
#1 [en] 

It is not often that Ba'Cutty Machen, master of the messenger Izams of Fairhaven, is seen outside his rooms next to the aerie in the central tower, but it is also not often that a single homin wants to use a dozen Izams at one time, and in matched pairs. The area outside the bar of Ba'Naer Liffan is filled with the sound of beating wings.
Mac'Od Bittty: You are certain that they will not drop the containers?
Ba'Cutty Machen: You doubt my training? These are the finest messenger Izams in all of Atys!
Mac'Od Bittty:I do not doubt your training, but these samples may contain the instrument of salvation of Atys.
Ba'Cutty Machen:Really?? He laughs. Well, they won't eat it all wrapped up in clarified shell like that, and they won't drop it. I guarantee it.
Mac'Od Bittty: Given how much I am paying you for special delivery, they had better not.
Bittty takes six carefully constructed boxes of motega wood and places inside each of them two vials of dust and a letter. He then carefully impresses the identifying characteristics of the homins he wishes to receive his message into the malleable brains of the Izams. Machen holds the jesses that dangle from the legs of the Izams, then releases them as they fly off in tandem, east, north and west.

Bittty reads again the message that he has just sent to the most prominent scientists on Atys:

Zo'ro-Argh, chief scientist of N'ASA
Salazar Caradini, member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
Serae Erminantius, noted Matis researcher
Ardan Keale, Ranger researcher
Daeronn Cegrips, noted Kitin researcher
Wilk Potskin.

Nair-homini, fellow scientists, greetings this first day of Frutor in the first AC of the 2578th year of Jena.

(Wilk, you've seen my previous messages. Please pass these samples on to Orphie Dradius, I do not have enough knowledge of him to send an Izam directly)

I believe that I have discovered the reason for the strange behavior of the white kitins near the remaining surface Mounds. In that discovery, I hold hope that the miracles of nature have, at least for a time, offered us respite from the invasions of the kitins.

Specifically, I have observed in recent months the sudden re-growth of the rotoa plants around the mounds. I am not sure what may be the cause, though my analysis suggests that the roots of the plants have sent up stems and flowers. However, and more importantly, I observed that the green kitin workers have disappeared from around the mounds and that the white kitin kirostas, kipukas and kinreys have displayed remarkable behavior patterns; agressive when they notice a homin, yet not noticing homins for minutes at a time, even when we stand close to them. It is as if they had ingested thinking moss, or stinga rum.

Inspired by the thoughts of rum and other drugs, I took samples of the dust near the mounds and subjected it to analysis. By use of certain lenses we were able to determine that the primary difference between the composition of the dust near the mounds (and thus the rotoa) and thatof the dust more distant from the mounds was the addition of find dark particles that glistened a blueish black in reflected light. Scrapings taking from an exposed root of the rotoa plant exhibited a similar (but not identical) appearance under our lenses.

Consider the probability that the roots of the rotoa have penetrated at least to some extent, the tunnels of the kitins. Consider also that in the months following the planting of the rotoa, only the largest of the white kitins were able to force their way past the roots (Including the very large green Kitin harvesters). Now that the rotoa have re-emerged, the green kitin harvesters have disappeared and the white kitins behave as if drugged.

If the roots of the rotoa are poisonous, or induce drugged behavior in the kitins, the first to be affected will be the harvesters. The second will be the warriors who push past the ever thicker rotoa roots to reach the surface. Not only are the roots working to block their passage, but upon being ingested as dust they are poisoning the kitins. The difference between the scrapings we took with our knives and the broken particles in the collected dust could be due to the difference in how the dust was made (e.g. breakthrough by kitins versus scaping by knives).

Gentle-homins, the enclosed vials contain samples of dust dug from the area within the circles of rotoa plants surrounding the mounds in Witherings and in Forest (labeled A) and of dust dug up from a nearby area well outside of the region of observed rotoa plants (labeled B).

I urge you to use every analytical tool at your command to analyze these samples just as I have used all the science available to me here in Fairhaven. Compare any differences to samples you take yourselves from the rotoa. If your conclusions differ from mine, please let me know. Only by proper analysis will we grow as scientists.

Mac'Od Bittty
Associate Researcher, NTCS
Ranger aspirant

Bittty nods and puts the copy of the note into his journal. He gestures to Ba'Naer Liffan to bring him another mug of Zorai ale.

Última edición por Bitttymacod (1 década hace)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#2 [fr] 

Reception of a pair of izams by Zorroargh, and French translation
If you see any mismatch do not hesitate to tell him :)

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Zorroargh (1 década hace)


Zo'ro Argh
Chargé de recherche dans la guilde du Cercle du Bois d’Almati.
Ambassadeur des Rangers auprès des Matis.
Président de la N’ASA et fondateur de Hoodo.

