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It's not my decision to make. Kitin are of course on my kill list and i don't cooperate with other factions above a very low level unless it's Kitin to kill. I can't force anyone to not see marauders as the prime evil and group up to fight us together. I can't force anyone to obey the lore of the factions they are playing and not help their enemies. 

On the other hand, cooperation is so easy. The whole game gets very easy and boring. The people who want ryzom to be a chat platform with peaceful mini game will always win cause they can simply wait for the others to be fed up and leaving.

It's the same with most CSR and Devs. I was told by a high ranking CSR any maraud stuff is of low priority because we have gotten so few in numbers. A self fulfilling prophecy of course. While everyone else gets free stuff (NH, kitin camps) and pve activity until they can't take it anymore (governments) we are left alone with an unfinished camp and worse than defunct guards. Wait it out, and the complaints will cease.

Yes it's bitter. It has been a year now.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear
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Last visit Thursday, 16 May 16:49:09 UTC

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