
#1 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I've been running the program flawless since I've downloaded. I'm running Ubuntu 14.
This afternoon, I've lost power while playing, and now when I start the game, it shows the 1st screen (before avatar selection), then vanish..
What happen? How to fix it?
I removed it from my system, then re-install it again, and same thing happen.
The Internet connection is fine as I can browse and send this message.
Please help

Zuletzt geändert von Tiximei (vor 8 Jahren)

#2 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

By vanish you mean the game closes without any crash report?

Your client.cfg file could have been improperly saved if the computer powered off before quitting Ryzom.

I don't know where the file is in Linux, but you either delete it and ryzom creates a new one, or open it in a text editor and look for any extra numbers, etc that don't seem to fit in. An additional 0; on a line for me will cause the client to abort :(

4 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Placio (vor 8 Jahren)

#3 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Hope this gets fixed soon and you can come back to Atys when you want to!

If Placio's solution doesn't take care of it, and you haven't already looked here, it might help to try a different version: seems to list the most up-to-date clients.

Here are the ones that have been packaged and released for ubuntu:

The Ubuntu Vivid and Wiley (Ubuntu 15.04 and 15.10) packages are a different version of the client from the Ubuntu 14 version. There might be a way you can install this newer client in Ubuntu v. 14, or you could switch to the newer Ubuntu versions (note that Ubuntu 14 is their most recent Long-Term-Support version, if that matters to you.)

Zuletzt geändert von Carmy (vor 8 Jahren)

#4 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Thereis a thread about a recent problem in Ubuntu, did you read it : ?

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Nokkuya (vor 8 Jahren)


Wu She-Peng

#5 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Thanks for your response.
I've read all the info and the links you send.
Sadly, it's all gibberish to me. You're talking computer language which I don't understand.
Seems like one of the file has been corrupted, yet, when I un-install your game, it doesn't remove all its files, because when I re-install it I get the same issue.
So, Please talk to me as a "User" and tell me what to do to get it going.

#6 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

The following is what your developer responded to my issue.

-->"By vanish you mean the game closes without any crash report?

Your client.cfg file could have been improperly saved if the computer powered off before quitting Ryzom.

I don't know where the file is in Linux, but you either delete it and ryzom creates a new one, or open it in a text editor and look for any extra numbers, etc that don't seem to fit in. An additional 0; on a line for me will cause the client to abort :( " <--

First of all, Client.cfg does not exist on Ubuntu.
Second, you're asking me to look at some programming code to see if something doesn't fit in??? Seriously? I'm a user not a programmer. I just want to play the game.
Thirdly, If a file is corrupted, isn't the responsibility of the software engineer to realize something when wrong, and therefore reload from a valid un-corrupted location?

Please help


#7 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I'm not very experienced and I'm just another player, but I'm gonna try to help anyway since I might be able to. Feel free to disregard.

Note that you can chat with in-game players in the meantime using the out-of-game chat at

I think the newest client for Ubuntu 14 doesn't work right now. Kervala, a volunteer developer, plans to look into the problem. (Thank you Kervala!) But for now, I see a few options:

Option 1:
* Wait for the problem to be resolved with the Ubuntu 14 client. Hopefully when it is fixed a solution will be posted on the forum and the change will be pushed to the Ubuntu software center, where it will be downloaded automatically with your regular updates.

Option 2:
* Back up your data, and then upgrade your Ubuntu system to the latest version, 15.10. After upgrading, install the version of Ryzom available for your new system. I think it's supposed to be fairly painless to upgrade, but you should be prepared for something to go wrong, as with any software upgrade. Here's the Ubuntu guide for upgrading:

Option 3:
* Find a way to install a different version of Ryzom on your current system. I don't know how to do this. :/

Option 4:
* Remove all personal Ryzom files and reinstall Ryzom on your current Ubuntu 14 system, and see if that fixes it.

Follow these instructions to try this option:

Open the Terminal application
Type these commands(press enter after each line to execute the command):

mkdir ~/Desktop/ryzom_personal_data_backups
cp -r ~/.ryzom/save ~/Desktop/ryzom_personal_data_backups/
cp -r ~/.ryzom/screenshots ~/Desktop/ryzom_personal_data_backups/

Then, uninstall ryzom using the software center or however you're used to uninstalling software.

Then, to make sure all your personal ryzom files are actually removed: (Be careful to type this exactly as it is here so you don't accidentally remove something else important!)
Open the Terminal application again and type:

rm -rf ~/.ryzom

Now, reinstall Ryzom and start it. It will have to re-create all the files as if it's the first time installing.

It might take a little while to get started if it needs to download patches and extra data to get started.

If that helped, I'm glad... if not... well... at least you know another player hopes you can get back to the fun soon.

Zuletzt geändert von Carmy (vor 8 Jahren)

#8 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Also note that if you want to directly get in touch with official support, you can always send an email to

I don't really know if that's faster than posting on the forums here for getting in touch with official support, but it's at least a more direct option if you want to use it too.

Zuletzt geändert von Carmy (vor 8 Jahren)

#9 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

First of all, Client.cfg does not exist on Ubuntu

It does : in your home ~/.ryzom/client.cfg


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#10 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Devs do not check these threads on a regular basis. I'm not a dev, not even a Linux user, but I have had the damaged client.cfg file several times (based on your description this is only thing anyone could suggest trying). Try looking where Dukenono indicated, when you find the file you can delete it, ryzom will replace it with one based on default settings. The cfg file is not complicated programming, it is a text list of your system settings. In the past I have found a line or two gets saved like sound= 0;0; instead of sound= 0; but if you don't care about your current settings trash the whole file.

Zuletzt geändert von Placio (vor 8 Jahren)

#11 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

Please what client do you use ?

Ubuntu Software Center client can't be updated anymore because some communication problems with Canonical employees :s

I suggest you to add a new "software source" : ppa:ryzom-isv/ppa

And install "ryzom" package from there.


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#12 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

I would like to thank all of you that help me see the light.
I have now my avatar up and running.
I fix it by following the advice below.

I suggest you to add a new "software source" : ppa:ryzom-isv/ppa

Thank you all.

#13 Melden | Zitieren[en] 

You're welcome :)

And we found why your client didn't work anymore :(

That's because Canonical updated Ubuntu Software Center client without telling me and they used a wrong version :(

They put Precise (Ubuntu 12.04) client for Trusty (14.04) :s


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

Last visit Dienstag 4 Juni 04:29:31 UTC

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