time to troll every topic on the forum. Maybe troll less and play more?

It is you Gidget who should grow up to have more respect to others, sweep in front of your own doorstep and stop your poor manipulation attempts - not just on me.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Moniq (5 years ago) | Reason: typo

#10 [en] 

@Moniq - If you honestly and sincerely believe that you did not say/do those things, then maybe you should take a close look at how you are coming across not just to me, but to others as well. And while you are doing that, think about why it is that I have disagreed amicably with others and ask yourself what you have done to be treated differently.

Lastly, note that there is no Android Ryzom client, so it's pretty hard for me to play miles from home... not that I would want to on a tiny touchscreen ;)

Last edited by Gidget (5 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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