
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Ryzom Forge meeting's agenda - 7th of september 2015, 19:30 UTC

on IRC (freenode) #ryzomforge

1 Lore Group
1.1 Work on the private Lore and publications to come

2 Event Group
2.1 Event sequences in preparation

3 Dev Group
3.1 Fix of the recent instability of "Yubo" server test
3.2 Dev project to allow the use of any 3D tool without using 3dsMax

4 Infographic Group
4.1 Preparation of items packs ready to be used by the mission creators.
4.2 Creation of the cities banners


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
1 Lore group

 1.1 Work on the private lore and incoming publications

We want to gradually open the Lore to the players. Indeed, even if it's normal to keep part of it secret, a big part of what should be known by your characters, isn't. For example, what are your characters supposed to know what about the goo, the kitins, fire?

This lack of information is a brake for RP, and an open window for Lore slides, because the players, missing information on the Lore, start to invent it by themselves.

That's why Bepock and Gorias are working on writing a glossary listing one by one all the themes of the Lore. Each theme will be developped in three versions: A very private version, for the Lore group use only; an internal version, for the Event Team, which will include the Lore pieces to be brought to the players knowledge along the events; and a public version for the players.

Q: A suggestion, which I'm sure you will fix: please make sure it is up to date, so far the Lore says Yrkanis is still king, and very little mention is made of the second great swarming, etc.
A: It's scheduled, but it's also a very long work, so Bepock and Gorias start with themes which will be also used by rites and missions designers. Moreover, updating the public Lore (such as a king replacement) can be done without any problem by players in the Lore Wiki. This wiki is official-and-collaborative.

Q: Will the parts of the revealed Lore be revealed on RP manner? More precisely, will the informations be considered as new knowledge by our avatars? Or just a regularisation of what they should already know?
A:  It will all depend of the kind of information. What will be in the public Lore is supposed to be known by your characters (sometimes according to their nation or faction). What will be revealed during events will be new knowledge. The goal is that the players know more easily how make their character act and how to create player event without diverging from the Lore.
Q: What's about fictional stories such as origination of known guilds or the like? How should this be verified?
A: If some players want to have their guild history or character history validated, just ask us and we'll look at it when we can. Once validated, the text will get the "Lore validated" stamp, and it will become a part of the official Lore of Ryzom. And regarding the texts without any validation request, they're not related to the official Lore, but they could be considered as homin legends.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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2- Groupe Event

2.1 Séquences d'events en préparation

Une longue séquence d'events prévue pour durer au moins 1 an est en cours de préparation pour chaque nation. Ces quatre séquences principales ne commenceront pas toutes en même temps et s'échelonneront dans le temps :
- Une  séquence Fyros, qui vient de débuter.  Cette séquence, comme les autres, vous réservera des surprises, mais bien sûr je ne vous en dirai pas plus !
- Une séquence Matis/Karas, qui comprend (mais pas exclusivement) la séquence botanique et celle d'étude des kitins. Celles-ci, déjà débutées, vont reprendre et se poursuivre régulièrement.
- Une séquence Trykers/Rangers (qui nécessite encore un ajustement loresque avant d'être lancée).
- Une séquence Zoraïs/Kamistes. Cette séquence inédite nécessite un gros travail côté développement, elle sera donc probablement la dernière à débuter.
- Les Maraudeurs interagiront bien sûr avec les autres séquences, et une séquence maraudeure est aussi prévue pour plus tard.

Q : 1 trimestre par nation ? Ou c'est ouvert à tous ?
R : L'Event Team n'a pas encore planifié le rythme d'alternance des séquences. 

Q : Des parties très différentes les unes des autres alors, pour des joueurs RP pas possible d'assister à toutes...
R : Chacun verra selon son RP quelles séquences il est logique qu'il suive. 

Q : Ça veut dire qu'en fait les séquences ne dureront pas 1 an pour tous ?
R: Chaque séquence durera au moins 1 an, donc un joueur choissant de ne suivre qu'une seule séquence aura déjà au moins un an d'events. Mais bien sûr les séquences seront imbriquées, donc un joueur en attente de la séquence tryker n'aura pas à attendre un an que la séquence fyros se termine ! Je ne peux pas être plus précise car le planning sera fait au fur et à mesure, afin de tenir compte des besoins du jeu.

