
#55 [en] 

All sarcastic undertones are entirely unintentional, i assure you.
However, anyone that masters jewels is undeniably questionable in the sanity department.


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
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#56 Multilingüe 

♥♥♥ Another homine has found her true home, we are delighted to welcome our newest sister, the lovely and beautiful, Nerwane ♥♥♥

We are sisters. We will have no leader. We are not good girls - we are Lost Girls!

Spettra, Marichia, Lacuna, Marikka, Nerwane.

Última edición por Lacuna (9 años hace)


#57 [en] 

Eliminado por Sengosha (9 años hace) | Razón: player request

#58 [en] 

Gratulations, Lost Girls and Nerwane. May all of you have lots of fun and happy times.

#59 [en] 

Congratulation to Lost Girls and to Nerwane!! Hope Lacs knows this means she is receiving all my crafting bills now XD No real loss for me, as she is still in the same family. Still in my team so still in my heart <3

High Officer of Dharm

#60 [en] 

Thx a lot :) it's a happyness every day to run on atys with you :)

- what i can do today.. hmmm *look at bam running* wait me!!! i've to talk with you of the advantages to be a girl !!!.. hey!!! pffff.. pfff.. more fast than a rabbit under exta.. XD

(ps: one day,maybe^^; i will traduce the joke of the running rabbit :)

#61 Multilingüe 

If you are going to try and pass off a Hershey bar as chocolate, we reserve the right to kick your &^%!


#62 Multilingüe 

A wise girl knows her limits, a Lost Girl knows she has none!


#63 [en] 

A Lost Girl also leaves her Nutella behind... for males..! After all, every guild needs a strong male figure to make sure everything goes right... ;)




High officer of Les Larmes

#64 [en] 

Pfft!! This is what happens to feeble male imposters and would-be nutella thieves,,,,,,,

Maybe you'll learn not to try and pass yourself off as a Lost Girl when you don't meet the standard...

After all, a Lost Girl only needs a trusty smacking stick to make sure everything goes right  ;p


Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Marichia (9 años hace)


#65 [en] 

Lost Girls minions should show dedication and diligence...........................slacking has severe consequences ;p


#66 Multilingüe 

Be the kind of girl that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Ma-Duck says, 'Oh &*&%, she's up!'


#67 Multilingüe 

As every girl knows, the way to a homin's heart is through his stomach - just make sure after you stab him that you twist the dagger and push it upwards!* 

Lost Girls wish all homines a Happy Male Free New Year. 

*Of course, an axe to his chest works just as well.


#68 Multilingüe 


#69 [en] 

Thats not me! :'D


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