
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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1 Ark Group

1.1 Making of a new "race" application (Riasan)
The current race app is very old and doesn't allow to control for potential cheating, such as using speed or inv eggs, acceleration stanza, etc. So it ended in rankings where the order of the players had to be manually adjusted in case of blatant cheating, but is nonetheless still distorted. It's the reason why Riasan (from Dev-Ark Group) has created a new race app, with lots of automatic checks. This app is intended for the volunteers in charge of the events and will be used to create mektoub races, but also treasure hunts.
The beta version is done and waiting for test.

1.2 Atysmas events (PtitBill, Riasan, Ryalor)
In order to continue on Anlor Winn's momentum, PtitBill, Riasan and Ryalor (Ark group) are working on the creation of new events for Chrismas.

Q: They couldn't create RP events rather?
A: These aren't the same people who create the scripted events and the events played in RP. Not the same groups either.

1.3 Recruitment
The Ark Group is recruiting!
Generally speaking (and it's not exhaustive), motivated people, with some free time to be volunteers, and wishing especially to take part in the writing (scenario) of the future missions and in their script writing with the creation tool "Ryzom Arkitect" (aka Ark).

Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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2 Communication & Marketing Group

2.1 Gaueko leaving
Gaueko, who acted as Communication assistant manager and Translation group co-leader, and who was also a member of the Lore group, a translator towards Spanish, and in charge of the marauders, has chosen to leave the Ryzom team. We thank him for his great commitment and we wish him the best for the rest.

2.2 Result of the 2 years of Ryzom/Khaganat collaboration (by Zatalyz)
I invite you to read the very interesting thread by Zatalyz on Ryzom forum:

2.3 Reorganization of Ryzom Teams
 We're currently working at reorganising the Ryzom Teams, in order to move towards:
- a maximum transparency between the internal teams (under NDA);
- a maximum transparency with the Ryzom Forge and Ryzom Core groups and with the players (not total however to avoid spoil: the events scenarios, for example, won't be shared);
- a reviewing of our working method, in order to increase our efficience without overloading ourselves;
- a reworking of the tools, in order not to depend anymore on external tools and their limits for the free versions: we're studying and testing currently their open source substitutes, which will be hosted on a Ryzom server.

2.4 New presenting for the "teams roadmap" on the WebIG in 2017
The "teams roadmap" on the WebIG ( ) is increasing and becomes difficult to read, especially as the various lignes cannot be sorted. That's why a new roadmap, clearer and easier to follow, will be proposed for 2017

Q: When do we all move to #Ryzom and stop spreading ourselves in all directions?
A: You can already keep only #ryzom, #ryzomforge and #ryzomsupport. To close the last two ones (especially the last one), we first have to announce it and change the links everywhere. (The link to #ryzomsupport is given in lots of places, it will have to be changed into #ryzom before we stop using the #ryzomsupport channel).
A Glorf: Normally you can create redirection on IRC, to send the ones who log on #ryzomsupport to #ryzom. I'll have a look for next time. I had written it somewhere but I cannot find it anymore.
Q: Cant a bot sit on channel and inform visitors about the change in the meantime? Or just a new welcome message on the channel?
A: Probably.
=>  I'll try to implement this quickly.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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3 Dev Group

3.1 Update clients from v2 to v3
The V3 client is availbable in the App Store:
 There's only the update on the Ubuntu software center left (there's still a bit of work to do for that).

3.2 Reversibility of the subscriptions
The tests are still being done on Yubo.

3.3 Hosting our own tools on Ryzom server
(As mentionned above:) A revision of the tools is under study, in order to be free of external tools and the limits of their free versions: we're currently studying and testing their open source substitues, which will be hosted on a Ryzom server.

Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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4 Event Group

4.1 Recrutement
We're still looking for increasing the Animation team in order to offer regular and various events, and also to have animators in the American and Australian time zones.
If you're interested, please read the procedure here: 2.

4.2 Fyros sequence
The fyros events sequence is continuing, with the preparation of Thesos fortifications:


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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5 Groupe Infographie

5.1 Création de la tour de défense fyros (Aileya)
Au sujet de l'event mentionné ci-dessous pour l'event Fyros, Le Bouclier de l'Empire, l'équipe graphique crée en ce moment la tour de défense nécessaire. La forme est déjà presque finie mais il reste encore du travail sur les textures. J'estime que nous pourrions la voir en jeu à partir de la semaine prochaine.
Bien sûr, il était ausi prévu que les joueurs puissent aller en haut de la tour de défense, mais malheureusement (au moins pour l'instant), les restrictions techniques (du moteur) lient les mains des devs. Donc je ne peux malheureusement pas promettre que nous pourrons un jour aller au sommet, mais je croise les doigts ! Mais même si on ne peut pas, j'espère que vous l'apprécierez quand même.

5.2 Création d'une barrière végétale autour d'Yrkanis (Aileya)
Le projet suivant celui-ci sera la création d'un mur végétal autour d'Yrkanis.

Au passage, vous pouvez trouver ces deux projets dans le suivi des équipes (les premiers dans la liste - nous travaillons encore sur l'équipe elle-même):

5.3 Recrutement
Ceci étant dit. Nous recrutons toujours de nouveaux volontaires graphistes. Si ça vous tente de nous rejoindre, et si vous êtes doués pour les nouvelles créations (2D et/ou 3D), envoyez un mail à

Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#6 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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6 Level Design Group

6.1 Recruitment
The Level Design Group is recruiting! Mainly authors with lots of imagination to break as much as possible the routine of the current Rites, Missions and Occupations
Moreover, if getting their hands dirty in Ark doesn't frigthen them, that would be perfect!


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#7 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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7 Lore Group

7.1 Peoples history: chronologies 2194-2525 JY
Ongoing: writing and update of the chronologies of each people (fyros, matis, tryker, zoraï) between 2194 and 2525.

7.2 Rangers Consolidated Lore
The Ranger Lore is almost finished, there are only a few updates left to do before its final validation. Which will allow then to restart both the ranger events and the end of the writing (scenario) for the ranger rite

7.3 Update of the Flora documents to include the botanical knowledge from Leanon server
Everything is in the title. ;)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#8 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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8 Translation Group

8.1 Recruitment
URGENT: Following Gaueko's leaving, we have no more active native translator for the Spanish translation (and to help us fixing the Spanish interface and the texts for the rites and missions). If you're interested, please send a mail to :, mentionning that you're volunteering for the Translation Team.

We're also looking for translators / proofreaders to English (1 FR -> EN), to German (1), to Spanish (3), to Russian (3) and to French (1). If you're interested, please send a mail to : mentionning that you're volunteering for the Translation Team

8.2 Current translations
* Translation and release of the Lore document about zoraï justice ("Laï-le-ban"):

* Intensive translation of the various lore documents for Flora.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 15:30:46 UTC

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