Balance Teleporting and Trekking (version B)

Go read the post and my reply again, because you obviously didn't get it.

And you don't get that Marauder TPs are as balanced as K/K ones, trading more difficult access to capitols (which Maras really have no use for anyways) for easier access to PR, which means that any rebalance to K/K TPs could/should be applied to Mara TPs as well. In other words, there is not enough of a difference to treat them any differently.

Talking about this, I think it's a good thing to have different offers depending on your actual faction (but you need to keep the balance between disadvantages/advantages), all "cheat" features from marauder teleport system have been fixed as far as I know (we are not able to TP while sitting, under invu nor being in the water (it was the case before), and K/K are getting the auto-rebuy pact features as well.
I don't really know the pathway (never used them), so I can't really compare with others system. But I do think that now K/K and marauder TP system are balanced (it was not the case before due to bugs (who said features ? ^^ ).

Regarding the main topic, I'm against: once you are at high level and know the game, traveling around by foot is not much of a challenge (and people will use resurrection teleporting anyway, who cares about death penalty?), it will just take time without bringing anything valuable (at least to me).
And there is point for trekking in the actual game: scouting ... looking for name and bosses and some folks are doing it a lot actually.

To me the only teleport to remove are the prime roots teleport (and there is also a need to make this area more difficult than it actually is (I'm talking about more PvE challenge not necessarily PvP stuff): unpredictable kitin patrol etc etc.
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