
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
To initiates
The Old Zoraï Zhong Mon-Lie has sent us the message that he had undertaken to find.
Sage Supplice thinks that your help will be useful to understand it, and will read it to you on 19h - Holeth, Pluvia 30, 2nd AC 2582*.

*[OOC] Friday, 3 April 2015 19:15:00 UTC (9 years ago) [/OOC]

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español
Bankun, I found something that will interest you in an old coffer, You can keep it if you can find it. I will help just a little.

Toothless, I bite. The Powers cannot touch me. All lands know me, save only the Desert. I give great power and I give death. Many homins fear me. Some homins love me. Who am I?

Of Old I fought the kitin, now I fight a deadlier foe. Only the Varinx is my friend. The Varinx and the night.

I rule without land. I wear a coat of shimmering blue and red and gold. My life delights the eye and makes homins smile, my death does so even more. To find me is hard, yet you can see me in many a blade, a shield and the sparkling of a jewel.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (9 years ago)

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch
Rikutatis sends his written report of the meeting with Sage Supplice (Sorrow):
Not long ago an old Zoraï informed the Circles that his village had been attacked by bandits. The only lead we had was a letter these bandits left behind. This letter (described above) seemed to indicate that the attackers were marauders or at least had some relations with them, due to the use of the Marauder word "bankun" in the beginning.

Sage Supplice held a meeting, which was attended by a great number of Zoraïs and their allies. The purpose of the meeting was to decipher the riddles contained in the letter, and after much debate and discussion we arrived at the conclusion that the first part of the riddle referred to the "Goo", the second part seemed to be a reference to the "marauders" or "Melkiar the Black Varinx" specifically. And the third part of the riddle appeared to refer to the "sun".

Near the Karavan altar in Void (and here I note that Jena is known as the Sun Goddess by her heretic followers), deep into the Goo, we found a chest. Inside this chest was a letter. This letter, very old and fragile, will need some time to be fully transcribed. But the first few sentences seemed to indicate this was written by none other than the infamous marauder Marung Horongi, goo researcher and responsible for the assassination of Tryker Governor Still Wyler.

We await for the full transcription of the letter.

Rikutatis, Dynastic Scribe

( OOC: Special thanks to Zendae for french translations and Khalaoden for german translations )

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Rikutatis (9 years ago)


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
The parchment you found in the chest in the middle of the Goo was very damaged. Despite the seal of the chest, it seems that the Goo managed to infiltrate itself and cause great damage. Here is the transcript of the text we were able to recover.

It may be noted in addition that these sheets seem to have been ripped from a larger collection; one can see a binding mark on the side.

[Pages from] Marung Horongi's diary

Tria, Medis 10, 2nd AC 2456

My name is Marung Horongi. I was born in Zoran, in 2450. I'm 6 years old. I've decided to write my diary like the bigger ones do. But I've got to say I'm a big one since yesterday! I'm finally wearing a mask! Other children my age don't have a mask yet. I 'm told I'm gifted.

Quinteth, Harvestor 19, 1st AC 2458

I've been learning magic with the Kamis for a year already. I don't understand why the other children need so much time to learn such simple spells. I want to learn more, faster!

Prima, Winderly 4, 3rd AC 2462

Today, I'm 12. I've learned much from the Kamis, I'm by far the best mage in my age group. I've got the feeling that the Kamis aren't teaching me everything they know, but I manage to reach further than what they're showing me. One day, I'll know as much as they do!

It's time for me to leave Zoran. I've asked to join the Company of the Eternal Tree because I think this tribe can teach many things! Tomorrow I'll go and join them.

Quarta, Thermis 18, 2nd AC 2470

For 8 years now, I've been learning within the Company of the Eternal Tree. I now know as much as they do about the fight against the Goo and I can't perfect my magical art any further here. I'm grateful for their invaluable teaching, but I must leave them. I've got to find a mentor worthy of my genius. I have decided that I will be the apprentice of the Grand Sage Hoï-Cho.

Tria, Winderly 4, 3rd AC 2475

It has been 25 years since I was born, and 5 since I became the apprentice of the Grand Sage Hoï-Cho. He's answered all my hopes; he's really the worthy mentor I was hoping for. Near him, amongst the great and important homins of Zoran, I'm learning all about the political apparatus and I'm getting known by the most powerful of this world.

In the meantime, I'm still perfecting my magical art with the Kamis. Without them guessing, I'm figuring out some things they don't want to teach us, and I'm beginning to master an art known only by them....

I'm destined to do great things, I can feel it with every breath I take. There's no doubt that, when the time has come, I'll be the one best fitted to replace Hoï-Cho at the head of the country.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Beesjy (9 years ago) | Reason: FR typo

#5 [fr] 

Being rather young, Naema wonders if Marung Horongi is related to Nung Horongi and how so.... or, if it is the same person with a longer name? She is wondering also of the time frame of the two individuals (or 1), and when they lived.

On another thought, a guildie thought the third part of the riddle refered to a rainbow rather than the 'Sun,' but we are just throwing that out there...

#6 [en] 

This is a horrifying insight into the mind of the person who was responsible for the murder by a Goo weapon of Governor Stil Wyler. That they have survived, especially in the Goo, is remarkable

These words should be inscribed in an amber cube to be kept for all time as a reminder of how evil starts.

I am interested in the fact that this seems to have been part of a larger (book? collection of pages?). Who knows? If this fragment survived, there might be other fragments.

