
#35 [en] 

It's not my decision to make. Kitin are of course on my kill list and i don't cooperate with other factions above a very low level unless it's Kitin to kill. I can't force anyone to not see marauders as the prime evil and group up to fight us together. I can't force anyone to obey the lore of the factions they are playing and not help their enemies. 

On the other hand, cooperation is so easy. The whole game gets very easy and boring. The people who want ryzom to be a chat platform with peaceful mini game will always win cause they can simply wait for the others to be fed up and leaving.

It's the same with most CSR and Devs. I was told by a high ranking CSR any maraud stuff is of low priority because we have gotten so few in numbers. A self fulfilling prophecy of course. While everyone else gets free stuff (NH, kitin camps) and pve activity until they can't take it anymore (governments) we are left alone with an unfinished camp and worse than defunct guards. Wait it out, and the complaints will cease.

Yes it's bitter. It has been a year now.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#36 [en] 

Casy (atys)

It's the same with most CSR and Devs. I was told by a high ranking CSR any maraud stuff is of low priority because we have gotten so few in numbers. A self fulfilling prophecy of course. While everyone else gets free stuff (NH, kitin camps) and pve activity until they can't take it anymore (governments) we are left alone with an unfinished camp and worse than defunct guards. Wait it out, and the complaints will cease.

Not to mention some of CSR(s) have no idea how marauders work and they are suppose to offer us support! :-)

And I agree with Casy, I've seen this happening, I used to be Karavan and now Im Marauder and both kamis and karas, when they feel threaten they join their forces against us!

From the RP point of view, this is really, really, but i mean, really, really sad for the Karavans, as Kamis basically took most of their OPs - I always see karavan's actions as slavery. (ie someone takes over your OPs yet, you fight for them against other threat, but not for your own freedom?!).

But anyhow, I dont think this is a working solution on the long run (the one provided in this thread), if you have low numbers to begin with, you cant do much/ask for much.

The solution is to actually find a way to make karavan and kamis hate each other, be truly different factions that do actually fight each other.

Im just a dreamer..

Última edición por Exodus (1 década hace)


#37 [en] 

Tumbleweed (atys)
I agreed. Every time someone mention that some guild or faction won because of awesome tactics, i laugh. Pile in as much 250's as you can, add a bunch of launchers, that's all you need. Yeah, right. Tactics own.

Say, we have Side A - 100 players with team of launchers, and Side B - 50 players, no launchers. Say, all stats, gear and levels of characters are equal. NPC guards are non-factor. Please, Virg, enlighten me, i'm dying to know what tactic should use Side B to beat Side A in this given situation? Except for common tricks, like multiple attacks, aggro dragging, aggressing tribes and such.

Seeing as you asked so nicely I will enlighten you. Firstly Side B should sort their lives out and train launcher- its not hard to do. When Asylum began our campaign for the OPs we trained hard, dug mats and organized all the kami launchers in a combined effort. Both sides used to be very equal. Secondly launchers aren't hard to deal with. Get tanks on them firing madness enchants, get a master affy linking them- whatever floats your boat. Adding more tactics Side B should focus on just killing the guards not wiping the other side depending on the phase. I could go on and on. There are a lot more tactics going on during OP wars than meets the eye.
Gkr (atys)
And I agree with Casy, I've seen this happening, I used to be Karavan and now Im Marauder and both kamis and karas, when they feel threaten they join their forces against us!

Quite a funny statement. Last time kara attacked us they had marauder help and last time marauders attacked us they had kara help. At the nine mektoubs all civilizations came together to fight a marauder threat. Thats what is going to happen when you be the "bad guy". Furthermore the heavy fyros roleplayers weren't happy with that- just people who are very weakly RP or have none just want to kill marauders pure and simple. Please don't cry about that.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#38 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Gkr (atys)
And I agree with Casy, I've seen this happening, I used to be Karavan and now Im Marauder and both kamis and karas, when they feel threaten they join their forces against us!

