
#1 [en] 

(Setting her mug of tryker beer carefully on the table, Binarabi looks for her best igara beak pen, cleans it on her sleeve, and dips it in choice, blue, cratcha ink)

19h - Holeth, Folially 24, 3e CA 2580


Thank you for letting our guild know about these new guards, I first noticed them myself at Fairhaven Karavan temple ... I fear they might be amassing to hunt for Trytonists, this is a worry to us all.

Is it possible for you to count how many at each temple and teleport so we might be able to prepare ourselves ... although I do not know how at this present time

On a different subject - I hope your sister Lucretia is calming down a little, she always has been wayward ... is she enjoying being in the Lakes since you took her in from her mother?

Hugs to you and your family

(Binarabi checks spellings, dabs the ink with her sleeve and folds up the letter, grabs the nearest izam and ties it to its leg and throws it off the pier at Windyhead)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#2 Multilingue 


Marceline arrived in Fairhaven some days later after taking a detour through the desert regions in the vain hope of being taught how to build a fire without resorting to nuking a pile of wood.
She felt good to be home with the humidity and salty air but, alas, these good feelings were not to last.
A carrier Izam came swooping down and crashed into Marceline's face. No near misses this time, this was a full on inter-species collision.

"Gaaaahhhhh!!!" she screamed, "what in the name of all things psuedo sacred is going on!?!"

Marceline was annoyed at the Izam's lack of conversation but, as luck would have it, this Izam was in no rush to continue its journey.
A rolled up, tatty piece of parchment had come loose from its holder. Marceline picked up the dazed Izam and unrolled the parchment.
Shock and worry coursed through her rum drenched veins. Could it be true? The so-called higher powers have finally stepped up their defences? 
She promptly plucked a feather from the Izams back and dipped it in the blood dripping down her face. I hear you ask 'why?' well, who of sound mind carries jars of ink around?

Marceline scribbled underneath Binarabi's words;
9h - Prima, Floris 13, 4th AC 2580


Thank you for letting our guild know about these new guards, I first noticed them myself at Fairhaven Karavan temple ... I fear they might be amassing to hunt for Trytonists, this is a worry to us all.

Is it possible for you to count how many at each temple and teleport so we might be able to prepare ourselves ... although I do not know how at this present time

On a different subject - I hope your sister Lucretia is calming down a little, she always has been wayward ... is she enjoying being in the Lakes since you took her in from her mother?

Hugs to you and your family
Sad news. Do you reckon we could pretend that coming out as Trytonists was a joke? you know, because fighting is pretty tough and i'm bleeding from the head quite profusely anyway. Next time you send an Izam, Bina, could you please make sure it is a fresh-faced and bushy-feathered one instead of one that is clearly due for retirement?
And is this rum i smell?
You wouldn't have happened to have sent another Izam a few days ago, would you? 
Bleeding heavily, Marceline ended her writings there and sent the Izam on its merry, if not wonky, way.

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Marceline (il y a 10 ans).


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
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#3 [en] 

Dear Bina,

I have not yet taken a full count of the new guards that have recently been stationed at both Karavan and Kami controlled locations throughout Atys, but they appear to have arrived in units of six to eight souls at each location.

What is certain, is that the Karavan are the ones most active in the buildup of new forces. While there seems to be an increased number of Kami Sentinals, they seem to have limited their presence to the main Kami Temples in the jungle and the desert.

The Karavan, on the other hand, seem very much to be preparing for action. The new guardians have arrived in their space vessels at teleport locations throughout the lakes. I have also discovered their arrival in what must be considered key strategic locations in both the Forest and the Jungle. Over the past two days I have witnessed them in both the Upper Bog of the forest and as far south as the Grove of Umbra in the Jungle.

I have not yet had the opportunity to explore the outlying regions of the Burning Desert, but I feel that it is very likely that these regions too may soon experience a similar buildup of Karavan forces. I will continue to monitor the situation, and keep you advised on any new developments.

While as a ranger I am able to travel among both the Kami and Karavan locations without drawing attention to myself, I do worry about how long this will be possible. While I currently tread the path of the Rangers, my Trytonist sentiments are no secret, and I worry that I might be exposed before I can finish my investigations. If the Karavan are indeed building up Anti-Trytonist forces, I feel there is an increased urgency to get to the heart of the matter and discover what they truly know about events that may well be unfolding presently.

Stive for Right, Strive for Freedom



Lucretia appears to love being in the Lakes, and it is a pitty that she was not able to arrive here in her younger days rather than growing up in the desert and jungle. I have witnessed her having great fun here - although she would never admit this to me. She likes to put on a tough front, and she seems to quite enjoy being confrontational, and stirring up mischief whenever possible. but I know that her intentions are always good, albiet sometimes they can be a bit childish.


#4 [en] 

(Drinking a fresh brew of crushed Flyner bark, for hangovers, Binarabi picks up her Izam beak pen and thinks of strategies)


It looks as though the Karavan guards are indeed beginning to amass in the regions where Trytonists "may" be hiding. When I read back over the books in the library I see that the Fyros people once helped us to survive and I wonder if it might be a good idea to ask them to be alert in looking for any signs of Trytonist supporters in their lands, and to also secretly ask them if they would be willing to support us in a fight against the Karavan military ... if it should come to that ...

