
#57 Report | Quote[en] 

I’m glad you reverse this cp limitation, it’s mostly irrelevant for my digging style, but it did not fit with the other changes at all and was likely confusing.

I’m also watching this „alts are a bad thing for Ryzom“ discussion.
Consider this, no-one knows who my main char is because I have none, practically all of my chars are alts (older and younger homins, more or less played). Including 2 annually paid Premium subs. Having hordes of alts is just my way of enjoying role play games and it’s not yours to judge others play styles.

#58 Report | Quote[en] 

Not every f2p that careplans a Master forager is an alt, and careplanning is a very good way for new players to find and learn from other players. Since that use is so important for real players, should we punish them because many other care planners are also alts- not that alts are even wrong in this situation.

Precisely so. The only homins that accompany me on a digging expedition are other players who seek to gain experience quickly. (Widget refuses to assist in my digging; she says I'm too dangerous to be around when I am holding a sharp object.) Why should both of us be penalized just because that other player is F2P and some other players use F2P alts as careplanners?

But maybe some people feel that having subbed players decline to help newcomers with what is arguably the hardest skill tree to start will entice them to subscribe. Personally, I feel that it would lead to newcomers rage-quitting, but that's my opinion. It's also my opinion that the way any one player thinks Ryzom "should" be played is not the only valid option, though I suspect that some are too egotistical to ever admit that truth.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Gidget (7 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#59 Report | Quote[fr] 

It's bad to roll back to an important decision like this... with real explanation. It's sending the message that you don't think about the changes you do, and turn the situation back as it was.
It looks like when someone is speaking loudly, you listen to him and roll back without thinking.

Because there is easiest solution to limit Gameplay for alts (I mean alts connected at the same time than the main and helping him) without hurting real freemium account.

But anyway CP alts are not much an issue compare to the fellow healing alts on OPs.

But I'm really not happy on the team decision, once more, it's also sending the message of that the ryzom team doesn't trust on their will.

Last edited by Sinvaders (7 years ago)

#60 Report | Quote[fr] 

Bonjour, je prends connaissance des derniers rebondissements du F2P. En effet, le bug de qualité extrait est problématique.
Mais il en demeure pas moins que si un F2P peux extraire de la qualité supérieur a 150 ca reste un gros problème.

Car les alt en plus de pourrir le jeux et la sociabilité, ne feront plus rentrer l'argent dans les caisses de Ryzom.

Juste, j'aimerai que ceux qui régissent le Ryzom, arrête de faire un pas en avant deux pas en arrière. Car le seul intérêt, de se patch était de permettre a d'ancien joueurs de venir faire coucou sur atys et de voir les évolutions du jeux.

J'ai arrêter de jouer pendant 8 ans. Evolution constater sur Ryzom.
_Fusion des serveurs, qui a fait partiellement disparaître le RP.
_Pseudo faction Maraudeur, qui a mis a mal le système de fame des tributs. Et de plus n'apporte rien au gameplay du jeux pour la plupart des joueurs. Le PvP était possible avant l'arrivé de cette faction.
_Les New Horizons, seul évolution notablement intéressante en termes de transport. Mais qui malheureusement c'est précéder visiblement d'une modification en termes de rentabilité des crafts.

Donc pour finir s'il doit avoir un retour en arrière, il doit être total. Et pour les anciens joueurs, désolé mais si vous voulez revenir a moindre frais sur Ryzom, vous créez un compte free Comme je l'ai fait pendant les les huit ans d'abscence que j'ai eu.

Je comprends tous à fait, qu'Ulukyn ne puisse pas faire de miracle.
Il aurait fallut qu'un retour en F2P s'accompagne d'une limitation des compétences ainsi que des caractéristiques de lvl 125. Mais ca lui est impossible.

Donc en dehors des bug mare que les râleurs est toujours gain de cause.

#61 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

The move to Freemium model was not intended as a move to "fight" or discourage the usage of second accounts (alts).

The purpose was to allow players with subs elapsed to continue playing without the need of creating an additional account.

Further on it should encourage formerly subbed players to return and have a look at the game without the need to resub immediately.

Third, it should encourage f2p players to sub for a while without losing their character and its achievements when terminating the subscription.

All over all this model is hoped to somewhat improve the number of both subscribers and participants in total. I hope it will work this way. It was not meant as an exercise to "fight" the usage of alts.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#62 Report | Quote[fr] 

En effet, c'est le mot ESPOIR... Car dans cette démarche on ne vois en vérité aucune stratégie réelle pour donner au moins aux anciens joueurs l'envie de se réabonner.

_ Aucun nouveaux défis Personnel ou collectifs...
_ Et pas de lutte en plus contre l'abus des Alt, qui n'aurait aucun intérêt si le jeux était peuplé par des abonnés.

Si avec F2P je peux pratiquement tous faire quel est l’intérêt de m'abonner.

F2P avant limiter au lvl 125 équipement 150, forage mps récup 130 xl max, craft 130.

F2P aujourd'hui la limite
_ sera nombre de mps 250 sup limité
_ sort de magie limité par matériel
_ le tank sera a peine limité par son arme, mais pourra utilisé des stanza 250
_ Craft limité à q 150, mais avec l'aide d'un crafteur abonnée vous pourrez equipé du q 170 équivalent.

Total point de vie 5095 en lvl 125 sans armillo, contre 6250 pour un abonné sans armillo.

En effet, je confirme c'est bien l'espoir qui vous anime. Merci de pensez a mon porte monnaie.
Si Ryzom fait trops d'argent je propose 1 mois gratuit pour tous le monde :)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Mcero (7 years ago)

#63 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Mcero, maybe the hopes are in vain, who knows.

But I am sure of total failure when "improvements" consists in "fight" (lutte) against the playstyle of fellow players and crusade against their way to play and enjoy the game. Personally, I would leave the game when alt interaction were banned, and I am sure not few others would do as well.

F2p (or freemium) cannot do everything. They have but one mektoub (mount), cannot access guild or room inventories.

The limits you are citing are partially apparently wrong, partially if true, only applying to previously subbed master players who unsubbed. I cannot verify any of your allegations, so prove them. If true, I would consider them bugs or omissions.

So prove your point or stop spreading rumours.

Last edited by Daomei (7 years ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
Last visit Sunday, 9 June 01:51:10 UTC

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