Quite a funny statement. Last time kara attacked us they had marauder help and last time marauders attacked us they had kara help. At the nine mektoubs all civilizations came together to fight a marauder threat. Thats what is going to happen when you be the "bad guy". Furthermore the heavy fyros roleplayers weren't happy with that- just people who are very weakly RP or have none just want to kill marauders pure and simple. Please don't cry about that.

Bro, I dont know what movie you watched, but reality is totally different... I was contacted may times by kamis when i was karavan to attack the marauders.

Nobody is crying about anything.. really.. nobody. This was a constructive discussion keep it like that please.


#39 [en] 

Well not a fan on naming but here are two examples of kara/marauder co-operation:
Last kara attack Toak fought for karas
Last marauder attack Izir fought for marauders

Contacted to attack the marauders? For 2v2 PVP I am assuming. Many people don't RP beyond wanting to kill the other factions- and they dont care who they team up with to kill enemies.

I believe my comments were constructive. Does seem a bit of a crying post but if that wasn't what you were doing then I apologuise. You want to make the kami and kara "actually fight each other". Well this happens in void when the kara come pvp and when we fight at OP wars.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#40 [en] 

Some time ago in a kami vs kara war i fought against the kara but that's because I got hired by an homin I would rather keep anomynus. If there is decent gear in it for me and both sides don't intrest me then I go to the highest bidder good way to get your hands on some stuff.
If next time a kara comes to me and wants me to help against the kami it won't be a problem for me either that's how I see it.
I get gear and I can fight perfectly at all battles that are of no intrest to me, I win double.


#41 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Well not a fan on naming but here are two examples of kara/marauder co-operation:
Last kara attack Toak fought for karas
Last marauder attack Izir fought for marauders

Contacted to attack the marauders? For 2v2 PVP I am assuming. Many people don't RP beyond wanting to kill the other factions- and they dont care who they team up with to kill enemies.

I believe my comments were constructive. Does seem a bit of a crying post but if that wasn't what you were doing then I apologuise. You want to make the kami and kara "actually fight each other". Well this happens in void when the kara come pvp and when we fight at OP wars.

I wont drop names, but I was contacted by kamis during season change after marauders wiped them. Basically we were fighting kamis, they were beating us, then when marauders came and wiped them, they asked us for help.

Heh, you're talking about 1 player really? you call this an alliance or a faction helping the other? I dont.

I think there's more a faction can do to the enemy faction.. but I'll stop here as we go off topic. :-)



#42 [en] 

You are talking about a situation where 1 player asked you for help. Unless of course the whole kami faction agreed to ask you for help. If that were the case then you wouldn't worry about naming the 1 person.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#43 [en] 


Última edición por Gkr (1 década hace)


#44 [ru] 