#3 [en] 

A letter is send to Mac'Od Bittty. The paper is covered with fine, spidery, artful handwriting.

Dear Mac'Od Bittty,

I have received your note as well as the two vials and thank you for both your efforts as well as the thought accompanying it. Being only an amateur in botanics, and a nonety in chymia, I passed it on to Filira Cuiccio Perinia, who is more qualified to draw solutions from the dust you collected. As you might remember from our expedition, when we planted the Rotoas, that Filira Cuiccio mentioned the plants emitting some sort of substance which has an effect on Kitins and under normal circumstances keeps them at bay. I have no idea how far his studies, or indeed the studies of my colleagues from the Academy, already go, or if it was just a discovery not explored further yet. Also I don't know if already samples were taken. But I am certain that the samples you sent will be of use, and very welcome.

Most likely Filira Cuiccio, my colleagues and me will meet in the very near future, and then I will ask him about the state of research. I'll let you know about the outcome.

Again my thanks, and may Jena be with you.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#4 [fr] 

Zorroargh knelt on the carpet to write a parchment on the Tryker "throne" because it was hard, plan and at the correct height to be used as a desk.
He had always wondered why such a seat was in the guild board of Hoodo. It was disproportionate for Tryker normal size, so for a small size... And he judged it unsightly, bombastic, uncomfortable... In a word, unsuitable for Hoodo-jins.
But perhaps it was a tradition dating back the pirates and their captains.
Message to Mac'Od Bittty
Dear friend and colleague,

I have not yet had other samples corresponding to the areas described.
Nevertheless, I think you will not find a perfect resemblance.
Indeed, there is an important reason for this: the rotas are alive, and like all living things, they can spread and die, and besides Kitins continue to collect and to spread dust during their comings and goings .

So the wisest in my humble opinion, would be to continue to explore as you did and send us samples.
Except that this time, since we know what to look for, it would be interesting to collect samples at different distances and noting the sampling dates.
This would allow us assess any possible move.
From my side, we made small packets of each bottle.

I use one half to see how the dust react in different products, for example, in the use of the fabrication of the beer. Matis call it: make Chymia.

The other is to study how these dust behave with rubbed amber and magnetism.
I have worked extensively with amber, but I do not know very well magnetism and I have no expert researcher in the field.

It is all for now for the N'ASA.

As soon as I have new I'll let you know.

Hope my english is not too bad but French original is there if you find better translator :)

Última edición por Zorroargh (1 década hace)


Zo'ro Argh
Chargé de recherche dans la guilde du Cercle du Bois d’Almati.
Ambassadeur des Rangers auprès des Matis.
Président de la N’ASA et fondateur de Hoodo.

#5 [en] 

Bittty sits at the table in Ba'Naer Liffan's bar and composes a note to both Salazar Cardini and to Zo'ro-Argh. After he writes each paragraph he copies it, first on another letter, and then into his journal.

Serae Salazar, nair-Zo'ro, greetings to you this 2nd Day of Pluvia, 1st AC, 2578.

Zo'ro --

I took your suggestion to heart and, after donning my heavy armor and equipping my bag with numerous vials of clarified shell, I set off to Zora to inspect the easiest of the mounds to reach, the one that is in the Knot of Dementia just outside the western gate of that city. It was the first day of winter, 1st of Nivia. Imagine my surprise at finding a pair of healthy rotoa plants flanking the canyon that leads to the city gate! If that were not enough, the field outside, near the mound, was full of rotoa in clumps and lines surrounding the central mound, from which yet more rotoa grew!

The rotoa, not satisfied with re-growing after a time, have spawned yet another cycle of growth. It has been almost a year since the first re-growth, which occurred last winter. Perhaps the rotoa feel the chill of and find it similar to the ever-lasting cool of the Prime Roots, their natural habitat. I do not know, nor are we likely to find out unless we are blessed with rotoa on the surface for another year.

Blessed is the word I will use, for they are beautiful. I have made lumios of them, but will include them with a separate letter. This letter is just to cover the vials of dust that I have collected. You will find, in the same bag with this letter, 18 vials of dust, gathered in three different locations relative to the central mound of each of the six mounds on which Cuiccio Perinia planted the seeds. I visited each site in the time from 4hr on 1st Nivia to 6hr on 2nd Nivia (approximately one day). Some of those areas were difficult of access, so I have only enough sample to analyze myself and to share with N'ASA . I have sent you the majority of the sample that I was able to collect, since the visual observations that I have made do not degrade the samples.