Q : Y a t il des évènements entres homins de prévu ? Je m'explique, fut un temps les mariages (officieux) se célébraient sur Atys, c'était un élément RP qui semblait tenir à coeur à pas mal de personnes sur l'Écorce.
R: C'est toujours le cas. L'Event Team se tient toujours à la disposition des joueurs pour célébrer des mariages RP. Elle peut aussi poser un décor à leur demande.

Q : C'est pour l'event de Nemus à Damae que j'ai une petite question: c'était censé construire un enclos automatiquement, mais ça fait maintenant près de 2 mois.  Il manque les deux derniers morceaux de la cloture. Y a-t-il quelque chose qui ne marche pas dans la construction automatique ? je pense que les joueurs ont apporté toutes les matières ? Je parle de cet event : [b] /1[/b]
R : La barrière va être posée manuellement par les animateurs.

2.2 Event joueur HRP de la Firme

Zakkk : nous avons préparé avec l'aide de pas mal de monde un event d'une semaine totalement HRP.  J'ai usé et abusé de l'aide des teams Event et Leveldesign pour monter et tester sur le serveur Yubo une petite série de micro-events. Ça devrait se passer au niveau du marché d'Avalae. Ce sont de petits event préparés entre nous dans la guilde. Il ne faudra pas y voir le moindre RP, juste des events pour s'amuser. Et nous attendons un retour de Tamarea et des teams.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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3 Dev Group

3.1 Fixing of the recent instability on the "Yubo" test server
A RAID hard-drive broke, which explains the test server big instability in the last time. It should be replaced by OVH next week. Replace of the HDD is done last week, now the raid must be repaired  himself that would need round 6/7 days from today.

Q: Embarrassing question: how many raid discs have broken? The problem is when you've got 2 at the same time...
A: It doesn't seem to be the case. But resynchronizartion is very slow. So we'll have to wait.

3.2 : Dev project allowing to use any 3D tool without using 3DSmax
Kaetemi's project has been validated by Winch Gate, an agreement remains to be found with him on the prices.

Q: Is there anything new regarding the new zone?
A: YannK: It's a bit late for me but I can answer you during day hours, if you want.

3 Call of YannK
i'd have a call to launch:  We'd need people knowing how to prepare Linux packts. Nimetu is making already a lot of them, but we're missing someone to make .deb for Debian Sid (it's for me, I've got to admit). So if people knowing how to create packages want to help, it would be to allow an easiest access to Ryzom Core tools (RC Studio especially).

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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4 Infography Group

4.1 Preparing ready to use items packs, to be put at the disposal of missions designers
When Ark will be open to all players, it should be as practical as possible. That's why we have the project of preparing ready-to-use item packs, in which mission designers will be able to select the ones they need.

4.2 Creating the cities banners
The tryker players have chosen the final version of the flags for their cities at the las Taliari assembly. It's now again time for the infographists to work! Here are the decisions made by the players for the tryker flags:
- Windermeer: the players chose the symbol of Remigra on the flag design of Osquallo.
- Cristabell: the players chose the current one made by Remigra.
- Avendale: the players chose Osquallo's proposal (without the flence).
- Fairhaven: the players chose Osquallo's proposal (the blue flag with the white symbol).
Shape to use for all these flags: Osquallo's one.

Q: I've seen that some cities had already defined their banners, when will we be doing it for the Kingdom?
A: At the next Court of the Karae.

Last edited by Beesjy (9 years ago) | Reason: Fix of multi-language


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

- A Zorai/Kamist sequence. This new sequence needs a big work on the development side, so she'll probably be the last one to start.

Awww! Looking forward to it though ^^

These new one-year events sound absolutely amazing! I wish I had an alt in every civilization to experience them all ^^


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

I wish I had an alt in every civilization to experience them all ^^

Fortunately, we Matis are of a ... how shall I call it ... inquisitorial? nature ... ;)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

I wish I had an alt in every civilization to experience them all ^^

Fortunately, we Matis are of a ... how shall I call it ... inquisitorial? nature ... ;)

You mean you're nosy ^^


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."
Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 14:47:11 UTC

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