about your tacktics thumbleweed well there are quite alot like lure ppl away from their healers (one kami are really bad in at time), so you can sloughter one by one then when a healer tries to get close enough to heal that person then kill the healers (I've seen this be used alot and don't understand ppl still falling for it) => a 50player faction could easly kill a 100 player faction this way.Another one as a defender defend away from the guards and hope the attackers forget about guards and just wanna kill the defender (great tacktic used loads of times with success)=> There are alot more that can give a smart small group the upper hand at op's (don't forget an op is not about killing ppl at all it's about getting treshold you don't need to kill a single kami/kara/mara you only need to kill guards or keep them alive)
That can work one or two times. Maybe even a couple of times. What smaller team in my example could achieve by this? Winning several rounds? OK, but each battle has 24 rounds. If Side A derped and lost some, they'll be back in 10-15 minutes, roll over Side B - and we are back at start. Only now Side B has less time to kill NPC and Side A won't be fooled again by their tactic.
Good luck finiding an q50 op atm
If some people are greedy over pixels, or use poor excuses to be greedy, that's different problem that has no relation with bad design of OP wars, don't you think? Your guild could ask someone who doesn't care much about RP to attack one of those Outposts and then transfer it to you, for example. 
What I heard is that they are greatly outnumbered still they won OP battles. So even if they have millions of alts but during OP battle they are greatly outnumbered. As what you said during those time that they use 3rd party software to coordinate/manage toons to achieve one goal. I believe this coordination/manage toons can be done among actual players to achieve one goal without using 3rd party software.
They weren't *greatly* outnumbered. Numbers were about equal or with slight advantage at opposing side. But their opponents' levels varied between 250's and low-level toons like 150's and such, while their force consisted of 250's only, including alts. The benefit granted by use of third party software is impossible to gain without it. Try to kill a melee toon, that has five Celestial Guardian automatons healing him at once. Every CG heals up to 3k hit points with one spell. That's 15k hit points healed every three seconds or so. So if you want to kill said toon, you gotta have at least six AoDs nuking him in similar fashion to beat the healing, that's before you even count magic resists, which actually makes it ten AoDs. And if said character is killed, next second he's up, because his bots cast heals non-stop, with person behind the characters pressing just one or two keys. You can't achieve that kind of coordination, with every character acting like one, casting same spell within a second, if you don't have some software transmitting signals to multiple clients at once.
Firstly Side B should sort their lives out and train launcher- its not hard to do. When Asylum began our campaign for the OPs we trained hard, dug mats and organized all the kami launchers in a combined effort. Both sides used to be very equal. Secondly launchers aren't hard to deal with. Get tanks on them firing madness enchants, get a master affy linking them- whatever floats your boat. Adding more tactics Side B should focus on just killing the guards not wiping the other side depending on the phase. I could go on and on. There are a lot more tactics going on during OP wars than meets the eye.
So, in the situation i've described, Side B have to give up and come back a month or two later, when they'll have enough launchers?.. Lets assume, they managed to neutralise Side A's launcher team for a while. They still have about 90 other players to deal with. What they have to do, given said 90 players ain't gonna stay still and watch them killing their Bombardiers?.. Do i get it right - in described situation Side B can't win? And even if they win, their success gonna be completely nullified by Side A returning to the battle few rounds later? What tactic might allow outnumbered Side B to win every encounter against bigger side during two hours? Please explain.

To get it stright - i 100% agreed that current OP battle mechanic got to be revamped somehow, but the proposal to implement any limits, be it numbers or anything else, is just wrong.

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Tumbleweed (1 década hace)

#45 [en] 

So, in the situation i've described, Side B have to give up and come back a month or two later, when they'll have enough launchers?.. Lets assume, they managed to neutralise Side A's launcher team for a while. They still have about 90 other players to deal with. What they have to do, given said 90 players ain't gonna stay still and watch them killing their Bombardiers?.. Do i get it right - in described situation Side B can't win? And even if they win, their success gonna be completely nullified by Side A returning to the battle few rounds later? What tactic might allow outnumbered Side B to win every encounter against bigger side during two hours? Please explain.

What I was originally stating but not very clearly is that all factions should have high level launchers- it doesn't take an awfully long time to train and they give a huge advantage. Having balanced the launcher numbers we can just look at a simple 50v100. There are many ways to turn 1 team into the worth of two. Having said this I don't really want to stick up all my tactics for everyone to read.. I don't mind talking about the worth of enchants. If you have a team who every time in between using a skill, fire an enchant they can effectively double their power. This can turn 50 people into 100. Looks like a much fairer fight then.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#46 [en] 

Tumbleweed (atys)
If some people are greedy over pixels, or use poor excuses to be greedy, that's different problem that has no relation with bad design of OP wars, don't you think? Your guild could ask someone who doesn't care much about RP to attack one of those Outposts and then transfer it to you, for example. 