The six locations are coded Z (for Zora, even though the mount is in Knot of Dementia), CoI (for the mound outside Hoi-Cho), GoU (for the Mound in the north of Grove of Umbra), KoD (Knoll of Dissent), UB (Upper Bog) and HH (Heretics Hovel). To each code is appended -A (for dust collected close to the central mound), -B (for dust collected near the concentrations of the rotoa in a ring around the mound), and -C (for dust collected well outside the area where the rotoa are growing).

My visual examination shows that the -C samples have little or none of the black dust, the -B samples have the largest amount and the -A samples have a lesser, but still large amount. An additional observation on my part is that the white kitins do wander out to the edge of the growth, but not much beyond, and they still seem to cluster around the central mound.

Salazar --

I remember Serae Cuiccio commenting that the roots of the rotoa were distasteful to the kitins, but tasting bad is not the same as being poisonous, nor yet drug-like. My observation of the white kitins is that they are even more distracted / drugged / inattentive than they were before. Once they notice a homin they pursue with great vigor, but that observation seems to be severely impaired. I am sorry that I have no large amount of samples to send, but perhaps you can agree with Zo'ro to share particular samples with Cuiccio.

I give you good day, and may the Powers bless this endeavor.

Mac'Od Bittty

Bittty shoves one copy of the letter into a bag full of vials that he attaches to the leg of an izam. That one is sent to the mental image of the brash Tryker Zo'ro-Argh. The second letter is tied to the leg of another Izam and it is imprinted with the mental image of the high-born Salazar. They wing their way side by side towards Verdant Forest.

Satisfied with his work, Bittty orders a hot stinga rum toddy to break the chill of the winter day.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#6 [en] 

Again, an artfully letter is delivered by izam to Mac'Od Bittty:

Dear Mac'Od Bittty,

please excuse this quickly composed note, but I am unfortunately very busy at the moment. Hope you can read it anyway.

Thank you for your recent letter. I haven't heard from Filira Cuiccio yet, so don't have anything new to tell you. I had a quick look through my notes, though, as I wondered if I had misinterpreted what the Royal botanist said regarding roots and Rotoas. I wrote down a quote in the dialect he fancied that day, which reads "De totue façon, ce n'est pas qu'une question de racine.. Les Rotoas tiennent à distance les Kitins.. elles infusent quelque chose dans le sol, semble t-il". As it is with dialects, I had to ask for a correct interpretation, but if I am not completely mistaken, this means that "it has nothing to do with the roots. The Rotoas keep the Kitins away ... they evolve something into the soil, it seems". This still leaves room for interpretation, of course, but implies that some substance is dispensed probably by the blossoms or stems of the plant, not the roots, and that it has nothing to do with bad taste - especially as the heavily thorned roots are too hard to consume and pretty difficult to cut through anyway. Studies of that phenomenon for us all will be much easier if we finally got rid of the Kitins, of course.

As you spend plenty of time in the field, so to say: Is the reaction of the regular Kitins - which at some spots are almost as much a harassment as the white ones from the deep - accordingly? Are they similar distracted, drugged, behaving irregular? I can't be out today, nor probably in the next few days, but maybe you already have experiences to share?

Best in haste -


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#7 [en] 

Bittty hangs on to the Izam that delivered the letter from Salazar and quickly pens a note, one-handed.

Ser Salazar --

My armor can attest that the kipukas and kipestas near the mound in Grove of Umbra are as aggressive as ever, even as they wander the area within the rotoas. Perhaps it is because they do not dig in the dirt?


The note is attached and the Izam released.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#8 [en] 

Zorro took up his pen and hurried to write as fast as he could to Bitty . But each time , he took care to translate to and from Avendale dialect which took a little longer than expected.

    Nair -bitty ,

    Thank you for your samples that I can share with Salazar in two different ways:
  •     either is working together in the same time and place on the same sample
  •     I can send half of dust.
Of course we can do both solutions.

    We can confirm your tell about the aggressiveness of white Kitins .
    A member of my hoodo guild had found a mound close to the Birds of Omins. He was able to fulfill its mission without being bothered by Kitins and even took pretty lucios of Rotas.
    As for me, I accidentally saw an old Zoraï friend and NASA colleague who wanted to check the information. Both, we have seen the mound and we seen that we needed to tickle Kitins for they attack us. Keep in mind, they kept a sense of solidarity. I personally had the impression, but without being able to certify that they were less tough when they were chasing.

    Well, soon for test results .


Zo'ro Argh
Chargé de recherche dans la guilde du Cercle du Bois d’Almati.
Ambassadeur des Rangers auprès des Matis.
Président de la N’ASA et fondateur de Hoodo.
Last visit jueves 6 junio 06:49:18 UTC

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