I am concerned that some other Trytonist supporters in the Lakes may feel fearful, we need to make sure they know we are willing to feed and cloth them whilst they are in hiding and that we may need to stand side by side in a battle, which to some might look like civil war ...

Much love to you Rowwena and your sister ... but please ask her to stop threatening homins at the stables, drawing a finger across her throat whilst looking at various stable sitters might upset the local dignitaries...

Freedom and liberation for all hominkind!


(after folding the letter and tying it to the leg of the nearest izam Binarabi decides to go back to sleep)

Dernière édition par Binarabi (il y a 10 ans).


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#5 Multilingue 

- marceline, upon having her brain melted by Pappasmurf, decided she would take a stroll to see what all the fuss about the guards was. -

Letter posted to guild hall notice board to Binarabi and Rowwena.

Dearest darlings.

I have been to examine these new fun-spoilers and it turns out that they aren't reaaly all that angry... even with a heretic such as myself. I spent a couple of hours picnicing with a group of matisian guards and found out that one of them was called Fey-Lacksy, he has a son and two daughters and likes a spot of afternoon tea. The others weren't very talkative, perhaps due to my rather unpopular status with the Karavan.
Anyhoo, please find enclosed a pictogram of me with said guards.

Yours faithfully,


Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Marceline (il y a 10 ans).


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
What Cookies is about ---- Contact Cookies ---- Cookies at Events ---- For Cookies Diggers and Crafters

#6 [en] 

grabs a piece of solid plain chice mitexi bark and his tekorn dagger and carves a message in it:

Dear Binarabi:

I've examined the issue and found no increase in the mount of guards you and rowwena have seen, maybe i've been too distracted lately to pay attention lately, but i doubt they're plotting ,more than what they already plot against hominity.

Maybe now we're actually becoming over concerned about their measures of safety since our loyalty to Elias Tryton has become public. however ill try to count their numbers so we can determine if their numbers are growing or not. In case they're fortifying their position, isn't it strange that they seem to come from out of nowhere as they have no real bases on the surfacethat we know of? if they have extra troops, where do they come from?

sincerely yours and hoping for freedom

Free homin of atys

Astarth heads towards binarabi's appartment, enters into it and nails the bark message on the door.

#7 [en] 

Brother Ranger Astarth,

Perhaps you are correct that my concern over the Karavan forces has been influenced by my Trytonist beliefs, and that these forces have long been in the locations I have scouted, and I have just not before taken notice.

For now though, I will remain very cautious, as something deep within my soul tells me that there are movements within the Karavan that should be watched closely. As for you question of where these forces have come from, this is something I cannot answer - although I can say that where ever their point of origin may have been, they arrived at the various teleporters in space vessels, much like the one I remember viewing in my youth on Silan.

I may in the future be required to re-assess my opinions on the threat these forces at various teleporters may pose to all of us seeking freedom and justice - but for now, I will not be letting down my guard too easily.

May the Light of Truth and Freedom always shine on you.


Dernière édition par Rowwena (il y a 10 ans).


#8 [en] 

rowenna must've been on binarabnis appartment - astarth ponders then he takes another piece of smooth bark to carve on:

Dear Rowwena:

it is good we keep track in their numbers, do not confuse my words, we need to be careful, specially about karavaneers since their lies about Elias Tryton and his followers have been the most vile and preposterous among homins, i remind you about how they manipulated some governments after the first swarm to prosecute us and burn us.

do not take my words as an attack, but rather as means to encourage us to count both kami and karavaneer guard forces on atys as means to keep thourough record in case their numbers increase.

As i've said i have no certainty if their numbers have growm or not, i just hope they didn't

may some day truth and freedom come to all homins


Astarth takes a crudely made dagger and nails the bark on rowwena's appartment door before leaving

#9 [en] 

(After a heavy day scouting the areas of the Karavan Temples Binarabi sits at her table near the window to look at the fish and then reaches for one of her pens)

Lordoy Nair-Marceline

Not those sissy guards Marceline!
These Special Operation ones:

Look at how they are dressed - all ready to kill-on-sight, admittedly I could get very close to them without any reaction - but they only need switching on ... and why are they here? They are just waiting for orders ... our Trytonist days might be numbered ...

We will continue to monitor them - spy on them and investigate whether there are any rumours. We will kill them if needed but what if there is a spawn of them in our midst?

Lorandoy and go safe

(Binarabi rolls up the letter, licking down the picture with sticky kipee spit, attaches it to the nearest Izam leg and throws it into the air at Windy Head)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#10 [en] 

Report from the Field.


I have completed this week's tour of the Burning Desert. The Karavan agents and their space vehicle are present at their Dyron station, which is located in the strategic location just south of the northern entry to the Underspring. Other than here, I have seen no other buildup in the desert, Their primary focus still seems to be primarily focused on the Lakes region.

I will contiune to monitor the various regions for any change.



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