Yup that isn't what cookies was about. Sookies didn't want to rage war if ppl don't like it at all sides then there isn't a way to do this. (cookies was a group of same minded ppl that want to make the game better for all with help, gear, events, ... => atm it's kind of silent in there but lets hope we can restart it)


#47 [en] 

What I was originally stating but not very clearly is that all factions should have high level launchers
I got your point and i don't argue the fact that, when numbers on battlefield are even or close to it, launchers provide huge advantage. They are indeed a force multiplier and you can beat 100 with 50, if you got a lot of them. But at some point it's not enough to overcome massive heals. Besides, "train for launcher ASAP" is not a tactic and neither training ele magic or 2H melee. Getting levels and gear it's preparation for PvP. But when it comes to actual battle there isn't much tactic in use of big guns. Shoot guards if you can get in range, shoot mages if you can't. That's all. I won't call it a tactic.

And how "get as much launchers as possible" is differ from "pile in as much 250's as you can". It's the same, but instead of brute force you have to bring as much force multipliers as you can. It's not a tactic, it's extensive use of some OP'd feature. Nothing stops bigger side from using this multiplier even more extensively. In the end we'll get 100 launchers vs 50 launchers. Guess which side is going to win?
I don't mind talking about the worth of enchants. If you have a team who every time in between using a skill, fire an enchant they can effectively double their power. This can turn 50 people into 100. Looks like a much fairer fight then.
Enchants can be resisted, they drain HP and sap, that means more work for your healers and if you don't have enough of them... Well, we are back to the numbers factor. Whatever you do with enchants, you can't beat the importance of sheer DPS or healing, can you? If everyone from Side B in my example (50 people) cast an offensive enchant, say stun spell, and all the enchants land... They have disabled 50 opponents at best. Doesn't matter, there is 50 more that will either crush them, while they hold the links, or heal up the stunned. Again, numbers win. If Side B casts elemental enchants, that increase their DPS for a bit, but not much. Casting high damage enchants will drain them a lot, surely it's better they'd cast "real" spells and swing their weapons instead, isn't it?

Nevermind. Lets say Side B somehow managed to crush Side A, thanks to Super Secret tactics. To trigger Defense stage at relevant OP they have to win 6 or 7 rounds. That's 30 and 35 minutes respectively. IIRC, the longest runs between respawn points and Outposts are about 10 minutes tops. Make it 15 minutes. Side A still got 15-20 minutes, plenty of time to respawn, heal up and come back to crush Side B. Surely their awesome Super Secret tactic will help them to kick out bigger force for second time in a row? Not to mention that for now Side B gotta deal with NPC as well?..

My point is - due to OP battles design smaller force can't beat bigger force. Of course, there are exceptions. Half of bigger force is low level characters, getting killed with one nuke, or they all wear choice gear, or half of them went AFK, or they scatter around every freaking time, picked out one by one, or something else. But you can't beat competent bigger team with smaller team, can you? Even if the bigger team is clueless, you can win against them for how many times? Two, three, ten?.. Surely, bigger force won't get smarter a bit and come to defeat smaller force? 

Now, i don't care what faction win or lose atm. However i do care about mass PvP getting boring for every side. Bigger team comes for a battle - they roflstomp opponents in first round and then all they have to do is killing NPC. Smaller team gets wiped every time, and eventually people start quitting and don't come at all. But again - turning OP battles into WoW battlegrounds isn't an option.

#48 [en] 

Training launcher is a valid tactic that will increase your wins at OPs. If the side of 50 had 30 launchers how do you think a battle would go? Its funny some people work so hard farming mobs for boosted gear yet don't train a simple skill that is extremely effective.

You miss the point. If a healer uses a bomb heal and then enchant bomb heals in between they double up in power. This can keep up with the increased sap usage from nukers doing enchant nukes with normal nukes. This turns one team into two. Also turns 50 into 100.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#49 [en] 

Virg (atys)

You miss the point. If a healer uses a bomb heal and then enchant bomb heals in between they double up in power. This can keep up with the increased sap usage from nukers doing enchant nukes with normal nukes. This turns one team into two. Also turns 50 into 100.

And 100 in 200... we're now 100 vs 200... your point is?

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Gkr (1 década hace)


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