-- Mac'Od Bittty

P.S. Naema -- The answer to the third riddle cannot possibly have been the sun, for the sun never dies, and if it did there would be no joy. I'm not sure that "a rainbow" is the answer either, since we may take joy in it, but there is no joy when it fades and dies. Further, a rainbow doesn't rule, with or without a land. I am still puzzling on the matter.
-- B

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Bitttymacod (9 years ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#7 Multilingual 

Naema (atys)
Being rather young, Naema wonders if Marung Horongi is related to Nung Horongi and how so.... or, if it is the same person with a longer name? She is wondering also of the time frame of the two individuals (or 1), and when they lived.

On another thought, a guildie thought the third part of the riddle refered to a rainbow rather than the 'Sun,' but we are just throwing that out there...

Miko Naema,
From what I remember, Marung and Nung are considered brothers, although if the two are actual biologically connected is unclear. More of how an apprentice is to his master in reality.

Sygmus rummages through his bag and produces an old parchment before Naema.

Kai'bini, read this:
Zoraï'i! Tria, Folially 15 1 CA 2548, the Criminal Horongi Nung was seen to Zora. Marung Horongi reportedly died before many of Initiates. The Horongi brothers are guilty of numerous crimes in Witherings and in other regions of Atys, in addition to being Marauders, including the murder of the Governor Still Wyler! The Great Mask asks you to capture Nung as fast as possible!

Guild Cho wait all loans introduced to help the Zoraï People on the Grand Place, the Floris Quinteth 5, 1 CA 2548.

That Wisdom Kami guide you!

It was a troubled time, Miko Naema.
Vao-Jung Horong, his wife, was also contaminated with the goo.

Sygmus folds up the parchment delicately back into his bag.

This news is very troubling to me due to the ramifications it entails.
A dark history that I thought was behind us all...
Fuu'guzu no, Miko Naema, I do not mean to sound so gloomy.

Sygmus shakes his head and immediately recovers back to his typical cheerful persona.

Ari'Kami, see you around!

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Sygmus (9 years ago)


Sygmus Talao-Fyr

Zoraï Ambassador to the Fyros Empire
Celestaï Mik'ito
Kitin College Representative

#8 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | Deutsch | [Français]

Le Matis roux s'assit à son bureau, se concentrant sur les dernières transcriptions qu'il a reçues. Il les étudia avec une attention intense. Sa main gauche, aui jouait au début une petite mélodie sur le bois du plateau, se transforma progressivement en un son saccadé - un étrange mélange de nervosité, d'aggressivité et d'appréhension, qui s'arrêta soudainement à la fin de la lecture. Alors, sans même perdre une minute, il attrapa sa plume et une feuille de papier neuve, qu'il tacha d'encre dans sa hâte. Ignorant cela, le Matis commança à écrire immédiatement.

Deles Silam, Sages estimés du Pays Malade !

Tout d'abord, je voudrais vous féliciter des découvertes de votre peuple; le document que vous avez trouvé et traduit est une fenêtre fascinante sur le passé d'Atys.

Avoir entendu qu'il était écrit par Marung Horongi a fait immédiatement surgir à mon esprit quelques petites choses, cependant.

Nous avons touts entendu parler de ce qui est appelé "La rivière du temps", et nous nous sommes certainement demandé en quoi ces petites et dansantes taches de couleur diffèrent et en quoi elle sont similaires. Avez-vous, ai-je existé dans chacune de ces taches ? Y étions nous semblables au point de vue du caractère ou étions nous chacun différents ?

À ma connaissance, le nom de "Marung Horongi" n'a eu la moindre importance dans le point coloré où j'ai vécu par le passé. Je connais, par contre, un Zorai nommé Muang Hoi-Gi, un homin nocif et tordu, dont la fierté était d'être celui qui avait découvert et amassé le plus de connaissances au sujet de la Goo. J'ai aussi connu un "Nung Horongi", un très vieux Zorai, qui a été le professeur intial de Muang, jusqu'à ce que ce dernier soit retiré de son enseignement pour rejoindre les Cercles Intérieurs de la sagesse. Muang et Nung se sont rencontrés à nouveau bien des années plus tard, et quoique Muang avait énormément appris, Nung lui a quand même enseigné quelques petites chose - dont certaines complètement tabous dans le Pays Malade, je suppose. Pour cela, Nung fut banni de Zoran, avant même le Premier Essaim. Je le toent de Nung en personne, peu de temps avant qu'il ne meure de vieilesse dans les Lacs, prisonnier des Tryker à cause de sa participation à l'assassinat de Still Wyler. Bien entendu, ce fut Muang, que j'ai croisé une paire de fois, qui créa les munitions à la Goo, et également qui resta une menace pour tous les peuples d'Atys pendant un temps certain.

Actuellement, d'après nos connaissances, les mêmes homins - même s'ils existaient certainement dans chacun des points colorés avant qu'ils soient mélangés - n'existent pas en double dans l'Atys où nous co-existons actuellement. Toutefois, qu'en est-il des homins qui mourrurent dans un point coloré, mais pas dans un autre ? La contribution de chacun d'eux peut-elle survivre ? Est-ce le même héritage mélangé en un seul, ou y a-t-il des influences différentes et variées ?

Tout ceci me préoccupe, Sages estimés, pour une chose que je sais : notre Muang Hoi-Gi, qui n'était certainement personne d'autre si ce n'est Marung Horongi, mais est maintenant une personne différente, celui-ci donc, était encore totalement vivant à l'époque du Second Essaim.

Avec mes respects,

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Ghost Of Atys (9 years ago) | Reason: Traduction française


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis
Last visit Wednesday, 15 May 22:48:13 UTC

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