
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Ryzom Forge meeting's agenda - 9th of november 2015, 20:30 UTC

on IRC (freenode) #ryzomforge

1 Comm & Marketing Group
1.1 Ryzom on Steam
1.2 Interview of David Cohen Corval

2 Lore Group
2.1 Marauder Lore: Melkiar"s biography

3 Event Group
3.1 Recruitment is opened!

4 Translation Group
4.1 Correction of ingame text

5 Support Group
5.1 Recruitment is opened!

Edited 7 times | Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
1 Communication & Marketing Group

1.1 Ryzom on Steam
Kervala: Clients are ready for Linux 32 and 64 bits, Windows 32 and 64 bits and OS X. I've fixed a few bugs. I've generated some more Steam keys, if there are still some volunteers who want to test. I've nothing more, even if it took me several weeks and i'm still working on it. 

If you want to know which bugs I've fixed:

Siela: I just want to add that Kervala did a great job... No errors with Steam until now, not using the other client anymore. Thanks so much Kervala !
Kervala: Nimetu fixed several bugs too.

Tamarea: Dev has progressed well for Steam, but there's still work to do: I'll add the whole communication part (texts, images, videos, etc), and the Translation Team will add the missing translations in the client (mainly spanish and russian ones).

Q: Who will put up Guides on steam? Respectively who will be able to put them up?
A: It hasn't been discussed yet, but I keep the question for a next meeting.

1.2 Interview of David Cohen Corval
Tamarea: Zatalyz finished the interview, it still has to be validated by David Cohen Corval before it to be translated and published.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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2 Lore Group

2.1 Marauder Lore: Melkiar's biography
Gaueko: Melkiar's biography is already published:

- Forums: 

- EN wiki: 

- WebIG Lore app. 

I will try my best to add it to the FR wiki as soon as possible. If anyone wants to help me, please contact me. And of course, we need to create the DE wiki marauder page too, is stilll missing, so, again, if someone wants to help, he or she is welcome. And I am working with Gorias on more details to have ready more Marauder documents soon. So keep your eyes open. 

Q Gorias: Did we already receive reactions about that story ?
A Gaueko: By now the feedback I have received is a good one. And I am happy, it took me long to create it. And lot of hours learning from Gorias about Atys. So I am happy that it was liked.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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3 Event Group

3.1 Recruitment is opened!
Gaueko: I want to remember you all that the recruitment is open! If you are interested send a mail to: adding you want to apply for Events Team.

More information here: 2


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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4 Translators Group

4.1 Correction of the ingame text using Zanata
Gaueko: I have something to announce. Tamarea and I have been talking about the use of Zanata for the client translations recheck. Since we did not make a step to finish this task we were worried about. Recently we have received some new translations to be done, as she has told us earlier, and I thought about talking with Kervala. After few minutes we discovered we could make this task in a different way without using Zanata, and avoiding our fear of removing important stuff from the original documents. So we have started to plan this recheck in a new way. Tamarea and I we will prepare all the elements we need this week and next monday we will explain all the details so we start next week to recheck the translations. Tomorrow I will prepare a general view of the planning for Tamarea so she validates, and after that, I hope we can start to work next week as I said. Of course, since is a big task, we will call for any of you that is interested to help the Translation Team with this. 

Q: What's Zanata ?
A: Zanata is a online tool to manage and make the translations and checks.

Q : It's not based on Google Translator?
A: No, Translation Team makes the translations and checks, is not an automatic translator. But helps to manage the documents to be translated and to work on them.

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#6 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]
5 Groupe Support

5.1 Le recrutement est ouvert !
Gaueko : Je tiens à rappeler à tous que le recrutement est ouvert ! Si vous êtes intéressés, envoyez un mail à :, en précisant que c'est pour l'équipe de Support.

Plus d'informations là : 2


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
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